Shlomo introduces R' Yidel Stein of Miami

Reb Shlomo introduces(?) a guest speaker: yidel stein miami:

· We are told: "B'esh Yerushalayim was built(and destroyed?) and b'eish rebuilt”. How can one rebuild by fire?

· R Elimelech says: whats the difference between a man and animal, as it says 'moisar..oin? Whatever you do affects you: if you have(or act with?) ahavas hashem you will have ahava, with yiras hashem, people aren't afraid of him? The thee letters of the word Oyin reprsent ahava yirah neshomo, that's the diff bet human and animal. But its not enough, the combination of yerushalayim = yeru sholem, how have shlaimus only by ahavus hashem and ahavas yisroel. Why? Choivas halvovos says simcha, shchinah shoireh, but torah tells us disaster follows "tachas asher lo ovadto besimcha", without simmcha it is empty, ahavas hashem is only besimcha, aish is aleph shin = ahava simcha,and the letters also represent ESh =Eretz yiSrael.

· yerushalayim is 'tel talpiyos', ctr of the world, unites klal yiroel, achdus, to give back or not, they want TA also, this will bring the jews everywhere united; 'they' are ready to kill us, get us out of israel, that's why they want yerushalayim. Ahava to hashem and yerushalayim will bring back jews, achdus.

· “Oid yeshomo...ubchutzot ylm..simcha..” so yerushalayim is associated to simcha

· if bring simcha to choson kallah, eliyahu hanavi mislabesh olov