Sports & Dance

Intramural Sports!

Intramural sports are a great way to meet people and stay active. ESPM currently has a few department teams, including softball (ask Andy Rothstein), ultimate frisbee and soccer. Ask around to see who the captains are for each semester, or start your own team!

Student Tickets for Cal Athletics!

Take advantage of discounted student tickets for all manner of Cal Athletics by visiting The Bench!

ESPM IM Ultimate Frisbee

Discus Elegans is the greatest Cal Ultimate team to have ever existed. They play with extreme grace and athletic prowess and their arch rival is the PhySUCks team. They are known for bringing great music to games, playing Stubby Guts afterwards, and hosting killer bachelorette parties. 

Gym Membership

All students get free access to campus Rec Sports facilities, including the RSF gym, various pools, and group exercise classes at the RSF.


The Bay area has many diverse yoga options, including Vinyasa, Hot, Power, Basics, and Stretching. Some great options to check out include: Yoga to the People (flexible pricing) and Rec Sports facilities.


There are many ways to get your dance fix in. If you want to put a smile on your face, move around and get some exercise, and follow someone else's fun moves for an hour, try the RSF cardio hip hop dance workout on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM or various RSF Zumba classes (especially Willa's class Tuesdays at noon). 

If the RSF offerings don't meet all your dance needs, check out these options in Berkeley and beyond:

For a fun night out dancing with your friends, try:

Looking for some queer line dancing?