
Good Spotting

Term 4: Wk 5 & 6

Walt: - solve parts of fractions by using repeated addition/subtraction

- solve parts of fractions by using multiplication/division facts


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. XtraMath - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. Maths Master Test - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day

3. Practice Work

4. Fraction Problem solving games GAMES Week 3

- What makes a successful problem solver?

- The Process - How do we Problem Solve?

Term 4: Wks 3 - 4(testing)

Walt: - solve parts of fractions by using repeated addition/subtraction

- solve parts of fractions by using multiplication/division facts


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. XtraMath - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. Maths Master Test - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day

3. Practice Work

4. Fractions Problem Solving GAMES Week 3

- What makes a successful problem solver?

- The Process - How do we Problem Solve?

Term4: Week 1/2

Walt: Revision Test Sheets; Multiplication & Division


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. XtraMath - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day


Rote X’s tables 2-12 eg: 5X3= 15, 3x5 =15

Reverse / division 15/3=5 15/5=3

Working out:

5X3 =15

15 /3 =5


Walt: - solve parts of fractions by using repeated addition/subtraction

- solve parts of fractions by using multiplication/division facts


Make sure you complete all of the following activities this week:

1. Maths Master Test - everyday

2. Maths Whizz - 20 minutes a day

3. Practice Work

4. Problem Solving

- What makes a successful problem solver?

- The Process - How do we Problem Solve?