Five-dimensional general relativity
Five Dimensional Metrics
Part I = the files: "Chatterjee" and "Five Dimensional Metrics":
Part II = the files: “5 D for EG first two pages” + "older R calculation" + "Last Piece for EG"
Higher-Dimensional Theories [1]
We've all heard of 'the fifth dimension' in some context or other - maybe in the show 'the Twilight Zone'.
Some physicists in the past showed that in some sense our existence can be considered five-dimensional, with four dimensions of spacetime, and one corresponding to electrical charge. More recently string theory points to the existence of ten dimensions, or more.
Is there really a fifth dimension? Can we visit it?
Well, actually there is no ordering to the dimensions of spacetime so there is no 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th dimension, space is not the first three or last three of the four, time is not the 1st or 4th of the four - rather there are four dimensions of spacetime, three space and one time. However if we assume that there are five dimensions, then the extra or fifth would be one not included in ordinary theories of spacetime, and in that sense it is a 'fifth' dimension.
However, one cannot 'visit' the fifth dimension any more than one can visit the first or other dimension, for the simple reason that if we are four-dimensional beings, we need to be in all four at all times - we cannot lose a dimension. However, some aspects of our exstence can involve change in one particular dimension more than another, for example involving change in time more than change in space or v.v. Similarly, if it turns out that we are actually five-dimensional beings, the four of spacetime plus an additional, then it may well be that some situation might stress this other dimension more than the other four. It is not the 'fifth dimension', we are not 'in the fifth dimension', but rather that phenomenon makes manifest our five-dimensional rather than four-dimensional natures.
Allowing the combining and mixing of the 3 dimensions of space and the one dimension of time give us phenomena which do not exist if they cannot mix, and a mathematical theory with a four dimensional mix can describe these phenomena in a way that a theory without this mix cannot. If we assume the existence of five dimensions which mix in the simplest way, the mathematics gives rise to phenomena which match the mathematics of electromagnetic theory as described by general relativity. If one allows a more sophisticated mix, the phenomena which arise from the math correspond in some ways to quantum effects of electromagnetic theory.
Superstring theory involves a mix of ten dimensions, and the math seems to lead to phenomena which may even describe all of physics.
These are the motivations for studying theories of spacetime dimensions higher than four. The simplest multidimensional cases are those with only five dimensions, and those are the ones we will look at first, with string theories of ten dimensions being dealt with later.
Five Dimensional Theories
The simplest case of 5-d is that of flat 5-d space with metric:
ds2 = - dt2 + dx2 + dy2 +dz2 + dX52
or what is the same metric but expressed in spherical coordinates:
ds2 = - dt2 + dr2 + r2 dW2 + dX52
but that is trivial........
Any metric with a general 4 metric form but a flat 5th dimensional part such as:
ds2 = - Tt2 Tr2 dt2 + Rt2 Rr2 (dr2 + r2 dW2) + dX52
would give the same mathematics as would the 4-space by itself and the 5th space as an additional one-dimensional space added on. That is, the physics would be nothing new, except that the additional feature would have a geometrical description.
We can say that this form of the theory is unappealing to physicists for a few reasons:
1) Just as gravity gets a geometrical descrition as the curvature of 4-d spacetime, one can interpret electromagnetism as the curvature of a one-dimensional space, and then tack this one-d space onto 4-d spacetime to get a 5-d spacetime. However, although the geometrical picture of curved spacetime is intuitively appealing, the 5th dimension picture of electromagnetic phenomena is mathematically nice but has no real intuitive appeal; we experience 4 dimensions of spacetime without regard to gravitational phenomena, and we do see gravity operating in this 4-d space to make things move in space and time, whereas we do not experience any additional dimensions other than the four of ordinary spacetime and so atributing electromagnetic phenomena to an additional dimension which is felt only by the fact that these phenomena exist is unsatisfying.
2) Although it is nice that one can express electromagnetic phenomena in this geometrical way as the curvature of a one-dimensional space, there is nothing new that is gained by this - no new eletromagnetic phenomena or other phenomena come out of this picture.
3) To get all of gravity theory out of the model of a curves spacetime one needs a mix of the all the 4-d among themselves, that is, a mix of 3-d space and 1-d time; simply keeping the 3-d of space and the 1-d of time separate do not result in the mathematical description of the effects of gravity. Thus general relativity theory is truly a 4-d theory, not two theories, one of a 3-d space and the other of a 1-d space which is time. On the other hand, all of gravity and all of electromagnetics can be described by 2 separate spaces, one of 4-d and the other of 1-d. Although the gravitational effect of the electric field comes out of combination of the two spaces into a 5-d space, there is no true interaaction between the 4-d part and the 1-d part.
To get something really new we would have to have a real mix of the 4-space of ordinary spacetime and the additional 1-d space. The question is whether this would give results consistent with nature. If so, then it would be a remarkable achievement: to combine gravity and electromagnetism in a geometric picture for aesthetic reasons, and then to find that a generalization of this theory actually correctly predicts previously unknown phenomena. or includes a description of known but supposedly unrelated phenomena. This would be a strong endorsement of the method of emplying aesthetic mathematical principles to discover more about nature.
Non-Trivial Five-Dimensional Space-Time Theory
The following is an example of a non-trivial type of metric - that is, a metric which has a mix of the 4-d and additional 5th dimension - and it has a familiar type form:
ds2 = - dt2 + Rt2 Rr2 (dr2 + r2 dW2) + [Rt2 Rr2]-1 dX52
This metric is non-trivial: even though there are no functions of the fifth coordinate in the metric coefficients, there are functions of r and t in the fifth-d part, and this causes a real mix. One could also have :
ds2 = - f(X5)dt2 + h(X5)Rt2 Rr2 (dr2 + r2 dW2) + b(X5)j(r,t) dX52
where there is a mix caused by the functions of the 5-d part appearing in metric coefficients for dr and dt as well as the functions of r,t appearing in the 5 part.
However, if there is a 5 part in the 4-part of the metric, then maintaining constant 4-d coordinates but changing the fifth would give different values for the metric. This would mean that two 4-d spacetime points would not be a set distance apart: they would have a different distance between them as the 5 part changed. However we do not observe that such things occur. As far as we can tell, the distance between two points remains constant over time if we do not change the matterenergy content of spacetime, and thus we do not accept that a change of some quantity, something related to the extra dimension, can have an effect on the 4-d part of the metric, and thus there should be no functions of the fifth coordinate in the 4-d part of the metric. Similarly, the time interval between the beginning and end of a process remains the same, whereas if there was a function of the fifth coordinate in the 4-d part it would change as a function of the change of the fifth coordinate. Thus we do not wish to include functions of the fifth coordinate in the coefficients of the four ordinary spacetime parts of the metric.
In that case, the only place we will find functions of X5 will be in the fifth component, in which case it can be absorbed into the definition of X5 so that f(X5)dX5 becomes dX'5 which then is relabeled to become simply dX5. Thus we will not have any functions of X5 at all. Instead, the mixing will come from the presence of functions of r and t in the 5 part (no functions of the angular coordinates in order to keep spherical symmetry). Thus the most general metric we would look at would be:
ds2 = - f(r,t)dt2 + g(r,t)dr2 + m(r,t) r2 dW2 + j(r,t) dX52
We will wish to find five-d spaces with 4-d subspaces which are familiar to us. For example a five-dimensional space with a four-dimensional subspace which is homogeneous and isotropic would have the metric:
ds2 = - dt2 + Rt2/(1+kr2)2 (dr2 + r2 dW2) + 5t2 5r2 dX52
The Einstein Tensor for Five-Dimensional Spaces
The Einstein tensor components for spherically symmetric 4 and 5 d spaces have a simple relationship to each other (see appendix for derivation). We will write down the relationship of the r part of the 5-d r-r tensor to the r part of the 4-d r-r tensor:
5rGrr = 4rGrr + 2(1/Rt2)(1/Rr2 )(5'r/5r)(qr'/qr) ,
which for this metric with Rr = (1+kr2) and qr = r/(1+kr2) is:
5rGrr = 4rGrr + (2/Rt2)(1+kr2)2(5'r/5r)(1-kr2)/[r(1+kr2)]
= 4rGrr + (2/Rt2)(5'r/5r)(1-k2r4)/r
For the 5-d tensor component to be homogeneous, it must be independent of r, and since the 4-part is homogeneous and r-independent it must be that
is r-independent. That is,
(5'r/5r)(1-k2r4)/r = c , i.e 5'r/5r = cr/(1-k2r4).
integral(5'r/5r ) = ln5r = c integral[r/(1-k2r4)] + K
The integral can be easily performed using the substitution R=r2 , dR=2rdr.
The solution is:
5r = K [(1-kr2)/(1+kr2)]-c/4k
so that the 5-d metric for a homogeneous isotropic space is (squaring 5r makes the exponent -c/2k)
ds2 = -dt2 +Rt2/(1+kr2)2 (dr2+r2d2) + 5t2 K [(1-kr2)/(1+kr2)]-c/2k dX52
It is amazing that this solution can be obtained so simply - for an appreciation of how simple our method is, see Chatterjee where this result is derived using long and tedious calculations.
The other results derived there are also easily found in this way. Give presentation of all his results, and generalization.
5t = ? Grr = ? Gtt = ?
Try also: ds2 = -a(r,t)dt + (dr2+r2dW2) + a-1(r,t) dX52 and inverse with 5 & t parts.
[AR: The following was in the end of file "Five Dimensional Metrics"]
The Static Electric and Magnetic Field as A Five-DImensional Object
We saw previously that for the static magnetic field as source, the four-dimensional metric is:
ds2 = a2 [- ch2z dt2 + dz2 + dW2]. dW2 = dq2 + cos2q df2
We now look for the metric of the five-dimensional space containing the magnetic field.
The metric can be written as....
ds2 = a2 [(dx5 + cosqdf)2 + sin2qdf2 + dq2 + dz2 - ch2z dt2]
which is the same as:
ds2 = a2 [(dx5)2 + 2 cosq dx5 df + df2 + dq2 + dz2 - ch2z dt2]
This section = “5 D for EG first two pages” + "older R calculation" + "Last Piece for EG"
5-D Inverse Metric Calculations (Folder: “GR Book”)
x = coordinate in the 5 dimension:
ds2 = - A 2(r)dt2 + A-2(r)dr2 + r2[dx2 + sin2x(sin2qdq2 + df2)]
ds2 = gAAdxAdxA = hAA (wA) 2 .
wt = Adt, wr = dr/A, wq = r sinx dq, wf = r sinx sinq df, w5 = rdx,
dwt =dA ^dt = A’ dr ^ dt = A’A wr ^ wt/A = A’ wr ^ wt.
However we also know that:
dwt = - wtC^ wC = - wtr^ wt - wt5^ w5 - wtq^ wq - wtf^ wf
Therefore: dwt = - wtr^ wt - wt5^ w5 - wtq^ wq - wtf^ wf = A’ wr ^ wt.
Since the metric is static, there is no function of t in any metric coefficient, and only the r coordinate appears in functions in the t metric coefficient, so all the above two forms with t as one index [ie all wtm]will be zero except wtr.
Therefore: dwt = - wtr^ wr - wt5^ w5 - wtq^ wq - wtf^ wf = A’ wr ^ wt,
- wtr^ wr = A’ wr ^ wt = -A’ wt ^ wr --> wtr = A’ wt = A’A dt.
Rab = wam ^wmb + dwab.
Rtr = wtm ^wmr + dwtr. All wtm are zero except wtr , and so:
Rtr = wtr ^wrr + dwtr, ie
Rtr = dwtr = d A’A dt = (A’’+A’2)dr^dt .
Since dr ^dt = A wr ^wt/A = wr ^wt ,
Rtr = (A’’+A’2) wr ^wt .
.......... .....................[2]........................................
d wq = dr sinx dq + r d(sinx) dq = sinx dr ^ dq + r cosx dx ^ dq
= sinx A wr ^ [wq/r sinx] + rcosx[w5/r] ^ [wq/r sinx]
= [A/r] wr ^ wq + [cotx/r]w5 ^ wq
In addition:
d wq = - wqt^ wt - wq5^ w5 - wqr^ wr - wqf^ wf . Therefore:
d wq = wr ^w qr + w5^ wq5 - wqf^ wf = [A/r] wr ^ wq + [cotx/r]w5 ^ wq
The simplest possibility is:
w qr = [A/r] wq
wq5 = [cotx/r] w5
wqf = a wf.
dwf = dr sinx sinq df + r dsinx sinq df + r sinx dsinq df
= dr sinx sinq df + r cosxdx sinq df + r sinx cosqdq df
=Awrsinxsinq[wf/rsinxsinq]+rcosx[w5/r]sinq[wf/rsinxsinq]+rsinx cosq[wq/rsinx][wf/rsinx sinq]
=Awr [wf/r]+cosx[w5][wf/rsinx]+ cosq[wq][wf/rsinx sinq]
=[A/r]wr ^ wf+ [cotx/r] w5^ wf + [cotq/rsinx] wq ^ wf
In addition:
d wf = - wfq^ wq - wf5^ w5 - wfr^ wr - wft^ w t . Therefore:
d wf = - wfq^ wq - wf5^ w5 - wfr^ wr =[A/r]wr ^ wf+ [cotx/r] w5^ wf + [cotq/rsinx] wq ^ wf
The simplest match is made when:
wfq=[cotq/rsinx] wq
wf5=[cotx/r] wf
wfr^ wr =[A/r] wf
w5 = rdx, d w5 = drdx = A wr^[w5 /r] = [A/r] wr^w5
Using the results we found above:
d w5 = - w5t^ wt - w5r^ wr - w5q^ wq - w5f^ wf = - w5r^ wr -[] wq ^ wq -[]wf ^ wf =[A/r] wr^w5.
Therefore: w5r =[A/r] w5 .
Now that we know all the two forms, we can compute their derivatives, and then we shall be able to find the Riemann tensor components. First we find the derivatives:
w5r =[A/r] w5 = [A/r]rdx = Adx
Therefore: dw5r = dAdx = A’drdx = A’A [wr^ w5/r] = [A’A/r] wr^ w5.
............ .............................................................
wq = r sinx dq, wf = r sinx sinq df, w5 = rdx,
wt = Adt, wr = dr/A, wq = r sinx dq, wf = r sinx sinq df, w5 = rdx,
Rqfqf = gff-2[qqf”/qqf - (qqf’/qqf) fff’/fff]
-gqq-2 d(qqf’) hqhf[ffq”/ffq-(ffq’/ffq)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) hqhf(qqD’/qqD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,f
We want to compute the following:
Rr5r5 , Rtftf , Rtrtr ,Rt5t5 Rqrqr , Rq5qfqf
Grr = Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
Rtr = (A’’+A’2) wr ^wt .
Rt5 = [-A’A/r] wt ^ w5
Rtq = [-A’A/r]wt ^wq
Rtf = [-A’A/r]wt ^wf
Rr5 = - [A’A/r] wr^ w5
Rrq = - [A’A/r] wr^ wq
Rrf = - [A’A/r] wr^ wf
R5q = R5f = [(1-A2)/r2] w5^wq
Rqf = [(1-A2)/r2] wq ^ wf
A2’ = 2A’A --> A’A/r = A2’/2r ,
A2’’ = [A2’]’ = 2[A’A]’ = 2[A’’A+A2] --> A’’A+A2 = A2’’/2 .
To make a distinction between the two forms (eg Rtr) and the tensor components (eg Rtr), we change the fonts of the above R’s to R:
Rtq = Rtqtq wt ^wq
ie Rtqtq = [-A’A/r]
since the metric coefficient are +1 except for htt which is -1, we can contract and raise or lower indices without changing the sign, unless we raise or lower t, in which case there is a sign change.
Rtq = Rtf = [-A’A/r]
Basically, since there is only one term in the two forms R, and the metric coefficients are 1, we can read the tensor components Rab directly off the list of the two form R‘s.
Rtr = (A’’+A’2) wr ^wt --> Rtr = (A’’+A’2) = A2’’/2
Rt5 = [-A’A/r] wt ^ w5 --> Rt5 = [-A’A/r] = -A2’/2r
Rr5 = - [A’A/r] wr^ w5 --> Rr5 = [-A’A/r] = -A2’/2r
Rrq = - [A’A/r] wr^ wq --> Rrq = [-A’A/r] = -A2’/2r
Rrf = - [A’A/r] wr^ wf --> Rrf = [-A’A/r] = -A2’/2r
R5q = R5f = [(1-A2)/r2] w5^wq --> R5q = R5f =[(1-A2)/r2]
Rqf =[(1-A2)/r2] wq ^ wf --> Rqf =[(1-A2)/r2]
Rtq = Rtf = Rt5 = Rr5 = Rrq = Rrf = -A2’/2r
Rtr = (A’’+A’2) = A2’’/2
R5q = R5f = Rqf = [(1-A2)/r2]
Using the list of these R’s and noting that to drop or raise the index t changes the sign of R (if we keep t as the first index, and do not lower it, we need not change any sign), we can easily find the Einstein curvature components.
From MTW: Gaa = - dabgabg R|bg||bg|
G55 = - d5tr5trRtrtr -2 d5tq5t q Rtqtq -2 d5rq5r q Rrqrq - d5qf5qf Rqfqf
all the delta’s = 1, because the upper and lower three indices are identical, in same order, and this is because there is only one two-form term in each R ......
d5tq5t q
Reading off the terms, we find:
G55 = - Rtrtr -2 Rtqtq -2 Rrqrq - Rqfqf = [(A2-1)/r2 + A2’’/2]
Writing the above in shorthand without the deltas and R’s:
G55 = -tr -2 tq -2 rq - qf = [(A2-1)/r2 + A2’’/2]
In the same way we can find: (paying attention to the raising and lowering of t)
Gtt = -5r - 2(5q) - 2(r q) - qf = 3 [(A2-1)/r2 + A2’/2r]
Note that in 4-D the first two terms vanish and the last two remain, giving the correct result.
Grr = -[t5 + 2(5q) + 2(t q) + qf] = 3 [(A2-1)/r2 + A2’/2r]
Gqq = Gff = - [f5 + tf + fr +5r + 5t + tr] =[(A2-1)/r2 +2A2’/r + A2’’/2]
In 4-D the three terms in 5 vanish, and the G’s reduce to their correct 4-D expressions.
Note that the terms in G are the same ones because the terms in the R’s are identical; in fact all the G’s are simple multiples of the 4-D case except for the mix of fifth-dimensional coordinate and angular coordinate, and that is due to their mix in the metric.
R = {+-] G55 + Gtt + Grr + Gqq + Gff = 3[3(A2-1)/r2 + A2’/r + A2’’/2]
File: 5-D Metric Calculations (Folder: “GR Book”)
Deriving a general formula to compute the Riemann Tensor Components (RTC) and the Einstein tensor components for orthogonal metric of any dimensionality.
For orthogonal metric of any dimensionality:
ds2 = gAAdxAdxA = hAA (wA) 2 = hAA [gAdxA]2. (1) INSERT DEFINITION SIGN.
In this notation the hAA contain the signature information and gA is the square-root of |gAA|.
wA = gAdxA (No summation = NS) (2) INSERT DEFINITION SIGN.
We wish to compute the RTC RABAB according to the formula:
RAB = d wAB - wAC^ wCB = - RABAB wA ^ wB
Therefore we will calculate wAB, then d wAB and - wAC^ wCB .
A) Computation of wAD: INSERT “NOT EQUAL TO” signs.
Add NS where appropriate
dwA = d[gA]dxA = gA,B dxB^dxA [B not=A][A:NS] = gAA,B wB/gBB ^ wA/gAA = [gAA,B/(gBBgAA)] wB ^ wA. (3)
However we also know that:
dwA = - wAC^ wC [C not=A] (4)
Equation 3) = equation (4; this implies: (note: the summation dummy variable B,C à D)
[gAA,D/(gDDgAA)] wD ^ wA [D not=A] = + wD ^ wAD D not=A
We use MTW[heeler]’s method to find wAD .
There are two situations:
1) [gAA,D/(gAAgDD)] does not vanish, ie gAA,D does not vanish: à wAD ~ wA
2) gAA,D = 0 à wAD ~ wD .
We can therefore write:
wAD = [gAA,D/(gDDgAA)] wA- d(gAA,D) hAA hDD [gDD,A/(gAAgDD)] wD Show how the second part of this term was arrived at [3] (6A)
The above formulation allows us to use the same wAD for both cases.
B) Computation of wAD ^ wDB
From equation 6A:
wAD ^ wDB D not=A,B = {gAA,D [wA/(gAAgDD)] - d(gAA,D) hAA hDD gDD,A [wD/(gDDgAA)]}
^ {gDD,B [wD/(gDDgBB)] - d(gDD,B) hDD hBB gBB,D [wB/(gBBgDD)]} (7a)
[As a check: wAD and wDB should have the same form, just with (A,D) --> (D,B), ie whatever is A in the upper line --> D in the lower line, and the same for D --> B.]
= gAA,D wA/(gAAgDD) ^ gDD,B wD/(gDDgBB)
- d(gAA,D) hAA hDD gDD,A wD/(gDDgAA) ^ gDD,B wD/(gDDgBB) <-- this line is ~ wD^ wD = 0.
+ gAA,D wA/(gDDgAA) ^ - d(gDD,B) hBB hDD gBB,D [wB/(gBBgDD)]
- d(gAA,D) hAA hDD gDD,A wD/(gDDgAA) ^ - d(gDD,B) hBB hDD gBB,D wB/(gBBgDD) D not=A,B
wAD ^ wDB D not=A,B = {gAA,D gDD,B /(gAAgDDgDDgBB)] wA ^ wD
- d(gDD,B) hBB hDD gAA,D gBB,D /(gBBgDDgDDgAA) wA ^ wB
+ d(gAA,D) d(gDD,B) hAA hBB hDD2 {gDD,A gBB,D /(gDDgAAgBBgDD)} wD ^wB . D not=A,B
C) Computation of d wAD
In order to compute the d wAB we need to first recast wAB from (6A) in terms of dxA, dxB:
wAD = [gAA,D/gDD] [wA/gAA] - d(gAA,D) hAA hDD [gDD,A/gAA][ wD/gDD] (6B)
= [gAA,D/gDD] [dxA] - d(gAA,D) hAA hDD [gDD,A/gAA][dxD] . (6C)
From equation 6C above we find:
d wAB= [gAA,B /gBB],cdxC ^dxA [c not =A] - d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gBB,A/gAA],c dxC ^dxB [c not = B] (8a)
Now that we have the derivative, we can put this back into terms in d wA and d wB:
d wAB=[gAAgCC]-1[gAA,B /gBB],cwC ^wA C not =A - d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c wC ^ wB C not = B (8b)
Note: [gBB gAA]-1 is a common factor when in the first term C = B, and in the second term C = A.
For the term in the above left: in the sum over C, C cannot be A, but since B is NOT A, C CAN be B. We separate out the case C=B and C not = B (of course C is NOT A)
For the term in the above right: we separate below the cases C = A, and C is NOT A.
d wAB = -[gBB gAA]-1 { [gAA,B /gBB],B + d(gAA,B) hAA hBB [gBB,A/gAA],A } wA ^ wB
- { [gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],c + d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c wB ^ wC }C not = A,B (8c)
D) Finding the RTC
We can find the Riemann tensor components via:
RAB = d wAB - wAC^ wCB = - RABAB wA ^ wB [(?) check this] (9)
From a comparison of equations (7a) and (8c) we find:
RAB = - {[gBB gAA]-1 { [gAA,B /gBB],B + d(gAA,B) hAA hBB [gBB,A/gAA],A } wA ^ wB
- { [gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],c + d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c wB ^ wC }C not = A,B
+{ [gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],C +- (gBBgCC) -1[gAA,C /(gAA)] [gCC,B /gCC]} wA ^ wC
- {d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],C + d(gAA,B) hAA hCC (gAAgDC) -1 {gCC,A /gCC} d(gCC,B) hBB hCC [gBB,C /gBB]} wC ^wB C not=A,B
= - {[gBB gAA]-1 { [gAA,B /gBB],B + d(gAA,B) hAA hBB [gBB,A/gAA],A } wA ^ wB
+{ [gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],C +- (gBBgCC) -1[gAA,C /(gAA)] [gCC,B /gCC]} wA ^ wC
+ [{ [gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],c + d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c }C not = A,B - {d(gAA,B)hAA hBB[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],C + d(gAA,B) hAA hCC (gAAgDC) -1 {gCC,A /gCC} d(gCC,B) hBB hCC [gBB,C /gBB]}] wC ^wB C not=A,B
= - {[gBB gAA]-1 [gAA,B /gBB],B
The term [gBB,A/gAA],A is the same as part of the one above just with A<-->B
[gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],
[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c
[gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],C
(gBBgCC) -1[gAA,C /gAA] [gCC,B /gCC
[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],C
(gAAgDC) -1 {gCC,A /gCC[gBB,C /gBB
{[gBB gAA]-1 { [gAA,B /gBB],B
{[gBB gAA]-1 [gBB,A/gAA],A }
[gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],C
(gBBgCC) -1[gAA,C /(gAA)] [gCC,B /gCC
[gCC gAA]-1[gAA,B /gBB],c
[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],c }
[gCC gBB]-1[gBB,A/gAA],C
(gAAgDC) -1 {gCC,A /gCC [gBB,C /gBB]}]
Computing the various terms in the RTC:
Regarding the terms of the type [gAA,B /gBB],c:
The metric type we will deal with has no cross terms (it is orthogonal), and in addition the coefficients are assumed to be separable functions, i.e. each metric coefficient is a product of one or more functions, each function being dependent on only one of the coordinates. We use the following notations:
for n dimensions, the coordinates are X1 ...., Xn:
gAA = FAA(X1)GAA(X2...HAA(Xn) = AAX1 AAX2 ....AAXn = pXnAAXn --> pXAAX --> pAAX
Note that both A and X are the coordinates.
We can immediately see that:
gAA,B /gAA = [AAB’ p Xnot=BAAX]/ [AAB pX=notBAAX] = AAB’/AAB = AB’/AB.
Example: for spherical symmetry, gff = r2sin2q:
gf = sqrt|gff| = rsinq.
fq = the function of theta in the ff metric coefficient =sinq. Therefore:
gf,q/gf = fq'/fq = sinq'/sinq = cotq.
The term gAA,B/gBB is more complicated since there is not necessarily any cancellation involved.
We now compute the term:
gAA-1 gBB-1[gAA,B/gBB],B
We give a visual manipulation immediately below: further below it is done step by step.
Since both derivatives are with respect to the B coordinate, functions of all the other coordinates can be taken outside the brackets. When the complement to the function of B is separated off from gAA , (leaving behind AB’), and is taken out of the brackets, and multiplied by gAA-1 , the only remaining function is 1/AB. When the same is done for gBB in the denominator, (leaving behind 1/BB), and it is multiplied by gBB-1, the product can be written as BB/gBB2 so that we obtain:
Since [AB’/BB]' = AB’'/BB - AB’BB’/BB2.
We obtain:
gAA-1 gBB-1[gAA,B/gBB],B = [1/AB][BB/gBB2][AB’'/BB - AB’BB’/BB2] = gBB-2 [AB’'/AB - (AB’/AB)(BB’/BB)]
Step by Step: We start by computing:
gAA,B = [pAAX],B = [AAC pX
BAAX],B = [AAB,B pX= not BAAX] = [AAB’ pX=notBAAX],
With this we find:
[gAA,B/gBB],B ={[AAB’ pX=notBAAX]/[BBB pX=notBBBX]},B
= {pX=notBAAX/ pX=notBBBX} {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B
Where: {pX=notBAAX/ pX=notBBBX} = {[gAA/AAB]/[gBB/BBB]} = [gAA/gBB][BBB/AAB]
i.e.: [gAA,B/gBB],B =[gAA/gBB][BBB/AAB] {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B
gAA-1 gBB-1 [gAA,B/gBB],B = gAA-1 gBB-1 [gAA/gBB][BBB/AAB] {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B
= gBB-2 [BBB/AAB] {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B
= gBB-2 {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B/[AAB/BBB]
[gAA,B/gBB],B = [gAA,BB/gBB]-[gAA,B gBB,B/gBB2]= [gAA,BB/gBB]-[gAA,B gBB,B/gBB2] =
= gBB-1 { [gAA,BB]-[gAA,B gBB,B/gBB] }
= (gAA/gBB) {[gAA,BB/gAA]-[gAA,B/gAA ][gBB,B/gBB] }
= (gAA/gBB) {[AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] }.,
and therefore:
gAA-1 gBB-1[gAA,B/gBB],B = gAA-1 gBB-1(gAA/gBB) {[AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] }
= gBB-2 {[AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] }.
= gBB-2 {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B/[AAB/BBB]
(we can use a notation of bar on top of a letter, e.g bar on top of AB’ means AB’/AB).
An example:
For the metric:
ds2 = - gtt (r,t,q)dt2 + grr (r,t,f)dr2 + r2 (sin2qdq2 + df2)
= [TTT TTR TTq]2 dt2 + [RRT RRR RRf]2 dr2 + [qqR qqq] 2dq2 + [FFR]2df2 =
= Tt2Tr2 Tq2 dt2 + Rt2Rr2 Rf2 dr2 +[qr qq] 2dq2 + [Fr]2df2
we find that:
grr-1 gtt-1[grr,t/gtt],t = gtt-2 {[Rt’’/Rt] - [Rt’/Rt] [Tt’/Tt] }.
We now compute, for
[gAA,B/gBB],C = [gAA,B,C/gBB]-[gAA,B gBB,C/gBB2]
= gBB-1{[(p(Xnot=B,C)AAX)AAB,B AAC,C]-[(p(Xnot=B)AAX)AAB,B (p(Xnot=C)BBX)BBC,C /gBB]}=
= [gAA/gBB] [AAB,B/AAB] {[AAC,C/AAC]-[BBC,C/BBC]}=
= [gAA/gBB] [AB’/AB] {[AC’/AC]-[BC’/BC]}.
We will find the need to compute [gAA,B/gBB],C for the case where C = B and where it is not. Specifically we shall need to sum [gAA,B/gBB],C Lwc so that C takes all values, one of them being B. We will then write:
[gAA,B/gBB],C Lwc =
= [gAA/gBB] {[ [AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] ] LwB
{[AC’/AC]-[BC’/BC]} Lwc }.
+ [AB’/AB] S
The above term will be a significant part of the Riemann tensor component RABAB
[We can call this term PRABAB.]
for n dimensions, the coordinates are B1 ...., Bn:
gAA = FAA(B1)GAA(B2)...HAA(Bn) = AAB1 AAB2 ....AABn = pBnAABn --> pBAAB --> pAAB
Note that A and B are coordinates.
gAA,C = [pAAB],C = [AAC pB CAAB],C = [AAC,C pB= not CAAB] = [AAC’ pB=notCAAB],
gAA,C /gAA = [AAC’ p
AAB]/ [AAC pB=notCAAB] = AAC’/AAC = AC’/AC.
The Meaning of the R’s as seen from their form:
Writing R in this form allows us to see how it is dependent on the metric coefficient functions (see discussion below).
From .... we find:
The Riemann tensor has a second derivative, the two form connection involves the derivative of the metric coefficients, and the Riemann tensor components involve the derivative of this.
RABAB will contain three basic terms: all three will be based on the two relevant metric coefficients: gAA and -1 gBB .
There will be two terms with second derivatives, another with a product of two first derivatives.
RABAB has in it the term: gBB-2 {[AAB’]/[BBB]},B/[AAB/BBB]
The second-derivative terms: Take the B functional part of the A metric coefficient, take its derivative w/r/t B, divide by the B functional part of the B metric coefficient, and then take the derivative of this w/r/t B; then divide by the ratio of the two functional parts without derivatives, and the inverse square of the B metric coefficient.
Or: Take the derivative of the A metric coefficient w/r/t B, divide by the B metric coefficient as a form of normalization, and then repeat the process: take the derivative of this w/r/t B, and then as ‘normalization’ divide by the product of the A and B metric coefficients.
We can also put this as: where PPR means one part of the term RABAB
PPRABAB = gAA-1 gBB-1[gAA,B/gBB],B = gAA-1 gBB-1(gAA/gBB) {[AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] }
= gBB-2 {[AB’’/AB] - [AB’/AB] [BB’/BB] }.
Note that for the inverse metric case where for two coordinates C and D:
Cc=Dc-1, and therefore [CD’/CD] = - [DD’/DD] :
PPRCDCD = gDD-2 {[CD’’/CD] - [CD’/CD] [DD’/DD] } = gDD-2 {[CD’’/CD] + [CD’/CD]2} .
ht = -1, all other h are +1, and so with the products of the h,including ht ht so the only combination/product which is not +1 will be those with one and only one ht in them.
This R formula can be used for any amount of dimensions, in any metric form without cross terms. (try for cylindrical , spherical etc...)
It would not be difficult to write a computer program which would add these RABAB’s to compute G, and to add the G’s to find the curvature R.
We use familiar symbols for the coordinates (eg when using spherical coordinates) but we are NOT assuming spherical symmetry: the coordinates symbolized by q and f can be any coordinates, not necessarily angles, or they can be angles but in a non-sph. sym. coordinate system; we will also be using the symbols t and r, without necessarily giving them physical interpretation, except that t will be the coordinate whose associated metric coefficient is time-like. For the general case we can substitute any four coordinates for t,r,q,f - we will make actual specific choices only when we eg limit ourselves to spherical coordinates and set various factors to zero as a result.
Rqfqf = gff-2[qqf”/qqf - (qqf’/qqf) fff’/fff]
-gqq-2 d(qqf’) hqhf[ffq”/ffq-(ffq’/ffq)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) hqhf(qqD’/qqD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,f
Rqtqt = gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt’/ttt]
-gqq-2 d(qqt’) hqht[ttq”/ttq-(ttq’/ttq)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DDt’) hqht(qqD’/qqD)ttD’/ttD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,t
Rq5q5 = g55-2[qq5”/qq5 - (qq5’/qq5) 555’/555]
-gqq-2 d(qq5’) hqh5[55q”/55q-(55q’/55q)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) hqh5(qqD’/qqD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,5
Rqrqr = grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr’/rrr]
-gqq-2 d(qqr’) hqhr[rrq”/rrq-(rrq’/rrq)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) hqhr(qqD’/qqD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,r
Rt5t5 = g55-2[tt5”/tt5 - (tt5’/tt5) 555’/555]
-gtt-2 d(tt5’) hth5[55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) hth5(ttD’/ttD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,5
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) hthr[rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) hthr(ttD’/ttD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,r
Rtftf = gff-2[ttf”/ttf - (ttf’/ttf) fff’/fff]
-gtt-2 d(ttf’) hthf[fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) hthf(ttD’/ttD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,f
Rr5r5 = g55-2[rr5”/rr5 - (rr5’/rr5) 555’/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) hrh5[55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) hrh5(rrD’/rrD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=r,5
For the general 5-D case we need to compute: Rr5r5 Rtftf Rtrtr Rt5t5 Rf5f5 Rfrfr Rqrqr Rqfqf Rtqtq Rq5q5
For spherical symmetry:
Grr= Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
We want to find the above RTC.
Of the four combinations of f and q only ffq‘ is not = 0 = (sinq)‘ . Therefore:
Rqfqf = -gqq-2 [ffq’’/ffq]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) (qqD’/qqD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D =r,t,5.
= gqq-2 - gDD-2 [(qqr’/qqr)ffr’/ffr + (qqt’/qqt)fft’/fft+ (qq5’/qq5)ff5’/ff5].
Rqtqt = gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt’/ttt]
--gDD-2 d(DDt’) (qqD’/qqD)ttD’/ttD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,t
= gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt’/ttt] + grr-2 d(rrt’) (qqr’/qqr)ttr’/ttr + g55-2 d(55t’) (qq5’/qq5)tt5’/tt5
Rq5q5 = g55-2[qq5”/qq5 - (qq5’/qq5) 555’/555]
-gqq-2 d(qq5’) hqh5[55q”/55q-(55q’/55q)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) hqh5(qqD’/qqD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,5
= g55-2[qq5”/qq5 - (qq5’/qq5) 555’/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) hqh5(qqr’/qqr)55r’/55r - gtt-2 d(tt5’) hqh5(qqt’/qqt)55t’/55t
Rqrqr = grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr’/rrr]
-gqq-2 d(qqr’) hqhr[rrq”/rrq-(rrq’/rrq)qqq’/qqq]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) hqhr(qqD’/qqD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,r
= grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr”/rrr] -g55-2 d(55r’)(qq5’/qq5)rr5’/rr5
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) (qqt’/qqt)rrt’/rrt
Rt5t5 = g55-2[tt5”/tt5 - (tt5’/tt5) 555’/555]
-gtt-2 d(tt5’) hth5[55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) hth5(ttD’/ttD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,5 ,and not q,f because tt q‘=0, so the sum is only over r:
= g55-2[tt5”/tt5 - (tt5’/tt5) 555’/555]
- - gtt-2 d(tt5’) [55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt]
- -grr-2 d(rr5’) (ttr’/ttr)55r’/55r
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) hthr[rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) hthr(ttD’/ttD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,r ,and not q,f because tt q‘=0, so the sum is only over 5:
= grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
- - gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
- - gDD-2 d(55r’) (tt5’/tt5)rr5’/rr5
Rtftf = gff-2[ttf”/ttf - (ttf’/ttf) fff’/fff]
-gtt-2 d(ttf’) hthf[fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) hthf(ttD’/ttD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,f
= - - gtt-2 [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) (ttD’/ttD)ffD’/ffD D =r,5[not q because ttq‘=0]
= + gtt-2 [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt]
-grr-2 d(rrf’) (ttr’/ttr)ffr’/ffr -g55-2 d(55f’) (tt5’/tt5)ff5’/ff5
Rr5r5 = g55-2[rr5”/rr5 - (rr5’/rr5) 555’/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) hrh5[55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr] -gDD-2 d(DD5’) hrh5(rrD’/rrD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=r,5 [not q,f because rrq‘=0] , i.e. D = t.
= g55-2[rr5”/rr5 - (rr5’/rr5) 555’/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) [55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr] -gtt-2 d(tt5’) (rrt’/rrt)55t’/55t.
We now compute the Riemann tensor components for the metric:
(written in three equivalent ways, to demonstrate the meaning of the notation we employ)
ds2 = -gtt(t,r)dt2 + grr(t,r)dr2 + f(t) r2dW32: dW32= d52 + sin25 dW22
ds2 = - ttt2 ttr2dt2 + rrt2 rrr2dr2 + r2 d52 + f(t) r2 sin25 dq2 + f(t) r2 sin25 sin2q df2
ds2 = - ttt2 ttr2dt2 + rrt2 rrr2dr2 +55t2 r2d52 + qqT2 qqR2 qq52 dq2 + fft ffr ff5 ffq df2
no f(5) in r, t, and 5 metric coefficients:
i.e, have f(5) only in angular coordinates metric coefficients: i.e.:
555= RR5 = TT5 = 1, i.e. 555’ = RR5’=TT5’=0, but qq5, ff5 not = 1.
and also with spherical symmetry:
[qqR = ffR=55R = r, qq5 = sin5, ffq‘ = (sinq)‘ .]
Note: remember that the g’s here are the squareroot of the actual g’s, and all are positive - the h carries the negative sign of gtt:
grr-2 = (rrt rrr)-2 , gtt-2= (ttt ttr)-2 , g55-2 = r-2.
We want to compute the following:
Grr= Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
So we wish to find: Rr5r5 Rtftf Rtrtr Rt5t5 Rqrqr Rq5q5
Of the four angular combinations only ffq‘ not = 0 = (sinq)‘ .
[ffq”/ffq] = -[sinq/sinq] = -1. Therefore:
Rqfqf = -gqq-2 [ffq”/ffq]
-gDD-2 d(DDf’) (qqD’/qqD)ffD’/ffD SUMMED OVER D =r,t,5.
= - - gqq-2 - grr-2 (qqr’/qqr)ffr’/ffr - gtt-2(qqt’/qqt)fft’/fft - g55-2 (qq5’/qq5)ff5’/ff5.
Rqtqt = gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt”/ttt]
--gDD-2 d(DDt’) (qqD’/qqD)ttD’/ttD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,t
= gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt”/ttt] + grr-2 d(rrt’) (qqr’/qqr)ttr’/ttr
Rq5q5 = g55-2[qq5”/qq5 - (qq5’/qq5) 555’/555]
-gDD-2 d(DD5’) (qqD’/qqD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,5
= g55-2[qq5”/qq5]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) (qqr’/qqr)55r’/55r - gtt-2 d(tt5’) (qqt’/qqt)55t’/55t
Rqrqr = grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr’/rrr]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) (qqD’/qqD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=q,r
= grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr’/rrr] -gtt-2 d(ttr’) (qqt’/qqt)rrt’/rrt
Rt5t5 = --gtt-2 d(tt5’) [55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt]
--gDD-2 d(DD5’) (ttD’/ttD)55D’/55D SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,5
= gtt-2 d(tt5’) [55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt] + grr-2 d(rr5’) (ttr’/ttr)55r’/55r
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
-g55-2 d(55r’) (tt5’/tt5)rr5’/rr5 [it was SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,r, nor the angular coordinates, was summed only over 5.]
= grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr] -gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
Rtftf = + gtt-2 [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt] -grr-2 (ttr’/ttr)ffr’/ffr
-g55-2 (tt5’/tt5)ff5’/ff5
= + gtt-2 [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt] -grr-2 (ttr’/ttr)ffr’/ffr
Rr5r5 = -grr-2 d(rr5’) [55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr] - gtt-2 d(tt5’)(rrt’/rrt)55t’/55t
= -grr-2 [55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr] - gtt-2 (rrt’/rrt)55t’/55t
5-D: STATIC: Sph'ly Sym: S3 formed from the angular and fifth coordinates:
There is no f(5) in r, t, and 5 metric coefficients:
The metric is written in three equivalent ways, to demonstrate the meaning of the notation we employ:
ds2 = -gtt(r)dt2 + grr(r)dr2 + r2dW32: dW32= d52 + sin25 dW22
ds2 = -ttr2dt2 + rrr2dr2 + r2 d52 + r2 sin25 dq2 + r2 sin25 sin2q df2
ds2 = -ttr2dt2 + rrr2dr2 + 55r2d52 + qqR2 qq52 dq2 + ffr ff5 ffq df2
There is no f(5) in r, t, and 5 metric coefficients:
i.e: qqR = ffR=55R = r, qq5 = sin5, ffq‘ = (sinq)‘ .
555= RR5 = TT5 = 1,
i.e. 555’ = RR5’=TT5’=0,
Note: remember that the g’s here are the squareroot of the actual metric coefficient g’s, and all are positive - the h carries the negative sign of gtt:
grr-2 = (rrr)-2 , gtt-2= (-ttr)-2 , g55-2 = r-2.
We want to compute the following: Rr5r5 Rtftf Rtrtr Rt5t5 Rqrqr Rq5qfqf
Grr= Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
Rqfqf = - - gqq-2 - grr-2 (qqr’/qqr)ffr’/ffr - gtt-2(qqt’/qqt)fft’/fft - g55-2 (qq5’/qq5)ff5’/ff5
= gqq-2 - grr-2 (1/r2) - g55-2(qq5’/qq5) 2
= gqq-2 - grr-2 (1/r2) - g55-2(qq5’/qq5) 2
Since: qqR = ffR=55R = r, qq5 = sin5, 555= RR5 = TT5 = 1
gqq = r sin5, grr-2 = (rrr)-2 , gtt-2= (-ttr)-2 , g55-2 = r-2.
Rqfqf = r-2(1/sin5)2 - grr-2/r2 - r-2(cos5/sin5) 2
= r-2{- grr-2 + (1/sin25) - (cos25/sin25) } = r-2{- grr-2 + (1 - cos25/sin25) }
Rqfqf = (1 - grr-2)/r2 ,
which is linear in grr-2, which is grr-1 as usually defined.
Rqtqt = gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt’/ttt] + grr-2 d(rrt’) (1/r)ttr’/ttr
=grr-2 (1/r) ttr’/ttr
Rq5q5 = g55-2[qq5”/qq5] - grr-2 d(rr5’) 1/r(55r’/55r) - gtt-2 d(tt5’) (qqt’/qqt)55t’/55t
= g55-2[qq5”/qq5] - grr-2(1/r2).
Since for this metric: qq5 = sin5, g55-2 = r-2.
Rq5q5 = r-2[sin5”/sin5] - grr-2(1/r2) = {[-1] - grr-2}(1/r2)
Rq5q5 = - (1+grr-2)/r2.
Rqrqr = grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr’/rrr] - gtt-2 d(ttr’) (qqt’/qqt)rrt’/rrt
= grr-2[r”/r - (r’/r) rrr’/rrr]
= -grr-2 (1/r) rrr’/rrr
Rt5t5 = gtt-2 [55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt] + grr-2 (ttr’/ttr)r’/r
= grr-2 (1/r) (ttr’/ttr)
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
-gDD-2 d(DDr’) (ttD’/ttD)rrD’/rrD SUMMED OVER D NOT=t,r
= grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
-g55-2 d(55r’) (tt5’/tt5)rr5’/rr5
= grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
Rtftf = gff-2[ttf”/ttf - (ttf’/ttf) fff’/fff]
+gtt-2 d(ttf’) [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt]
+grr-2 d(rrf’) (ttr’/ttr)r’/r
= grr-2 (1/r)(ttr’/ttr)
Rr5r5 = - grr-2 d(rr5’) [r”/r-(r’/r)rrr’/rrr] -gtt-2 d(tt5’)(rrt’/rrt)55t’/55t
= grr-2(1/r)[rrr’/rrr]
Inverse Metric
Rr5r5 = - Rqrqr = grr-2(1/r)[rrr’/rrr]
Remember that rrr is the square-root of the r function part of grr. We can express this R in terms of the function itself, i.e. rrr2. Sometimes the function is an inverse, and we can express Rr5r5 and Rqrqr in terms of rrr-1 or rrr-2
In terms of rrr2:
D2'/D2 = 2DD’/D2 = 2D’/D. or D’/D = D2'/2D2 .
I.e. changing it to the square makes a change only in a factor of 2 in the denominator. Therefore we can write [rrr’/rrr] as [rrr2’/2rrr2].
In terms of rrr-1:
D-1'/D-1 = - D-2D’/D-1 = - D’/D.
I.e. changing it to the inverse makes a change only in the sign. Therefore we can write [rrr’/rrr] as [- rrr-1’/rrr-1].
In terms of rrr-2:
Combining these, we obtain: [rrr’/rrr] = [rrr2’/2rrr2] = -[rrr-2’/2rrr-2].
Where rrr = ttr-1 : we can express [rrr’/rrr] in terms of ttr2:
Since in this case ttr2 = rrr-2:
[rrr’/rrr] = -[rrr-2’/2rrr-2] = ttr2’/2ttr2.
the R was for static metric, no 5, sph sym so no angular functions, so is only r function, i.e. grr = rrr = ttr-1:
grr-2 [rrr’/rrr] = rrr-2 [ttr2’/2ttr2] = ttr2 [ttr2’/2ttr2] = ttr2’/2
= gtt2’/2
= in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2.
In this form we can see that Rr5r5 and Rqrqr are linear in gtt as it is usually defined.
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
Rtrtr contains a second derivative as well as a product of first derivatives. Only this R has such a product term, and so in summing the R’s for computing G, it cannot cancel, and so one expects that this will inevitably be a term in G, and so G can therefore not be linear.
The second derivative in ttr when expressed in terms of ttr2 is actually composed of two terms, one of which is the square of the first derivative, and when rrr = ttr-1 it actually exactly cancels the other term and so G can be linear!
Note that since rrr’/rrr = - rrr-1’/rrr-1:
when rrr = 1/ttr we can set: rrr’/rrr = - rrr-1’/rrr-1 = -ttr/ttr, and so:
i.e. for rrr = ttr-1:
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr + (ttr’/ttr)2] .
Since grr-2 = gtt2 = ttr2 : and from algebra: (ttr’/ttr) = (ttr2’/2ttr2) :
Performing the multiplication by g etc we obtain:
Rtrtr = ttr2[ttr”/ttr + (ttr2’/2ttr2) 2]
= ttr” ttr + ttr’2 .
As we mentioned above, the second term will be exactly cancelled by a part of the first term, as shown below:
ttr” = [ttr2]1/2” = {(1/2)[ttr2]-1/2 [ttr2]’ }’
= (1/2){(-1/2)[ttr2]-3/2 [ttr2]’2 + [ttr2]-1/2 [ttr2]’’ }
ttr” ttr = [ttr2]1/2” [ttr2]1/2
= - [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2] + ttr2’’/2 .
ttr’2 = {[ttr2]1/2}’2 = {(1/2)[ttr2]-1/2 [ttr2]’}2 = (1/4)[ttr2]-1 [ttr2]’2
= [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2] .
Rtrtr = ttr” ttr + ttr’2 = - [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2] + ttr2’’/2 + [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2]
= - [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2] + ttr2’’/2 + [ttr2]’2/4[ttr2]
= ttr2’’/2 .
A beautiful cancellation, getting rid of the term with the square of the first derivative.
Expressing ttr”/ttr in terms of [ttr2].
ttr”/ttr = [ttr2]1/2”/[ttr2]1/2 = [ttr2]1/2”/[ttr2]1/2
[ttr2]1/2” = {(1/2)[ttr2]-1/2 [ttr2]’ }’
= (1/2){(-1/2)[ttr2]-3/2 [ttr2]’2 + [ttr2]-1/2 [ttr2]’’ }
ttr”/ttr = [ttr2]1/2”/[ttr2]1/2
= (1/2){(-1/2)[ttr2]-2 [ttr2]’2 + [ttr2]-1 [ttr2]’’ }
= (-1/4)[ttr2]-2 [ttr2]’2 + (1/2)[ttr2]-1 [ttr2]’’
= -[ttr2]’2/4[ttr2]2 + (1/2) [ttr2]’’/[ttr2] .
Since grr-2 = gtt2 = ttr2 :
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr + (ttr’/ttr)2]
= ttr2{-[ttr2]’2/4[ttr2]2 + (1/2) [ttr2]’’/[ttr2] + (ttr’/ttr)2}
= {-[ttr2]’2/4[ttr2] + (1/2) [ttr2]’’ + ttr’2.
grr-2= rrr-2 Prrc-2 = ttr2 Prrc-2
Therefore: grr-2[rrr’/rrr] = ttr2 Prrc-2[ttr2’/2ttr2] = (1/2) Prrc-2[ttr2’]
but actually this is not needed because the R was for static metric, no 5, sph sym so no angular functions, so is only r function, i.e. grr = rrr.
Where all of the functions in grr and gtt are inversely related......
rrr = ttr-1.
Grr= Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +-2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
Because the metric is static it has no t dependence, and it has little 5 dependence, and small angular dependence bec it is sph. sym, the only coordinate playing a major role in the metric coefficient functions is r, and therefore grr is prominent.
Rqfqf = (1 - grr-2)/r2 ,
Rqtqt =grr-2 (1/r) ttr’/ttr
Rq5q5 = - (1+grr-2)/r2.
Rqrqr = -grr-2 (1/r) rrr’/rrr
Rt5t5 = grr-2 (1/r) (ttr’/ttr)
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr’/rrr]
Rtftf = grr-2 (1/r)(ttr’/ttr)
Rr5r5 = grr-2(1/r)[rrr’/rrr]
For Inverse Form of the Metric
grr-2 [rrr’/rrr] = rrr-2 [ttr2’/2ttr2] = ttr2 [ttr2’/2ttr2] = ttr2’/2
= gtt2’/2
= in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2.
In this form we can see that Rr5r5 and Rqrqr are linear in gtt as it is usually defined.
grr-2 [rrr’/rrr] = gtt2’/2 = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2.
Rqfqf = (1 - grr-2)/r2 = (1 - gtt-2)/r2 ,
Rqtqt = grr-2 (1/r) ttr’/ttr = gtt2 (1/r) ttr’/ttr = ttr2 (1/r) ttr’/ttr = ttr ttr’/r
= ttr2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2r.
Rq5q5 = - (1+grr-2)/r2.
Rqrqr = -grr-2 (1/r) rrr’/rrr = - gtt2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = - gtt’/2r.
Rt5t5 = grr-2 (1/r) (ttr’/ttr) = ttr2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2.
Rtrtr = ttr2’’/2 .
Rtftf = grr-2 (1/r)(ttr’/ttr) = ttr2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2r.
Rr5r5 = grr-2(1/r)[rrr’/rrr] = gtt2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2r.
rrr = ttr-1.
Grr= Rtftf + Rt5t5 +2 Rq5q5 +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
= ttr2’/2r + ttr2’/2r - 2 (1+grr-2)/r2 + 2 ttr2’/2r + (1 - grr-2)/r2 ,
= 2 ttr2’/r - 2 (1+grr-2)/r2 + (1 - grr-2)/r2 ,
Rqrqr = -grr-2 (1/r) rrr’/rrr = gtt2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2r.
Rtrtr = ttr2’’/2 .
Rr5r5 = grr-2(1/r)[rrr’/rrr] = gtt2’/2r = in the ordinary notation = gtt’/2r.
Example: 4 dimensions
Grr = Rtftf +2Rqtqt + Rqfqf
and of the four combinations of f and q only ffq‘ is not = 0 = (sinq)‘ . We can see from the below that all the R’s with a 5 index do in fact vanish, as should be the case for 4 dimensions.
Note that the R’s with one angular coordinate will have summation terms involving the other angular coordinate, (e.g. ttq’) and these will vanish for Sph. Sym., and so the terms in the 5 coordinate will not play a factor. The only place the 5 comes in will be where 5 is one of the indices of R, and this R will vanish entirely in 4-d, and also in the R with both angular coordinates, i.e. Rqfqf, since here only mixtures of r and t and 5 will occur. Therefore, the 4-d R’s are given by the 5-d R’s with the R’s having a 5 index set to zero, and the term in Rqfqf with 5 in it also set to zero. All the other R’s are the same in 4 and 5 dimensions. When computing the actual values of the terms, e.g. gqq, of course the value will be different for the case where gqq has a functional dependance on 5 and when it does not (as in the 5-d case of interest to us with inverse metric form and f(5) only in the angular metric coefficients).
Rqfqf = gqq-2 - grr-2 (qqr’/qqr)ffr’/ffr - gtt-2(qqt’/qqt)fft’/fft -g55-2 (qq5’/qq5)ff5’/ff5.
Rqtqt = gtt-2[qqt”/qqt - (qqt’/qqt) ttt”/ttt] + grr-2 d(rrt’) (qqr’/qqr)ttr’/ttr
+ g55-2 d(55t’) (qq5’/qq5)tt5’/tt5
As it should be, all terms here are zero:
Rq5q5 = g55-2[qq5”/qq5 - (qq5’/qq5) 555”/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) (qqr’/qqr)55r’/55r - gtt-2 d(tt5’) (qqt’/qqt)55t’/55t
Rqrqr = grr-2[qqr”/qqr - (qqr’/qqr) rrr”/rrr] -g55-2 d(55r’)(qq5’/qq5)rr5’/rr5
-gtt-2 d(ttr’) (qqt’/qqt)rrt’/rrt
As should be the case, all terms here are zero:
Rt5t5 = g55-2[tt5”/tt5 - (tt5’/tt5) 555”/555]
- - gtt-2 d(tt5’) [55t”/55t-(55t’/55t)ttt’/ttt]
- -grr-2 d(rr5’) (ttr’/ttr)55r’/55r
Rtrtr = grr-2[ttr”/ttr - (ttr’/ttr) rrr”/rrr]
- - gtt-2 d(ttr’) [rrt”/rrt-(rrt’/rrt)ttt’/ttt]
- - gDD-2 d(55r’) (tt5’/tt5)rr5’/rr5
Rtftf= gtt-2 [fft”/fft-(fft’/fft)ttt’/ttt] -grr-2 d(rrf’) (ttr’/ttr)ffr’/ffr
-g55-2 d(55f’) (tt5’/tt5)ff5’/ff5
Rr5r5 = g55-2[rr5”/rr5 - (rr5’/rr5) 555”/555]
-grr-2 d(rr5’) [55r”/55r-(55r’/55r)rrr’/rrr] -gtt-2 d(tt5’) (rrt’/rrt)55t’/55t.
[1] The following was file "Chatterjee", beginning with section "Higher dimensional theories"
[2] NOTE: We use MTW[heeler]’s method to find wAD .
NOTE: can be ignored: There are two categories here: where gAA,D does not vanish, and where it does vanish, and these correspond to the cases where wAD will be proportional to wA or to wD respectively. We find that where gAA,D = 0:
wAD = [gAA,D/gDDgAA] wA
If it is not zero:
wAD = - hAA hDD [gDD,A/gAAgDD] wD .
[3] Clearly wheregAA,D = the first term above will vanish, whereas if it is not zero, the second will vanish.