Clinical Practice Observations

Yun, C., & Bennett, L.H. (2017). Continuum of Reflective, Engaging, and Accessible Teaching (CREATe) Rubric [Rubric and manual]. Unpublished instrument. Fresno, CA: Fresno State.

Clinical Practice/CREATe Observation Rubrics


Observations will be completed via Video Coaching (in Sibme), as detailed in the Video Observation Protocol contained on the Participating in Clinical Practice subpage. 

If you would like your Teacher Candidate to prepare a short video clip to address specific Actionable Feedback or a focus between the full formal Observations, you may. As the mentor, you know the needs of your Candidate.

Please be mindful that Candidates are working on CalTPA Cycles 1 & 2 and completing coursework so have much going on as they complete their program.

Weekly Email samples for  Teacher Candidates have been created for your reference and use below.

2019-2020 APU CREATe Observation Rubrics.pdf
MASTER Rubric Manual - Part 1.pdf

Clinical Practice CREATe Rubric Support Materials

Observation Feedback Form (w.Scripted Notes) (2).docx
CPEvalCrit_SelfAssessment VLC.pdf
Form LsnOb EvidFORM VLC.pdf
Clinical Practice CREATe Observation Rubric Form

Clinical Practice Rubric Training Video

Sample Student Licensure and Learning University Coach Observation Form

Fall 2019 Clinical Practice Form for Taskstream.pdf

Student Learning and Licensure Video Training

Step-by-Step Clinical Practice SL &L Guide

Student Learning and Licensure Guide

Focus Form 

To be used if Requires Immediate Support: Focus Form (0) is marked on University Mentor Observation Report

If a candidate receives an "0 - Requires Immediate Support: Focus Form," implement the Focus Form process to develop a rapid intervention plan (

FOCUS FORM sep2018.pdf

2018-19 Training Sessions

Training 1: Introduction

Offsite CREATe Rubric Training Day 1.pptx

Training 2: Pre-Calibration