

Interventions are provided as a direct service to address students’ deficits as decided by the IEP team through the student’s PLEPs and MAGs. A student may also need support with general education curriculum, perhaps homework assistance or additional practice; this would be considered a direct service, but not an intervention, because the content being taught is grade-level curriculum rather than skill-deficit gap closure. The frequency and duration of an intervention is an IEP team decision based on the needs of the individual at that time, including their current PLEPs and goals. However, since special education is the most intensive intervention, it must be more intensive than the intervention that a student would receive in Tier II or III of general education. A variety of intervention strategies and resources can be found on the CMCSS Response to Instruction and Intervention Site

Intervention effectiveness should be monitored through progress monitoring assessments. As students begin to close the gap, attempts should be made to reduce the intensity or the restriction of the environment in an effort to move the student toward more successful participation in the general education classroom within core instruction. The goal for all special education services is to provide the instruction, supports, and accommodations needed for a student to grow and to attain desired post-secondary outcomes. 

Tiered Intervention Guidance.pdf

Intervention Program and Resource Guidance Document

Intervention Programs and Strategies Guidance Document