Clinical Practice Resources

Assignment Guide

NOTE: Please defer to your University Coach's schedule for your Clinical Practice situation - this is a guide and is to be individualized for you.

Week 1: Enroll in Sibme (Account ID 4154) and Complete the  Sibme 101 walkthrough. Enroll in your UC's Clinical Practice Learning Team (CPLT) Canvas Course (instructions will be in email from UC). Engage with Coach about CPLT Meeting.

Week 2: Introductory Video (3-5 Minutes). Participate in TC-UC-CT Initial Triad Meeting.  Review assignment schedule in Canvas - add to own calendar.

Week 3: Observation 1: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections A&D. Participate in CPLT Meeting.

Week 4: Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach.

Week 5: Observation 2: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections B&D. Participate in CPLT Meeting.

Week 6: Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach. 

Week 7: CalTPA Cycle 1 . Participate in CPLT Meeting and/or One-on-One Coaching Session.

Week 8: Observation 3: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections C&D.  Participate in TC-UC-CT Midpoint Triad Meeting. 

Session 2 

Week 1: Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach. Participate in CPLT Meeting.

Week 2: Observation 4: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections from UC. 

Week 3: Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach. Participate in CPLT Meeting.

Week 4: Observation 5: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections from UC

Week 5: Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach. Participate in CPLT Meeting and/or One-on-One Coaching Session.

Week 6: Observation 6: Focus on Observation Rubric Sections from UC

Week 7:  Wrap-Around Reflection w/ University Coach. CalTPA Cycle 2 . Participate in CPLT Meeting.

Week 8: Complete All Items. Participate in TC-UC-CT Final Triad Meeting (optional). 

GenEd Teacher Candidates: Multiple Subject & Single Subject Syllabi 

SPED Teacher Candidates: SPED Syllabi

Clinical Practice Orientation

Spring 2024

Orientation consists of: 

1. Reviewing the Module videos or reading the PDF notes.

Part 1 for general expectations and requirements

Part 2 for credential-specific expectations and requirements

2. Completing the Orientation Exit Ticket.

All Teacher Candidates participating in Clinical Practice are required to complete their Clinical Practice Orientation. Submit screenshot of completed Exit Ticket into CPLT Canvas course.

Spring 2024 GenEd Teacher Candidates & Cooperating Teachers/Site Mentors: Multiple Subject & Single Subject

Part 1: Clinical Practice Orientation video

Part 1: Clinical Practice Orientation notes

Part 2: GenEd Orientation Module video 

Part 2: GenEd Orientation Module PDF Notes

After completing the Module, submit the Orientation Exit Ticket (see below) to receive "credit" for participating.  **submit screenshot into CPLT Canvas course**

Please email questions to

Orientation Exit Ticket for GenEd Teacher Candidates and their UM/Coaches

Orientation Exit Ticket for Master/Cooperating Teachers/Site Mentors/Administrators 

ONLINE Clinical Practice Q&A Session scheduled specifically for GenEd credentials:

Spring 2024 SPED Teacher Candidates & Cooperating Teachers/Site Mentors: Mild/Moderate & Moderate/Severe

Part 1: Clinical Practice Orientation video

Part 1: Clinical Practice Orientation notes

Part 2: SPED Orientation Module video 

Part 2: SPED Orientation Module PDF Notes 

After completing the Module, submit the Orientation Exit Ticket (see below) to receive "credit" for participating.  **submit screenshot into CPLT Canvas course**

Please email questions to

Orientation Exit Ticket for SPED Teacher Candidates and their UM/Coaches

Orientation Exit Ticket for Master/Cooperating Teachers/Site Mentors/Administrators 

ONLINE Clinical Practice Q&A Session scheduled specifically for SPED credentials:

Co-Teaching Information

Co-Teaching Model

Traditionally, TCs have slowly and deliberately worked with the CT to assume the primary role of instruction.  During the complete takeover period, it is not uncommon for the CT, while still in the room, to work on other tasks such as curriculum development, Tier Two instruction groups, or other related tasks.

We encourage CTs and TCs, with support from the UC, to consider a team-teaching model. While team teaching or co-teaching is not a new model in schools, it is applicable to the CP experience. This approach allows two professionals to work together to support student learning. The co-teaching model of CP allows students increased opportunities to get help when and how they need it. It affords teachers opportunities to incorporate co-teaching strategies, grouping and educating students in ways that are not possible with just one teacher.

We truly believe that this structure will provide our TCs with a full and rigorous CP experience and allow the CT to remain involved in the quality of learning experiences presented to students. The partnership allows the CT to provide consistent mentoring, providing the TC with the time and support necessary to gain skills and confidence required to teach successfully.

Suggestions for implementing a co-teaching model.

Takeover Planning Guidance (UC will provide guidance specific to each TC's situation)

Please refer to Clinical Experience Handbook.

Sibme Screen Recording

Applying for the Preliminary Teaching Credential

As teacher candidates draw to the end of the Clinical Practice experience, most are also drawing to the end of the credential portion of the program.  It is important for teacher candidates to be in communication with their Credential Analyst about the Credential Recommendation process.  Please visit the Office of Credentials website for more information.