Student Governance

There are various student groups in the department. Please add your own organizations with link/contact so that people who are interested can find you!

The ESPM GSA (ESPM Graduate Student Association) is the department's graduate student government body. The group is responsible for representing the student body in conversation with department faculty, administrators, and the campus more broadly. Its members participate in the department's programmatic decisions, advocate for student well-being, and organize social and professional development activities. 

The GSA is open to all graduate students in ESPM, not just elected officials. Participating in the GSA is a great way to get to know other ESPM students and work to improve the department. Keep an eye out for the GSA's semi-weekly meetings (often with food!) and end of the year elections. 

(The GSA should not to be confused with the GA, (Graduate Assembly) which is a campus-wide grad student government. The ESPM GSA sends representatives to the GA.)

The ESPM Graduate Diversity Council is a graduate student group with a vested interest in the continued diversification of the students and faculty of the department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. We work to increase the presence of underrepresented groups in environmental fields through recruitment and retention efforts including workshops, speakers, special presentations, and mentoring. Co-facilitators for 2021-22 academic year are Kenzo Esquivel (kesquivel [at] and Annie Taylor (annalisetaylor [at] Please reach out if you have questions or want to be added to the listhost.