Bible story? Creation, Eden & flood accounts? Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it isn't true

Jewish belief holds that every word in the five books of Moses was dictated verbatim by God, but not that everything that God dictated is true. Some of those words were spoken originally in dialogues between humans, such as when Joseph and Pharaoh spoke, and some are the words of liars or rogues, but God verbatim dictated these too. So although the statement recorded in the Torah is the word of God, what is said in that statement is not necessarily true.

And when God dictated to Moses an account about creation, every word originated from God, but that does not at all mean that God meant these words to be taken literally. The account is very deep, with many mystical secrets embedded within, but that does not at all imply that the account is meant to be interpreted literally.

Perhaps the first human being who emerged via evolution was a prophet and composed a hymn to God which took the form of a description of the creation by God of the universe and of humanity, and this pleased God so much - and had such great spiritual depth - that God included it as the opening of The Book. So what we know of as the creation & Eden accounts are divinely dictated word for word, and are the product of prophecy, but this does not imply of necessity that they were meant by God as a literal account of something that actually occurred in the physical realm.

Noah and his son Shem were prophets and may have recorded a deep allegorical account of some physical event they perceived as a world-wide flood, an account which God decided to incorporate it into what was dictated verbatim to Moses. And so it has holiness because it comes from God's verbatim words, but the words themselves may have originated in a human-authored allegorical poetic-epic. Or possibly Noah was granted a vision, prophecy from God, in which what Noah perceived was a worldwide flood, and because this vision was a deep spiritual commentary on humanity and contained profound mystical secrets which Noah encoded in the words, God decided to incorporate it into what was dictated verbatim to Moses.


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