
FastBridge Assessments are the district preference for progress monitoring. Eligibility and Reevaluation progress monitoring is on grade level. 

FastBridge is what the district uses for reevaluation progress monitoring. 

Monitoring is done weekly/bi-weekly to gauge the effectiveness of targeted deficit intervention(s)

Please refer to the RTI2 Fast Bridge Page for additional guidance on the different assessments and reports:


Fast Bridge Universal Screening

Screening occurs three times each year at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. All students are screened at grade level to identify those who are significantly ahead or behind in meeting grade level expectations. Administered in math and reading, the reading test has two parts, ORF (oral reading fluency) and Maze (comprehension). For additional information about what screening data really means, click this link.

The purpose of screening is to quickly assess learning readiness based on grade level expectations. Student performance is compared to national percentiles and students scoring below the 25th percentile should receive additional assessment to determine the skill deficit that needs intervention. Identification of the specific skill deficit area will make intervention more effective.

Medical analogy: Screening is like going to the doctor for a check-up. It is a temperature check only. It is NOT diagnostic. If a high temperature exists, the doctor will schedule additional tests to determine the underlying problem. Medicine (intervention) would not be given until a diagnosis was made based on data gathered from the additional tests.

Additional assessments given to students to determine specific sub-skill deficits in an effort to make intervention as strategic and targeted as possible.

Medical analogy: The doctor orders additional tests (blood work, MRI, X-Rays) to determine exactly what the problem is and how best to treat it. As it would not make sense to prescribe medicine to a patient until the condition is identified, it does not make sense to put a student in an intervention class without knowing the specific skill deficit.

Universal Screener Flowchart.pdf
Math Progress Monitoring Options.pdf
Reading Progress Monitoring Options (003).pdf