My grandfathers

Similar stories, different lives

Both of them were young married rabbis from Poland who arrived in the US between WWI and WWII, for what was to be a temporary stay in order to help with financing their wives (my grandmothers) and children (my parents, aunts and uncles) back in Poland.

After staying in America a while both realized that it was crazy to return to the poverty and precarious situations of the Jews there at the time, and instead of returning, brought their families over. And probably that's why I was able to come in to the world.

However similar their stories were, the men themselves and the details of their lives were quite different.

All about Zeide Shraga Feitel:



My grandfather's father:

רבינוביץ, יוסף יצחק: ברכת יצחק

My father is named after his uncle: Mordechai Eliyahu Rabinowitz, who wrote:


See reference to 'Eizel VIlner" on:

He was my father's first cousin. See "Zichron Yehoshua" at the end of Birchas

Yitschak, which has some of his torah.



Harav Shraga Feitel Rabinowitz: his family, and his sefer "Imrei Shefer" (also his father R Yosef Yitschok, and his son Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Rabinowitz)

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Search results

Showing 1-10 of 14 results for jubilee

title etc Hebrew jubilee, Cropped.JPG Jun 30, 2017, 3:17 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

23k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ title etc Hebrew jubilee, Cropped.JPG

AR drawing for Hebrew Jubilee, cropped.JPG Jun 30, 2017, 3:16 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

75k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ AR drawing for Hebrew Jubilee, cropped.JPG

map for jubilee, Cropped.GIF Jun 30, 2017, 2:46 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

23k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ map for jubilee, Cropped.GIF

jubilee hebrew illustration with text Cropped.JPG Jun 30, 2017, 3:40 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

20k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ jubilee hebrew illustration with text Cropped.JPG

Edited Jubilee pic young students for book-1.jpg Jun 30, 2017, 3:10 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

399k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ Edited Jubilee pic young students for book-1.jpg

....and then Yerushalayim . As we know, not once but several times, the Jewish people were exiled from lands they had stayed in for centuries, and Torah had to be transplanted ... and transforming them into the bnei torah and g'dolim of today. About " A Jubilee of Watching ", a biography of Rabbi Samson, by his daughter: We know the famous story ...

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

re zeide from avigdor miller book, Cropped.JPG Jun 29, 2017, 6:39 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

46k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ re zeide from avigdor miller book, Cropped.JPG

re zeide from avigdor miller book, top, cropped.JPG Jun 29, 2017, 6:45 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

30k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ re zeide from avigdor miller book, top, cropped.JPG

Zeide good photo IMG_2969.jpg Jun 30, 2017, 3:22 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

541k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ Zeide good photo IMG_2969.jpg

Bobee and Zeide Samson IMG_3088.jpg Jun 30, 2017, 3:24 PM by Avi Rabinowitz

713k — on page A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore

Acausality: the root of "true free will" & of universal emergence into Existence ‎>‎ My grandfathers ‎>‎ A Jubilee of Watching: Rabbi Samson of Slonim, Mir, Lomze and Baltimore ‎>‎ Bobee and Zeide Samson IMG_3088.jpg

Sefer of HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu (Daddy's eponymous uncle):!Aq7EnYXkDAqqsCq-2umVLLHYCzlV

Whole sefer:

Historical background: The first drush in the sefer was given on the day of the cornaiton of czar Nicholas II: , and so the drush is all about malchus etc, with opes that the king will look favorably on the Jews.

A few days later there was an infamous tragedy, after the giing of the drush but a few years beofre the sefer wa sprinted, so the tragedy must have been in the author's mind when the sefer was arranged & printed, but maybe no reerence was made...?

.... has video of that time, but probably inacurate, implying that the tramlping were at the coronation and not a few days later at the party for the people

some history with video:



Khodynka Tragedy

The Khodynka Tragedy (Russian: Ходынская трагедия) was a human stampede that occurred on 30 May [O.S. 18 May] 1896, on Khodynka Field in Moscow, Russia during the festivities after the coronation of the last Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, which resulted in the deaths of 1,389 people.



A victim of the stampede

Victims of the stampede at Khodynka

Spectators gathered at Khodynka

Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra were crowned Emperor and Empress of Russia on 26 May [O.S. 14 May] 1896. Four days later, a banquet was going to be held for the people at Khodynka Field. In the area of one town square, theatres, 150 buffetsfor distribution of gifts, and 20 pubs were built for the celebrations. Near the celebration square was a field that had a ravine and many gullies. On the evening of 29 May, people who had heard rumours of coronation gifts began to gather in anticipation. The gifts which everybody was to receive were a bread roll, a piece of sausage, pretzels, gingerbread and a commemorative cup.

At about 6 o'clock in the morning of the celebration day, several thousand people (estimates reached 500,000[1]) were already gathered on the field. Rumours spread among the people that there was not enough beer or pretzels for everybody, and that the enamel cups contained a gold coin. A police force of 1,800 men failed to maintain civil order, and in a catastrophic crowd crush and resulting panic to flee the scene, 1,389 people were trampled to death, and roughly 1,300 were injured.[2] Most of the victims were trapped in the ditch and were trampled or suffocated there. Despite the tragedy, the program of festivities continued as planned elsewhere on the large field, with many people unaware of what had happened. The Emperor and Empress made an appearance in front of the crowds on the balcony of the Tsar's Pavilion in the middle of the field around 2 p.m. By that time the traces of the incident had been cleaned up.


An Orthodox church on Khodynka Field commemorating the incident

The parties, receptions and balls after the Coronation were darkened by the catastrophe at Khondinka[sic], where 2,000 people were crushed to death. The same day as the catastrophe, I was taking a walk along the Khondinka[sic] and I met many groups of people coming back from that site and carrying the Tsar's gifts. The strange thing, though, was that not one person mentioned the catastrophe, and I did not hear about it until the next morning, at the Governor General's palace, where General Prefect of Police Vlasovski brought a special report. Grand Duke Serge Alexandrovich was very depressed by what had happened; he gave Vlasovski orders to return to him every hour with detailed reports on the progress of the investigation into the causes of the disaster.

Alexei Volkov[2]

Emperor Nicholas and Empress Alexandra were informed of the tragedy, but not immediately. A festive ball had been scheduled that night at the French embassy to Russia. Nicholas, under the circumstances, thought it best not to attend. His uncles, however, still wielded influence at court, and considered it worse for him not to attend, and to offend the French, than for him to appear callous towards the Russian people. Nicholas, therefore, attended the ball regardless. The next day, the Emperor and his new bride visited hospitalized victims of the stampede.

The government distributed a large amount of aid to the families of the dead, and a number of minor officials were dismissed. The negligence and the tone-deaf response of the imperial authorities, however, caused further public indignation in Russia. The Emperor's uncle, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, then Governor-General of Moscow, became known as "the Prince of Khodynka" and the Emperor received the nickname of "Nicholas the Bloody".[3] The fact that the court had declared mourning over the death of Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria a few days prior, but there was none over the deaths of 1,300 ordinary Russians, sent the wrong message.

19th of May. Saturday. Until now, everything was going, thank God, like clockwork, but today there was a great mishap. The crowd staying overnight at Khodynka, awaiting the start of the distribution of lunch and mugs pushed against buildings and there was a terrible crush, and awful to say trampled around 1300 people!! I found out about it at 10 12 hours before the report by [minister of war] Vannovski; a disgusting impression was left by this news. At 12 12 we had lunch and then Alix [Czarina] and I went to Khodynka to be present at this sad "national holiday." Actually there was nothing going on: we looked from the pavilion at the huge crowd that surrounded the stage from which the orchestra played all the time the anthem and "Glory." Went to Petrovsky [palace], where at the gate I received several delegations and then entered the yard. Here dinner was served under four tents for all township heads. I had to make a speech, and then another for the assembled marshals of the nobility. After going around the table, we left for the Kremlin. Dinner at Mama's at 8. Went to the ball at [French ambassador] Montebello's. It was very nicely arranged, but the heat was unbearable. After dinner, left at 2.

— From the diary of Emperor Nicholas II[4]