

Class Materials:

Class Expectations:

Class Materials:

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an essential part this class.  The enrollment code for each section of Honors Bio is as follows:

Biology Blue Block 2: etazpea

Biology Blue Block 4:  cryvrzw


We use Gizmos in this class to enhance the learning through online experiments, activities and STEM Cases.

Gizmos Login: 

Class codes

Course Outline

The outline below is a guideline for the foundational Biology class. We follow the general course outline for CP & Honors but allow for customization of the outline. While still covering the major concepts addressed at other levels, instructions is modified to the interests of students. The goal is for students to enjoy this science class while learning about the natural world and find connections between the curriculum the students' own lives.

Unit 1: Life & The Basic Processes of Life

Unit 2: The Cycling of Matter & Energy Among Organisms and In Ecosystems and Within the Environment

Unit 3: The Division of Cells and the Impact of Mutations During Mitosis

Unit 4: The DNA Code, Protein Synthesis and The Ramifications of Germ Cell Mutations

Unit 5: Evolution Through Natural Selection

Unit 6: Culminating Anatomy & Physiology Unit



All sections of Biology will be graded on a points system.  Assignments. labs and assessments will be assigned point values.  Point values will vary based on the rigor of the assignment/lab/assessment and the extent to which each completed assignment/lab/assessment demonstrates student understanding of targeted objectives/standards.  Daily participation assignments (formative assessments) will receive the lowest point values and unit (summative) assessments will receive the highest point values. The point value for each task will be communicated to students before the students begin working on the tasks.