Quantum Kabbalistic Biblical Astrology & Karma: dreams, free will & human destiny

See also: Quantum Kabbalistic Platonism & the sophistication of reality

The article directly below - "Human potential is beyond Astrology" - relates to "Fate" or "the Power of the Stars(astrology)", sets the stage for the other articles in this series:


Human potential is beyond Astrology

Joseph’s first dream [37:7] clearly did not necessarily mean what the brothers read into it, that they would eventually come to bow before him [37:8]; the dream included Joseph and his brothers and in the dream none of them bowed to him. Instead it was only the brothers’ sheaves which bowed, not the brothers themselves; furthermore their sheaves bowed to his sheaves, not to him.

Had the dream not included Joseph and his brothers, just their sheaves, one could claim that their sheaves were symbolic of them, and that the bowing of the brothers’ sheaves to Joseph’s sheaf symbolized their bowing to Joseph, but if they themselves were in the dream and did not bow, why give this interpretation!?

Beyond Astrology: The Correct Interpretation of the Dreams

From later events it is clear that the dream meant that Joseph would one day be providing them with food, that their food supply, their sheaves, would be dependent on his supply, his sheaves, as indeed later happened.

After the first dream was interpreted as it was, the reality was set to some degree, and the second dream already reflected some of this new reality: now we see entities bowing to Joseph himself.

And, it was the sun and moon and stars, potent symbols, which were doing so. This seemed to them even more arrogant.

However we see later what the correct interpretation was: that the seasons, symbolized by the sun and moon, were to some degree put under Joseph’s control, in that he was able to rise above them and profitably manage the series of years of plenty and famine; and furthermore the dream symbolized Joseph’s ability to know the future, symbolized by the stars.

When the brothers later decided to kill him they said : “now we will see what will be of his dreams”: but Joseph was given the power to rise above plain destiny, whether his brothers tried to kill him or have him be a slave in a strange land for the rest of his life, or whether he would be framed and sent to prison, in every situation his destiny would be above that fated in any reading of the stars.

Since the stars symbolize also fate, their bowing to Joseph symbolized his ability not only to predict the future but also to use this knowledge of the future to overcome fate and change destiny.

The Creator of the stars and of humanity and all of Nature is telling us in the Creation and Eden accounts and in this Joseph saga that when we actualize ourselves fully by struggling to choose good over evil, we are tapping into the aspect of us which is 'the image of God', that which is referred to when it says that God "breathed/blew the divine spirit/breathe' into us; when we overcome our egos and utilize our Free Will to choose the right path despite all the instinctive power of our nature, we can transcend the causation-level of Nature, Fate and the Stars.

See Hebrew version of this article: החלום השני של יוסף , החלום הראשון של יוסף as well as a few other related articles on that site, including:: רצונו של יוסף להגשים את החלומות

Interpretation as Destiny Actuation: Joseph's brothers’ uncharitable interpretation of his dreams were self-fulfilling. Joseph’s reception of prophetic dreams had a purpose: the brothers were to have helped Joseph fulfill these dreams rather than attempt to foil them. According to Quantum Biblical Kabbalah, dreams are fulfilled not according to some preordained fate, but rather according to the interpretation they are given.[See the related discussion of human free-willed activation, quantum physics and kabbalah.]

The next articles (see the links at the top or below) discuss Dreams and Karma, expanding on the topic of Dreamland Causation (which derives from the causation-level of "True Free Will).