
Individual Calibration (Fall 2019)

Individual Video Calibration 1 (Due 9/30/2019)

Complete calibration required to be completed or in process during Fall 2019, in order to mentor Teacher Candidates.

1. Review/take scripted notes for MULT or SING video that best matches your credential area 

(SPED videos are not available - APU will compile and calibrate those in the future)

MULT Video 1 

SING Video 1 

2. Complete the Video Calibration Form 1 scoring the 14 CREATe Items

MULT Video Calibration Form 1

SING Video Calibration Form 1 

3. Receive feedback on “Calibrated” or “Additional Calibration Required”

Group Calibration (March 2019)

Credential Group Calibration Part 2 (due 4/1)

A) Review your Credential Group's scores and Fresno State's calibrated scores

B) Compare your scores with group and calibrated scores

C) Write note (in Rationale column next to your score) why you believe your score was different or same as group and as calibrated 

Multiple Subject Credential Group

Single Subject Credential Group

Educational Specialist Credential Group

D) Add to your group's Frayer Models, as you learn more about each Item:


Please only view the first 20 minutes. Since we do not have access to the lesson plan, only consider what is seen in the video when scoring.

Individual scoring due 3/19

Group discussion due 4/1

All groups will review and score the same Fresno State - provided video (We are working to capture our own individual Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Educational Specialist videos for future trainings.) Your scores will be documented using a Google Form and will be shared with your Credential Group for comparison and discussion. You will compare your scores with those in your group and with Fresno States' calibrated scores, stating why you agree or disagree with other scores. This process is to prepare you for Individual Calibration in April, where you will view and score videos, and send your scores to me for comparison with calibrated scores.

Credential Group Calibration Part 1 (due 3/19) (maximum expected time: 1 hour)

1) View video provided below, taking scripted notes or your own process

2) Score each of the 14 CREATe Items (no Actionable Feedback required)

3) Select your Credential Area's Google Form from below

4) Mark your scores and submit your Google Form

Your Credential Area's scores with Fresno States' calibrated scores will be emailed to you on 3/20 for Part 2.


Scoring Forms:

Multiple Subject Credential Group

Single Subject Credential Group

Educational Specialist Credential Group

Credential Group Calibration Part 2 (due 4/1)

A) Review your Credential Group's scores and Fresno States' calibrated scores

B) Compare your scores with group and calibrated scores

C) Write note (in Rationale column next to your score) why you believe your score was different or same as group and as calibrated 

D) Add to your group's Frayer Models, as you learn more about each Item:


You are now ready for Individual Calibration, which will be online during April!

Training 2: Pre-Calibration (January 2019)