Various Listserves

Listserves are email chains that go out to large groups of people. In ESPM, there are multiple listserves for different groups, but there is no single list serve that goes out to the entire department. The groups each have a name followed by Known list serves include: ESPM graduate students and masters students (espmdept_gradupdates), Each individual cohort year (espm####), ESPM faculty (espm_allfaculty), ESPM post docs (espm_postdocs), S&E (sestudents2), the Range group (ucb.range), GSA (recreated each year), GDC (individually organized).

As an ESPM Graduate Student, you may wish to subscribe to multiple mailing lists. To be honest, the ESPM email lists are not super organized. You may also want to sign up for the ESPM Slack channel for communication.

ESPM Graduate Students Mailing List (espm_gradupdates)

This is the primary mailing list for the ESPM Graduate Student Community. You should have automatically been subscribed when you started your course. If you're not, you definitely want to be subscribed to this or risk missing important departmental information, announcements, or deadlines. This is also the list to use to communicate with fellow graduate students, request help, celebrate passing quals, and so on. As a general rule, this list is populated only with grad students (and maybe a few postdocs who used to be grad students). Not having faculty or staff on the list gives us more freedom to address controversial topics, but note that it is still moderated by GSAOs.

Sometimes people don't have time to read the emails from the listserve and unsubscribe. This is totally your choice. The Newsletter and the grad students mailing list are managed separately so that ideally, people who don't want lots of email still have access to official announcements and news.

Currently known ESPM graduate student lists

1. This is the list that all grad students are supposed to be on automatically. If you are not on the list, contact Ryann or Zarah to be added to it.

Signup through (need further tests)

1. Log in 

2. choose 'Manage Your Mailing Lists' from the sidebar

3. Supposedly if you type the list address into the text box, you just need to click Subscribe (Yet it does not work for me as for March 2019 - search returns no result. Please contact me at if you figure out ways).

4. You can unsubscribe from lists or make a mailing list of your own with this interface, too.

GSA has a Wiki&Listserv chair position! 

Contact Daniela Rodriguez-Chavez, the 2023-2024 ESPM Wiki and Slack Coordinator!

Contributors:Wenjing Xu, ESPM WIKI V1.0