Frequently Asked Questions

How do the ePortfolio and Taskstream assignments connect?

The ePortfolio is created in Taskstream. Taskstream also will “hold” other assignments, not part of the ePortfolio. The specific DRF will instruct the Teacher Candidate (TC) as to what is required for submission. So, TC is to upload as instructed in Taskstream as well as in the ePortfolio, if necessary.

What are the requirements for reflections?

Teacher Candidates must complete a reflection for each of the formal observations. In addition, according to the SPED Handbook mid-point and final self-reflection also are required. Teacher Candidates must include reflections in their ePortfolio (2 - beginning, 1 mid-point (SPED), 2 - end). It is up to the discretion of the University Mentor as to how many reflections are necessary, as long as these specific reflections are completed.

How should I advise my Teacher Candidate to complete the ePortfolio?

Slow and steady wins the race :) The ePortfolio is due at the end of Clinical Practice (CP), but one of the most common issues I have heard about ePortfolios is that it is a big project if one waits until the end. Better to keep in mind what needs to be submitted and work on it weekly. School information is used to become familiar with the Teacher Candidate’s school so should be collected (and uploaded) early in CP. (MS/SS) Classroom Management and Organizations should be updated weekly with the schedules. The other items should be collected early in order to learn student names (seat chart - but upload without names for ePortfolio). (SPED) Agreement of Understanding is signed at the beginning of CP so should be uploaded early. (SPED) Demonstration of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) should be collected as artifacts are prepared. Reflections are great items to add at the end just before the (SPED) Final Self-Reflection is prepared - another time to review and reflect upon the entire experience.