Intern Support Hours

Support Hours Expectation (for each 8-week session)

24 hours of District/School and 12 hours of APU

(+ 11-12 hours for EL)

If you do not have a valid English Learner authorization on a previously issued Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Teaching Credential (or a valid CLAD authorization), you also need 11 - 12 hours of EL support (by District and/or APU). The EL hours in addition to the 24 District and 12 APU hours.

So, a total of 47-48 hours would be logged each session (General + EL).


For Interns in San Diego USD, 18 hours of support are to be provided by District/School and 18 hours by APU, for each session.

For Interns in Los Angeles USD, 21 hours of support are to be provided by District/School and 15 hours by APU, for each session.   

(+ 11-12 hours for EL, if required)

Intern Support and Supervision Form

Intern: Support and Supervision Log

Support and Supervision Log and Form Instructions

APU Support Ideas

Please consider specific challenges you are facing in your classroom and ask your APU Coach for ideas:  Are you successfully supporting English Language Learners in your classroom? How are you encouraging that quiet student sitting in the back of the room? How are you challenging the early finishers, more than giving an extra worksheet? Here are some ideas to consider, try, and discuss with your Coach (and log your hours considering, trying, and discussing):

Supporting English Language Learners

Encouraging Quiet Students

Challenging Early Finishers (ideas for elementary classroom that could be modified for all grade levels)

The CTC indicates that support activities may include the following:

●  Classroom observations and coaching

●  Support related to observations, planning, problem­-solving, and/or instruction

●  Activities specifically addressing intern's classroom

●  Grade level or department meetings related to curriculum, planning and/or instruction

●  New teacher orientation

●  Coaching from Administrator

●  Co­planning with EL or SPED expert

●  Observing SDAIE/ELD lessons online or in person

●  Release time for participation in district/regional groups

●  Review and discussion of test results with colleagues

●  Weekly planning and/or review of plans with EL authorized credential holder

Additional Support

The APU School of Education Alumni and Professional Services offers multiple development opportunities for additional “support” in internships (e.g., RICA Workshops). Any workshop or seminar that directly supports teaching may be logged as APU Support and Supervision. This support would be in addition to the direct Support and Supervision receives from the University Coach. The Alumni & Professional Services website provides up ­to­ date information.

Continued Support post-Clinical Practice

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Upon completion of 16 weeks of Clinical Practice, a Teacher Candidate with an Intern Credential (Intern) has one additional eight-week session to complete the Preliminary Credential requirements, the application and be recommended for the Preliminary Credential. This includes passing the RICA for those candidates working toward a Preliminary Credential requiring RICA.

Failure to either maintain eligibility for the Intern Credential or to complete the Preliminary Credential requirements and application within one additional eight-week session following completion of Clinical Practice will result in withdrawal of the Intern Credential which could impact the candidate’s employment.

Starting mid-Session

If the internship begins partway through an APU session a minimum of 4.5 hours per week of general Support and Supervision ­ and about 1.5 hours per week of EL specific Support and Supervision needs to be logged. For example: if beginning Week 5 of session, the Intern only will be recording 3 weeks of regular Support and Supervision – so about 18 hours total will be recorded.