Zoo School



This course surveys the major taxa of the animal kingdom and provides an introduction to animal anatomy, physiology, ecology and evolution.Students will establish a knowledge base for advanced work in the biological sciences through developing an understanding of the principles of animal taxonomy and knowledge of the characteristics of the major phyla of animals, using the NC Zoo as a teaching backdrop. During this class I hope help promote an appreciation of the diversity of animal life and its ecological significance. We will also introduce the structure and function of the principal body systems of animals and you will also develop laboratory skills necessary for biological study.


TYPE: Regular

GRADE: 10-12

Special Interest Science - Anatomy & Physiology


This course is designed for the student with a strong background and interest in biological sciences, health care and/or veterinary medicine. A detailed study of the structure and functioning of the mammalian body provides the framework for this class. Students are expected to complete research, both in the classroom and in the NC Zoo, and engage in online and interactive investigations in this course. Both independent and collaborative anatomy/physiology projects will be expected and will reflect an honors-level.


TYPE: Honors

GRADE: 10-12

PREREQUISITE: Completion of Honors Biology or Biology

Special Interest Science - Forensics


This course is designed to challenge students with topics such as fingerprinting analysis, DNA analysis, blood typing and spattering, trajectories (for ballistics as well as blood spattering) comparative anatomy, chemical analysis of drugs, poisons, and trace evidence, and the dynamics of Physics. Students will learn about the careers involved with Forensic Science and will play mock roles as experts in the field to solve crimes. They will use Project Based Learning to learn teamwork in solving the mock crimes and have a chance to change their roles as the year progresses. The students will all be given the tools to interpret data and techniques involved for both chemical and biological analysis of evidence.


TYPE: Regular

GRADE: 10-12

Math in Action


The course will be project-based with an emphasis on real-world design problems, research, development, and testing of solutions. Since the course focuses on design, students will be required to utilize CAD software to develop and present coursework throughout the semester. Students will learn how to transfer raw ideas from sketches and basic models to technical, functional designs which can then be created and applied to solve problems. In becoming skilled in using CAD, students will be prepared for graphics courses associated with engineering curriculums in post-secondary schooling.

Projects will focus on stationary structures for the majority of the class in an effort to increase student knowledge of statics. Students will need a strong background in geometry and knowledge of trigonometric principles applicable to design principles. Students will be introduced to aspects of material science/application as well as emerging technologies (green and the like) which can be researched and applied for particular projects. Chemical reactivity will be addressed in minimal fashion here as well as electrical conductivity. Students will utilize the following concepts:

Geometry – principles and definition of 2D and 3D shapes, measurement, using design software

Trigonometry – deciphering aspects of stress dispersion based on design shape(s)

Material Science – hardness, strength, chemical composition

Green Technology – safe, sustainable requirements in new technologies and design

Statistics – analysis of data collected via research and/or experimentation

Algebra – working with equations and graphs to examine potential cause/effect relationships


TYPE: Regular

GRADE: 10-12

PREREQUISITE: Honors NC Math III (C or Better)



This is an elective course which engages students in the understanding, articulation and dissemination of psychology as a science. Students are introduced to psychology, with a focus on the scientific study of human development, learning, motivation and personality.


TYPE: Regular

GRADE: 10-12