


The middle school students recently had the pleasure of having Carl “Energizer” Olson at the American School Foundation of Monterrey during the week of August 11-15, 2014.

Mary Brey and I contacted Carl about the possibility of having him come to our school and it became a reality.

We had two major focuses for Carl: one was to work with the middle school teachers on the advisory program and giving ideas and strategies for making this program work in every classroom. On Monday August 11 from 10-12 am the teachers had a very lively session. Carl definitely gave teachers a very positive feeling about why we are teachers and what our roles in our students’ lives can be. He also gave everyday advice and useful tips on how to keep students engaged and feel welcome in every class. We definitely ran out of time. Teachers wished they had had more time with Carl!

Then, on Friday August 15 Carl had sessions with each grade level (6, 7 and 8) in the gym. He catered for every grade level and spoke to the students about being active and engaged learners and how this will affect their future in a positive way. He used magic tricks, music and activities that showed how everyone could be successful in school. Students were very impressed with him. Many said that having come to school and do activities with him was a great way to start the year.

When Carl was not presenting he was available to all the middle and high school teachers in our building. He gave them ideas, strategies and presentations that they can use in their own classrooms. He also spoke to student groups like National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society and Global Initiatives Network about how to help and be advocates for other students and their community.

Overall it was a wonderful week. Carl was very gracious and available for every teacher who had a question for him. We hope we can work together again soon. We thank him for the experience and knowledge he left with us.



As Advisory Leader, I helped organize and lead Professional Development for teachers so that they could feel more comfortable and immersed, ready to lead an Advisory group.

The station I was in charge of was called "Learner Profile Cards". Jennifer Sikes and myself lead this session where we explained how to fill out the cards with the students so that both them an us could learn more about themselves.

There were other stations where the participants had to participate in team building activities and we even got to rappel!



I was MS Advisory Coordinator for three years. During this time I designed weekly activities, Student Led Conferences, Advisory Day for students and training for teachers as well.

These are examples of some of the lessons I planned, shared and used with all MS students.

True Colors Student Workshop.pptx
Advisory Presentation.pptx
ingredients of succes.ppt



Last year I worked closely with Ronald Lalonde on the MS Advisory program. I helped him plan and design lessons for the students that were used by the entire middle school at ASFM. Ron will be leaving at the end of this school year and I saw the need to continue with his work.

Because of this I created a proposal for a new position called "Advisory Coordinator". Below is part of my proposal for Administration.

Ron Lalonde started the advisory program last year. He had a vision and the certainty that every student should have an adult advocate and they should feel safe at school, amongst other things. I have been working very closely with him since last year trying to learn as much as possible about this initiative and its benefits.

I believe that it is a beneficial program for both teachers and students. I have faith in that the time we spend with our students is valuable and necessary. In order to keep this program going we need sustainability. I am a local hire in the school and I plan on being around for some time. My goals also include to keep making the school a more welcoming place for students. This feeling can be spread out more consistently through our advisory program through the coordinator.

Since Ron is leaving at the end of the school year, I want to step up and assure that what is done in advisory is within the best interest to our students.

-Overseeing the program’s schedule and topics to guarantee that it meets the needs of our students

-Prepare the weekly lessons for every grade level and share these with teachers so that they are equipped for this time too

-Doing research on other Advisory programs to see how we can improve ours

-Training teachers on the topics they might feel somewhat alien to and also getting on board those who don’t seem fully committed to the program

-Attend the team meetings regularly to discuss the program and hear suggestions, answer questions, make possible changes, etc.