Course Prerequisites and Recommendations

All courses at Asheboro High School are open to all students regardless of sex, race, religion, national origin, or handicapping condition.


Some courses must be passed in a logical sequence; therefore, students must adhere to the prerequisite courses, as students are not permitted to enroll in the second year of any course until they have successfully completed (i.e., earned a passing grade in or shown proficiency) the first year of the course.


In addition to or in lieu of prerequisites, specific departmental recommendations are listed for certain courses. While these recommendations do not limit one’s decision to enroll, the listed criteria are based on a professional assessment of characteristics of students who are generally successful in these courses. These recommendations should be carefully considered during registration.

Students choosing to not follow teacher recommendation regarding a specific level of coursework must complete the Parent/Guardian Waiver Form: Academic Course Level. *Form can be found in Student Services.