Artifact Collection

Artifact Collection in Clinical Practice

As you work through your Clinical Practice, add artifacts to your CPLT Canvas Course. During the Clinical Practice semester, Coaches "Evaluate"/"Score Work" these artifacts in Canvas.  If an artifact does not initially meet expectations, the Coach will instruct the TC to submit the missing item(s).

Below are the requirements for GenEd and SPED Artifact Collection. Coaches are only to note if Clinical Practice items are included; Field Experience artifacts were assessed by previous course instructors.

GenEd Artifact Requirements

Individual Development Plans

School Information

Lesson Plans

Observation Reports


Focus Form(s) (if completed)

SPED Artifact Requirements

Individual Development Plans

School Information

Agreement of Understanding (blank located on last page of CP Syllabus for Session 1)

Lesson Plans

Observation Reports


Focus Form (if completed)

Final Self-Reflection