Cosmology, Genetic engineering

  • If there can be in brain a physical structure associated to mind, perhaps the physical universe also has such structure.

  • Maybe the existence of laws of nature (see Hume, PCW Davies etc) is an indication of this? Or can one find a new level of structure to the universe given the postulate that it emerged in an acausal manner?Just as awareness is that which can be known in of itself requiring no proof, so too perhaps the universe is that which can (begin to) exist on its own requiring no physical cause?

  • If true free will (incompatibilist libertarian, acausal) exists in human brains, then perhaps the acausal aspect is that which can emerge on its own? Or it is present in the universe or is associated to that which enabled the universe to emerge into existence acausally?



  • Do those without mind have something else instead? Maybe they also struggle to convey to the minded what they feel?

  • If there can be in brain a physical structure associated to mind: how did it arise? Is it coded in the genes?

  • If one removes that part of brain, does the person remember what it felt like?

  • Can one transplant it to a mindless person and transform them to minded?

  • Can one inject generic material to the brain to stimulate it to produce that structure, thus inducing mind?

Is it like seeing, where a blind from birth person receives the ability to see, and they need to orient their brain to interpret new signals? or would it be automatic?