Re-evaluation Process

A Re-evaluation must be conducted at least every three years or earlier if conditions warrant. Re-evaluations may be requested by any member of the IEP team prior to the triennial due date (e.g., when teams suspect a new disability, when considering a change in eligibility for services, or for program planning purposes). This process involves a review of previous assessments, current academic performance, and input from a student’s parents, teachers, and related service providers. This information will be  documented on the Re-evaluation Summary Report (RSR). The documented previous assessments should include any assessment results obtained as part of an evaluation (e.g., comprehensive evaluation, program planning evaluation, secondary disability evaluation, or Independent Educational Evaluation).

Teams will review the RSR during an IEP meeting before deciding on and obtaining consent for re-evaluation needs. Therefore, it is advisable for the IEP team to meet at least 60 calendar days prior to the Re-evaluation due date. Reminder: All IEP and re-evaluation meetings require a 10-day notice of the meeting. Depending on the child’s needs and progress, Re-evaluation may not require the administration of tests or other formal measures. Consequently, the IEP team must thoroughly review all relevant data when determining each child’s evaluation need.

Some of the reasons for requesting early Re-evaluations may include:

The IEP team may decide an evaluation is needed or not in order to determine continued eligibility. All components of the RSR must be reviewed prior to determining the most appropriate decision for Re-evaluation. Reasons to consider evaluating or not are listed below.

Evaluation is needed:

The team determines no additional data and/or assessment is needed:

The Special Education Case Manager is responsible for scheduling the Re-evaluation meeting and ensuring that all required observation forms (i.e., Parent Observation, General Education Teacher Observation, Related Service Provider Observation, etc.) are completed prior to the Re-evaluation meeting. The Certifying Specialist will complete the RSR and will facilitate the Re-evaluation meeting. 

All Re-evaluation forms should be generated in . Please see the guidance below regarding Re-evaluations for students identified as having a Specific Learning Disability. 
