Grading System/Quality Points

Grading System/Quality Points

All courses are assigned the same quality point value except those courses designated as honor courses. Each honors course will receive one additional quality point value. Class rank shall be based on quality points achieved. Students and parents/guardians should review and carefully select honors courses when choosing a program of study.

A - 90-100 Excellent

B - 80-89 Above Average

C - 70-79 Average

D - 60-69 Below Average but Passing

F - Below 60 - Failure

For students who entered the 9th grade in 2015-2016 and after, grades are weighted as follows:

If an A Equals 4 Quality Points:

Grade Quality Points

A 4

B 3

C 2

D 1

F 0

Because of the especially challenging demand of honors courses, grades for certain honors classes are weighted with an additional 0.5 quality point.

If an A Equals 4 Quality Points:

Grade Quality Points

A 4.5

B 3.5

C 2.5

D 1.5

F 0

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are yearlong courses designed to prepare highly motivated students for the advanced placement exam to earn college credit. These courses are further weighted and a combination 5 and 4.5 point scale is used:

First Semester (Honors Credit) Second Semester (AP Credit)

Grade Quality Points Grade Quality Points

A 4.5 A 5

B 3.5 B 4

C 2.5 C 3

D 1.5 D 2

F 0 F 0

Students wishing to take Advanced Placement Courses must have the AP Recommendation Form completed. *Form can be found in Student Services.