
Welcome to biology! I am unbelievably excited to be teaching in the place I call home and working with the students at KHS.

This site should serve as a foundation for the information necessary to achieve success in my class. Please utilize the Academic Agendas for your section of biology.

Necessary Supplies for All Students

    1. Spiral bound notebook or binder with loose leaf paper

    2. folders for organizing handouts/returned work

    3. pens/pencils

    4. air pods/ear buds/headphones

    5. Chromebook or personal laptop


It is HIGHLY recommended that you maintain a biology notebook. I think it is better to maintain an organizational system which best fits you, instead of me telling you what to do. You will need to manage the following forms of information:

    1. Labwork/notes

    2. Lecture/Chapter Notes

    3. Handouts

    4. Assessments


For students and/or parents needing to contact me, it is best to do this through email. My email address is nbattagliese@rsu21.net.


All 4 sections of my biology courses will be graded on a points system. Assignments. labs and assessments will be assigned point values. Point values will vary based on the rigor of the assignment/lab/assessment and the extent to which each completed assignment/lab/assessment demonstrates student understanding of targeted objectives/standards. Daily participation assignments (formative assessments) will receive the lowest point values and unit (summative) assessments will receive the highest point values. The point value for each task will be communicated to students before the students begin working on the tasks.


    • ALL WORK for a unit is DUE WHEN THE UNIT SUMMATIVE (FINAL) ASSESSMENT IS GIVEN. IF there are EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES you must contact me WHEN THE ASSESSMENT DATE for a unit assessment is given

    • It is really important for students to submit work on time. I maintain an Academic Responsibility (AR) component of each student's grade. This component is worth 10% of a student's quarter grade. The following outlines my approach:

          1. Each assignment is given an Academic Responsibility (AR) score, worth half of the point value of the assignment

          2. If an assignment is complete and on-time, a student earns all AR points.

              • If an assignment is incomplete the student will earn a percentage of the points, based on the level of completion.

              • If an assignment is not attempted or submitted the student earns a zero.

          3. If a student submits an assignment late, the student can earn 1/2 of the original AR points.

          4. The points discussed above are only for the AR score. Each assignment will be assessed and scored separately. A late assignments can still earn full credit if the assignment is done correctly.

Cell Phone Policy

    • I follow the KHS Cell Phone policy in my classroom. For more details you can read through the entire KHS Cell Phone Policy.

Office Hours

I will make myself as accessible as possible for students needing additional help or needing to make up work/assessments. I am available in the mornings between 7 and 7:45. I am also available til about 2:45 pm after school. My door is always open for questions but if you need one-on-one support please contact me so we can arrange the time needed.