Senior Spotlight

Spencer dabney

How did you spend your holidays? Stayed at home on Christmas, but worked as much as I could.

Favorite Christmas present: A Leatherman® Rebar® multi-tool

New Year's Resolutions for 2021: To either spend time doing what I love, or make myself love what I spend my time doing.

How are you feeling now that you're halfway done with your senior year? Hey, I've already heard back from most of the colleges I've applied to, so as far as I'm concerned, my days of trying in school are over.

Plans for after graduation: I hope to get a dead-end office job where I am underpaid, undervalued and overworked, but much more likely go to college.

Dream job: Something in the general field of computer engineering. I believe I have the capacity to be happy in any job.

Favorite song at the moment: either "Keep it Greasy" or "The Muffin Man" both by Frank Zappa

Celebrity crush: Jason Alexander

Netflix guilty pleasure: I tend to not watch too much Netflix, or any streaming service for that matter, as it is to my belief that the chief goal of most of these services is to control the minds of the masses and to limit the mental capacity of the viewer.

Randy Jung

How did you spend your holidays? I spent most of the time at home with my family.

Favorite Christmas present: Chocolates were nice

New Year's Resolutions for 2021: My New Year's Resolution in 2018 was to stop making New Year's Resolutions.

How are you feeling now that you're halfway done with your senior year? In terms of anything school-related, my senior year doesn't feel too different from any other year, so I don't pay much attention to it.

Plans for after graduation: I plan to go to college, get a job, make a family, and live happily ever after! The end.

Dream job: Any engineering job where I'm allowed to actually design something because invention and creation are very fun for me.

Favorite song at the moment: Synchronicity II or literally any other Police song

Celebrity crush: I'd like to crush almost all celebrities.

Netflix guilty pleasure: The guilty pleasure is that I don't watch Netflix. But outside of Netflix, I guess it's Monty Python