PhD Qualifying Exam: Pro Tips

Qualifying Exam Resources

You can find requirements regarding quals in the ESPM grad student handbook.


ESPM is very diverse in research interests, taxa, and approaches. Every quals experience is individual-, committee-, and division-specific, so we will do our best to provide general advice. So, in this panel we did our best to give general advice on how to prepare and succeed in the quals exam. Such advice may be useful or not to people depending on divisions, systems, labs, etc. in ESPM. 

This report summarizes the key points covered during the panel. By no means this aims to be a formal or comprehensive guide to the exam. 

A recording of the event is available upon request. Please contact the author (Ignacio Escalante, to access the recording online. Additionally, this is a work in progress, hence please feel free to contact the author with suggestions, comments, and feedback. 

Qualifying exam logistics and procedures

A summary of the process is given below. For questions and concerns, please contact your GSAO. 

** Your guiding profesor may serve on your committee, but they cannot serve as the chair, and this must be approved by your GSAO.

** Lecturers and adjuncts may NOT serve on committees

** You can have a maximum of one person from outside UC Berkeley and this must be approved by Grad Div. To do this,  you must get in touch with the HGA and your GSAO to file an exception. In order to have an external member, you have to justify this member by demonstrating that there is no one at UC Berkeley who can satisfy the expertise that you are looking for. If the person you want the must submit this form to get them into the Cal Central system

3. Poll their availability and agree to a date and time (this is honestly the hardest part!)

5. You will need to find and reserve a room. You can find more info on how to do that here!

6. Complete the electronic Qualifying Exam Form on CalCentral which is under "Higher Degreee Commitees Form"

7. Remind your committee members 2-3 weeks, and 2-3 days before your exam. 

9. After your exam (woo!), the results are sent to GradDiv by your Chair and GSAO.

10. Last step! Once results are in CalCentral, submit a the Advancement to Candidacy Form on CalCentral after your exam. This is especially important for international students. Through this form, you will confirm your Dissertation Committee. There is a $90 fee, but this is automatically covered by the Department. If this fee has not been taken care of by RRR week, reach out to your GSAO.  

For your dissertation committee, you will have a:

Extra members (consult with GSAOs about this)

The actual exam

*outcome scenarios: pass, partial pass, fail. If failed student can re-take the exam, either all sections or just the 1-2 sections they failed. 

General suggestions given in the panel 

[some of the outlined suggestions may be very division-, group- or even lab-specific. Be aware that the advice might not apply for your situation. Everyone’s experience with quals is very different. The suggestions below come from a limited sample size of students in ESPM that have found them useful in order to succeed in their exam.]

ContributorsKenzzo Esquivel