Video Coaching


Observations will be completed via Video Coaching (in Sibme), as detailed in the Video Observation Protocol on the Participating in Clinical Practice subpage.

If you would like your Teacher Candidate to prepare a short video clip to address specific Actionable Feedback or a focus between the full formal Observations, you may. As the mentor, you know the needs of your Candidate.

Please be mindful that Candidates are working on CalTPA Cycles 1 & 2 and completing coursework so have much going on as they complete their program.

Weekly Email samples for  Teacher Candidates have been created in our Website for your reference and use. 

University Coaches and Teacher Candidates Sibme Tutorial

Sibme 101 User Course 

Individuals will have to enroll for free in the course (the "create an account" option) before being able to take it. Eventually, Sibme plans to have a single sign-on option with your Sibme account, so you may want to use the same sign on credentials for both Sibme and the learning center.

Coaches: Please share this link with your Contracted Teacher Candidates. Here is the email I sent my candidates.

Clinical Practice Assignment Guide: See Canvas Course

Sample Video Coaching Parent Letter

If requested by school for a student/parent opt-out letter for Video Coaching, you may provide this sample/template to your Teacher Candidate. The letter should be provided only if requested. APU has MOUs that cover coaching/mentor using video. However, some principals may request for their school.

Sample Sibme Video Coaching Parent Letter.docx