Museums & Culture


Free for students + one guest. Cool events, workshops, and exhibits, and they have a large collection of independent and art films that they feature. 

Oakland Museum of California

Exhibits on art, science, and California history. Every Friday evening, they have a party with music, food trucks, etc. 

San Francisco Symphony

Offers an awesome student discount - $20 a ticket (usually they're $70-160!) for you (student) and a friend. You just have to register by sending in a scan of your ID - site here

Lawrence Hall of Science

Free for Berkeley students & staff

California Academy of Sciences

Great science museum in Golden Gate Park, with a rainforest, aquarium, and green roof. They host themed evening events every Thursday, NightLife, with special exhibitions, music, and drinks.


Excellent collection but expensive and no student discount :-(

Museum of the African Diaspora

Asian Art Museum