Reb Shlomo video about Purim

If someone intends on watching the video (wherever it is), consulting these notes beforehand may help them absorb the flow of topics and see the interelations between them, and hear/ understand some words . Then afterwards, please add your notes to flesh these out. Thanks!  Avi

pre-purim video screening 2014?

He was consulting sefer "nit'ei gavriel" as he spoke  (click to see contents of sefer)

 By: Rabbi Gavriel Zinner: Halachot and minhagim for Purim and other moadim from Tu B'Shvat until Rosh Chodesh Nissan. (Wiki: Rabbi Gavriel Zinner (Tzinner, Cinner, Tsinner) is an Orthodox rabbi in Boro Park, New York City known for his series of books on Jewish law called 'Nitei Gavriel'. Zinner studied at the Puppa yeshiva and is a student of the Grand Rabbi Yosef Greenwald. He married the daughter of Rabbi Reuven Lintzer. Zinner was associated with Rabbi Menashe Klein of Ungvar early in his career)

נטעי גבריאל - הלכות פורים


צינר, גבריאל

·         megillah: ones makes shehechiyanu at night and morning.

·         Thilim 22 said by esther before going to ahashversoh

·         sanzer cried when he read (that Esther was?) not at king 30 days. Thilim says "I called in day and night, and (you? God?) didn't answer me. Esther saying. It is quesiton not statement. Megilah is: yes, god says i do answer.

·         Amalek attacks when dark says no hope, and also when beautuful says its all good so why need god.

·         Elokim acherim acherim = from the back.

·         “Hester” (hidden): Sometimes don't see God because he's too close. Story: boy on father's shoulders, asking if anyone saw his father.

rabenu tam tfilin

·         Rashi: fixing heart; rabenu Tam:fixing head. God renews brain cells phyically, if have brain tumor put on r tam tfilin.

·         Megilah is fixing of heart and had, so X put on both tfilin together.

·         Kotzk and Pshischa: Amolek wants to separate head from heart, so at night is fixing of from heart to head, and morning opposite, so need r' tam tfilin,


·         boy with bris on purim, name him mordechai, girl esther.


Sunday Feb 22?

·         yom kippur take off 'garments', the soiled part, it is not you it is garments, but on purim we wear a mask to symbolize that there is no soiling altogether? It is only an illusion?...

·         purim is kabolas hatorah because only on purim do we have the kelim to be able to understand to receive it w/o being empty (if Einstein spoke we would not understand, and after a while the experience would have left us empty). Golden calf was attempt to bring it all down to earth.

·         'megila nikrayss', the literal translation is that it is read (by itself), ie it happens automatically.. it is in us already?


Purim: video screened on Sunday March 1 2015

video has a concert including(or was it separate?) a talk re purim:

1.      events of megillah were seemingly unrelated when they actually ocureed, and over 9 years, it was only afterwards that it was seen to be all connected.

2.      . When the end of golus, we'll see how all events in our history were connected.[AR: see re 'az yimalei schol pinu'..

3.      All jews are connected, we don't see that enough. When two eskimos fight, it is because two yeshiva boys.... (when two jews fight it has a negative impact globally?)

4.      R Nachman said


Sunday November 16, 2014: carlebach shul yeshiva

Video central topic: Honoring parents:


Opens with: Attitudes towards parents in various cultures today and in the past


Respect your children: a few stories:

·      R Shlomo’s flight delay bec of his child;

·      Alexander rebbe: asking for miracles

·      Majdnek German kids: unwanted children


“A must torah”: respect parents because for one minute they were partners with God.


Treat time like you treat parents: R Nachman: what is “arichus yamim”. Sfas emes. Tzanzer mikva going.(AR: zrizus’). R Pinchas Koretzer.


·      Gmoro: Rebbe to children before his death

·      Ishbitzer brief torah re yosef visiting Yaakov

·      Learning some halachos about respect to parents in extreme situations

·      Making peace between 2 arguing jews


·       Rebbe Nachman: what to do when you need clarity (learn Shulchan orech, bec it brought to the gmara)

·       Relation of kriyat shma and eating

·       Day starts at night

o      (why Christmas also does)

o      What amalek whispers to you at night (“it’s too late”), and how we overcome it

o      Two kinds of night (hoping for good, or reminiscing how good it was)

o      How we are like seeds (The outer part of a seed disintegrates at night, and the inside grows; we too, the inside is always alive; but some parts don’t ever disintegrate, don’t need ‘the night before the day’ – eg when in the bais hamikdash?)

o      How to know true or real, or the most from fake, or lesser (in times of adversity: night?)

o      R Nachman:

§       the way the very earth of E”Y helps bnai yisrael: (there are places/times of all growth, others of none. The impatient apple-seed. Wants to be an apple already. Earth gives strength to seed to wait, bear the wait Land of Israel, the earth of it, gives strength to Jews to wait 2,000 years.

§       How the sea gave strength to the B”Y when it split.(“I am millions of apples”: revelation at red sea greater than to Yechezkel, saw future generations [millions of apples], gave strength)[AR: could it be that it was not the sea but the dry land revealed when it split?]
