November 27, 2022

From the Principal's Desk

We are excited to welcome everyone to our Holiday Lights event to be held this Friday, December 9th. Please read our PTA’s message with details related to the event, but note that we will be inviting everyone to join us “on foot” this year. We look forward to seeing you there for an evening of fun!

As the event is scheduled to be held outside, we are keeping a careful eye on the weather. Given the generators, lights, and other electrical equipment, rain will be a problem. We will make a decision by this Wednesday if we feel we need to change the event format. For example, we are considering moving it inside. We will communicate more information on Wednesday if necessary.


Morning Carpool

During morning carpool, please remember that students should only be dropped off at the roundabout. For safety reasons, students should not exit cars on the road parallel to the school.

Upcoming Events at CGE

  • December 2nd, Picture Retake Day

  • December 9th, Holiday Lights

  • December 13th- PTA Meeting, 5:30pm in the Library

  • December 13th- CGE Chorus Winter Concert at 6:00 p.m.

  • December 19th through January 2nd- Holiday Break (classes resume on January 3rd)

From the PTA

For more PTA news, click here.

There is a need for non-perishables this year!

Please consider helping our community if you are able.

Thank you!

We need your help to make Holiday Lights magical!

Please click here: to volunteer your time, and/or to loan or donate winter-themed holiday decorations. Thank you!

Around the School

Qtr 2 Reading Challenge

Here's the LINK!

Congrats to our 5th grade team that topped the list for Qtr 1!

No Fuss Fund Raiser

The Chatham Grove Elementary Staff Morale Leadership Team is asking for your help to reach our goal of raising $10,000 by the end of November to directly support staff morale in ways our PTA are unable to fund.

Many of you see firsthand how hard our staff works, and we appreciate your notes, emails, social media posts, and tokens of appreciation. What you may not know is that our school has its own Staff Morale Leadership Team, which is a group of 13 employees who oversee internal measures to boost staff morale behind the scenes to ensure our colleagues are supported personally and professionally throughout the year.

Our team would love to make our fundraiser as easy as possible. For this reason, we are piloting a “No-Fuss” Fundraiser, meaning there is nothing to sell, nothing to buy, and nothing to volunteer for. You simply submit a donation (in $10 increments). Every cent of your contribution stays at Chatham Grove Elementary School.

Here is a list of ways your donation could be used by CGE:

* Supporting staff during challenging times (e.g. providing dinner for an evening event, or breakfast during a difficult week)

* Celebrating staff and student birthdays

* Boosting staff morale with “random acts of treats” (e.g. our snack cart, chocolate in teachers’ mailboxes or in the lounge)

* Holiday gifting for staff

* Celebrating major life milestones with staff (e.g. engagements, anniversaries, babies, etc.)

* Supplemental materials for students

* Emotional support motivational incentives for students and staff

To donate, please go to

Before donating, you will need to set up an account at if you have not done so already.

We hope to conclude the donation drive on Nov. 30. Please also know we don’t take this request lightly. We are constantly impressed and grateful for your overwhelming support. In this Thanksgiving season, we are thankful for you all and proud of the community we are building.


The CGE Staff Morale Leadership Team