

You always were there and you've always been excited for my accomplishments and the things that I am excited for. You've always been so supportive and accepting, I see it with the class I was in and when I came for access. You are always so easy to approach and talk to and you've helped me learn a little more Spanish as well as art. You've pushed me outside my comfort zone when it comes to art as well and showed me that I can do more than I think I can, I'm going to miss this class next year but I know I can always come to you with good or bad news :) Thanks!!


You have made me realize that in the real world we have to turn in things on time.

You have given me feedback on my pieces that I had not realized. You have improved my artistic talent by showing me how to improve by correcting the value in the piece, adding emphasis and color balance. Now I will remember to always look at the elements of art and principles of design.


You have taught me how mistakes are always fixable, and most of the times make your pieces look amazing

You also taught me that stressing out does not solve any problems

You have 100% supported me as an artist even when im not that good, thank you for that




Ms. Cantu has encouraged the students to challenge themselves, to approach our artwork with different techniques and ideas. She gave us constant feedback on our projects, and that helped us to become aware that someone cares for us, for our progress.

I would have not came to this point without Ms. Cantu, someone who would encourage me to become a creative thinker as an artist. She made me feel confidence in my work. She has helped me to polish my art pieces even if they were not school projects.


You helped us grow as artists by showing us which techniques to use for different types of media used. This techniques helped us find ways to make our art pieces more interesting and attractive.

You push us to do our best in all the projects. When you know we can do a better job you tell us to do a better job which helps us become better artists.

I got this letter from Sophie Choi who is currently taking my AP Studio Art 2D Design class. Makes me smile!


Hola misss, estas dos preguntas las puedo contestar con una frase que me repetiste durante TODO el año, "nombreee, no tenga miedoooo!" desde que comence tu clase siempre he tenido como miedo de empezar mis proyectos y durante este año me enseñaste a no tenerle miedo a empezar, también a cómo hacer que un error parezca parte de el dibujo, pintura, este año estuvo lleno de proyectos y aprendizaje que me preparo mucho para lo que viene en la siguiente etapa de mi vida, siempre me apoyaste con las ideas que tenías y siempre me hacías pensar más, cuando ya tenía mi idea me dabas mas ideas para ver si podía mejorar lo que tenia y me enseñaste que las cosas siempre pueden ser mejor, me ayudaste con la preparación del trabajo intenso que tendré en carrera, muchísimas gracias por todo este año, voy a extrañar mucho la clase!