Policy on

Private School / Non-Public School (NPS)

Policy on Use of Private Schools/Non-Public Schools (NPS)

Generally all Field Experience and Clinical Practice occurs via placement in California public schools. In some limited situations full-time teaching at a private school may be approved as a placement for Field Experience and/or Clinical Practice.

The state requires teacher candidates who are working in private schools and seeking a credential to complete a substantive clinical experience of at least 600 hours in a diverse school setting where the curriculum aligns with California’s adopted content standards and frameworks and the school reflects the diversity of California’s student population. Generally the school site must include at least 25% minority students and at least 10% English Language Learners.

In addition, for teacher candidates to successfully complete the new CalTPA they must have an English Learner; a student on an IEP, 504 plan, or GATE; and a student from another underserved group.

If a teacher candidate wishes to use private school teaching experience for field experience and clinical practice, the teacher candidate must submit the following to their Credential Analyst to be reviewed and passed on to the Director of Clinical Experiences:

  • A copy of their teaching contract.

  • A letter from their administrator on school letterhead. (Sample Principal Letters notating the specific requirements needed can be obtained from your Credential Analyst).

  • Evidence of regional accreditation for the private school such as a photocopy of the regional accreditation agency certificate or letter to the private school verifying regional accreditation during the academic year(s) the teacher candidate is attempting to complete Field Experience and/or Clinical Practice. If the school site is not regionally (WASC) accredited, it cannot be used for Field Experience or Clinical Practice.

Please contact Office of Student Placements if you have further questions regarding the use of a private school for Field Experience and/or Clinical Practice.