1st Grade

Content Standards

1. Students will demonstrate understanding of history.

    a. Recite the months of the year

    b. Distinguish among past, present, and future

2. Students will demonstrate understanding of government/political science.

    a. Identify authority figures in home, school, and community

    b. Recognize symbols of the United States

        1. National Flag (red, white, and blue)

        2. Pledge of Allegiance

        3. Bald Eagle

    c. Recognize the need for rules in different settings and the need for fairness in such roles.

    d. Recognize the consequences of violating rules.

3. Students will demonstrate understanding of geography.

    a. Identify terms related to location, direction, and distance

        1. Left/right

        2. Near/far

    b. Recite and know the purpose of home address and phone number

    c. Identify physical features (lake, ocean, mountain)

4. Students will demonstrate understanding of economics.

    a. Describe the ways people produce, consume, and exchange goods and services within their community

    b. Recognize ways people obtain goods and services (money, trade, barter)

    c. Recognize various forms of US currency (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar bill)

Developmental Standards for All Grades

1. Students will be able to interact well with all people, appreciate cultural diversity, and work cooperatively.

2. Students will be able to apply thinking, research, and communication skills to the social sciences.

3. Students will be able to function properly as a citizen of your community, state, and nation.

4. Students will be able to relate current events to past, future, and current life and heritage.

5. Students will understand the relationships and changes, which occur between individual and the self, others, the group, and social systems.