Remarkable parallel between formulae for Riemann tensor component and Gauss's 2-d curvature

For diagonal metrics:

Riemann curvature = 2-d Gauss curvature + ‘intermediary-dimension’ term


1. The formula.

2. Calculation of the Riemann tensor components (RTCs) for some simple diagonal metrics, using this formula - to display properties of the formula, to help others who wish to learn how to apply it, and to illustrate how much of a simplification results form the use of this formula compared to standard versions.

3. We'll discuss what this formula reveals regarding some of the properties of the diagonal RTCs for diagonal metrics.

4. To touch base with results published elsewhere, we'll provide Landau & Lipschitz's (LL) formula (for the diagonal RTCs for diagonal metrics), and show how some of the properties mentioned in 3 are evident from their formula as well.

5. We'll show how to get from LL's formula to ours.


It is quite interesting - and greatly simplifying intuitively and calculationally - that (as we show below) for diagonal metrics of 3 or more dimensions, the diagonal Riemann curvature tensor components Rlili are the sum of two pieces, the Gaussian curvature Kli for a 2-d surface, plus an ‘intermediary-curvature’ term reflecting the effect of the additional dimensions.

Schematically: Rlili = Kli + intermediary-curvature.

In all the below, we will be assuming orthogonal coordinates, diagonal metrics.

AR's form of the Riemann Tensor Component (RTC) formula for diagonal metrics of any dimensionality Send feedback to:

The formula (see below for definition of the single-index 'square-root' g's) has a manifest symmetry of A & B, symmetry we expect in the RTC, but that is not directly evident in the usual form. Also, it can be seen as a direct extension of Gauss’s formula (see below). In addition, it cleanly separates out two types of effect (see discussion below).

RABAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} - hDhAhB gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] DA,B


Example: ds2 = dt2 – t2(dr2 + sinh2r d2W)

gt = 1, ht= +1; gr = t , hr= -1; gq= t sinh r , gf= t sinh r sinq.

This certainly seems curved, but all the RTCs vanish, so it is a flat spacetime! Using our formula the calculation of the RTCs is rather simple.

Rtrtr = -[gt gr]-1{ht[gt,r /gr],r + hr[gr,t/gt],t} - hDhthr gD-2 [gt,D/gt][gr,D/gr] D t,r

= -[t]-1{ [0/gr],r -[1/1],t} + hD gD-2 [0/gt][gr,D/gr] D t,r = 0

Rrfrf = -[gr gf]-1{hr[gr,f /gf],f + hf [gf,r/gr],r} - hDhrhf gD-2[gr,D/gr][gf,D/gf] D=t,q

In this case, both gr and gf ARE functions of one of the two intermediate coordinates (t,q), namely t, but gr is not a function of the other intermediate coordinate, q, and so one of the intermediate terms vanish, ie:

= -[t gf]-1{hr[t,f /gf],f + hf [gf,r/gr],r} - ht gt-2[gr,t/gr][gf,t/gf] - hq gq-2[gr,q/gr][gf,q/gf]

= -[t(t sinh r sinq)]-1{hr[0 /gf],f+hf[(t sinh r sinq),r/t],r}-htgt-2[t,t /t][t sinh r sinq],t/[t sinh r sinq]-hqgq-2[t,q/gr][gf,q/gf]

= -[t2 sinh r sinq)]-1hf [(t sinh r sinq),r/t],r - ht [1] [t,t /t][t,t/t] – hqgq-2 [0] [gf,q/gf]

= - t-2 [sinh r sinq]-1hf sinq (sinh r),r,r - ht t-2

= - t-2{hf (sinh r)-1(sinh r),r,r + ht}

= - t-2{hf + ht} = 0.

Our intuition is not capable of deciphering a metric directly, looking at it and determining whether or not it represents curvature of flatness. The Riemann tensor provides a fully dependable way to make such a determination: if it vanishes there’s no curvature, if it doesn’t there IS curvature. It is non-zero if and only if there is non-zero curvature. Whatever the functions gA and gB are, however much they make the metric look as though it is that of a curved surface, if all components of the Riemann tensor vanishes the space is in fact flat; if even one component is non-zero, it is NOT flat.

For angular 2-space in flat 4-d:

Rrfrf = -[1x gf]-1{hr[1,f /gf],f + hf [gf,r/1],r} - ht gt-2[gr,t/gr][gf,t/gf] - hq gq-2[1,q/1][gf,q/gf]

= hf [1],r - ht gt-2[1,t/gr][gf,t/gf] = 0.

flat 4-d in polar coordinates: ds2 = -dt2 + dr2 + r2dq2 + r2sin2qdf2

gr = 1, gt = 1, gq = r, gf = r sinq

Rrqrq = -[gr gq]-1{hr[gr,q /gq],q + hq [gq,r/gr],r} - hDhrhq gD-2[gr,D/gr][gq,D/gq] D=t,f

= -[1x gq]-1{hr[1,q /gq],q + hq [gq,r/1],r} - ht gt-2[gr,t/gr][gq,t/gq] - hf gf-2[1,f/1][gq,f/gq]

= 0 + hq [1],r - ht gt-2[1,t/gr][gf,t/gf] = 0.


Rrfrf = -[gr gf]-1{hr[gr,f /gf],f + hf [gf,r/gr],r} - hDhrhf gD-2[gr,D/gr][gf,D/gf] D=t,q

Since gr is not a function of f, obviously the first part of the { } will vanish, and since gr is not a function of either of the two intermediate coordinates (t,q), the last two terms vanish, ie:

= -[1 x gf]-1{hr[1,f /gf],f + hf [gf,r/1],r} - ht gt-2[gr,t/gr][gf,t/gf] - h q g q -2[gr, q /gr][gf, q/gf]

= -gf-1hf gf,r,r - ht gt-2[0/gr][0/gf] - h q g q -2[0 /gr][gf, q/gf]

= -[rsinq]-1hf [rsinq],r,r ,

however: [rsinq],r,r = [sinq] r,r,r = 0, so Rrfrf = 0.

After some experience with this type of calculation, just by inspection one can write:

Rrfrf = -[rsinq]-1hf [rsinq],r,r = 0


Rqfqf = -[gq gf]-1{hr[gq,f /gf],f + hq [gf,q/gq],q} - hthqhf gt-2 [gq,t/gq][gf,t/gf]- hrhqhf gr-2 [gq,r/gq][gf,r/gf]

= -[gq gf]-1{hr[0/gf],f + hq [rcosq/r],q} - hthqhf gt-2 [0/gq][gf,t/gf]- hrhqhf 1-2 [r,r/gq][(rsinq),r/gf]

= -[gq gf]-1hq [-sinq]} - hrhqhf [1/gq][sinq/gf] = 0

Analysis: the cancellation is from: -[gq gf]-1hq [gf,q/gq],q} = hrhqhf gr-2 [gq,r/gq][gf,r/gf]

- [gf,q/gq],q = hrhf gr-2 gq,r gf,r

- [gf,q/gq],q/[hf gq,r gf,r] = hr gr-2 : for hr gr = 1, this is: [gf,q/gq],q= -[hf gq,r gf,r]

For gq = r : [gf,q/r],q= -[hf r,r gf,r] , [1/r]gf,q,q= -hf gf,r

For hf = 1, gf = rf(q) : f(q),q,q= -[rf(q)],r = - f(q) and so f = sin (maybe cos also?)


Terminology: Diagonal metrics are possible when one can choose orthogonal coordinates.



  • Can it be that there is some invariant characterization of those spaces (curvatures) which allow for diagonal metrics?
  • What is the equivalent in a non-metric connected space which allows for orthogonal coordinates?
  • Are the Riemann curvatures of generally-curved metric spaces expressible as the curvature for a diagonal metric plus some other (perhaps intuitively-meaningful) term?
  • Can the off-diagonal components for a diagonal metric also be expressed in a simple form? For them, LL gives:
LL rtc formula diagonal metric

Discussion: Properties of the Riemann curvature evident from AR's formula (above): The signs of the three terms: For 4-d spacetime, whatever the choice of signature:

  • If both (l,i) are spatial we can ignore el & ei. For this case there is a term in the summation m = t, and so if that term is non-zero then el ei em = – 1, and so the sign of the summation term will change.
  • At most only one of (l,i) can be time, and if indeed one of them is, then there will be a relative negative sign between the first two subterms; but in that case m cannot be t and so there is no sign change in the last term.

Note that all second order derivatives originate with Fl,i,i and Fi,l,l , however these are 2nd derivatives of the exponential function, not of the metric coefficients.

We can see that the second order effect, the true Riemann curvature, arises from the metric coefficients of the two dimensions represented in the RTC indices (e,i), whereas the ‘intermediary’ dimensions (represented by m) gives rise only to products of first derivatives.

Also: (and this is true not only for diagonal metrics): since the second derivative is with respect to the ‘other’ coordinate, one only gets first derivatives of a metric function with respect to ‘its’ coordinate, for example the time-metric coefficient g00 will not have 2ndderivatives with respect to time, etc (see LL sec 95 re ‘peculiarities of the structure of the Einstein equaitons’). However, time-spatial Riemann components will have 2nd time derivatives with respect to the spatial coordinate. For example, for the FRW metric, Rtrtrhas R..(t).


Notation: Many textbook calculations write the metric coefficients (especially gtt and grr) in exponential form, for example gtt = -ef(r) , and compute the Riemann tensor components in terms of f(r). We find however that using (gtt and grr , and even moreso their vierbein/tetrad-like) square roots, the Riemann tensor components end up taking a simpler form. For a diagonal metric of any dimensionality we can write:

ds2 = gaadxadxa (summed on a)

We define: gD ≡ √|gDD| ; No summation over D: to indicate this in the following we will insert [NS].

Example of the notation: gt ≡ √| gtt | [1][2]

We also define wD via:

wD = gDdx D (No summation over D [NS: D]),

and we define the ha containing the signature information:

ds2 = gaadxadxa (summed on a)

≡ ha (wa) 2 ≡ ha [ga]2 [dxa]2.

Summation will be assumed in the below unless NS is specifically indicated. (1) [2][3]

AR's form of the RTC formula where -[gA gB]-1 is distributed over the entire expression:

[4] This has a manifest symmetry of A & B, symmetry we expect in the RTC, but that is not directly evident in the usual form. Also, it can be seen as a direct extension of Gauss’s formula (see below). In addition, it cleanly separates out two types of effect (see discussion below).

By inspection we see that RABAB is the same except with the power +1 instead of -1 for the coefficient term -[gA gB].

We'll now arrive at the above formula via the one below given by L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz (Abbrev: “LL”) (section 92): For i l :

Rlili = el e2Fl (Fi,iFl,i – F2l,i – Fl,i,i) + ei e2Fi(Fl,lFi,l – F2i,l – Fi,l,l) - el e2FlSm i,l eme2(Fi - Fm) Fi,m Fl,m i l (B)

Note that all second order derivatives originate with Fl,i,i and Fi,l,l . We can see that the second order effect, the true Riemann curvature, arises from the metric coefficients of the two dimensions represented in the RTC indices (l,i), whereas the ‘intermediate’ dimensions (represented by m) gives rise only to products of first derivatives.

We’ll rewrite LL’s formula, changing only the third (last) term by taking 2 terms out of the summation for clarity:

Rlili = el e2Fl (Fi,iFl,i – F2l,i – Fl,i,i) + ei e2Fi(Fl,lFi,l – F2i,l – Fi,l,l) - ei e2Fi el e2Fl Sm i,l eme-2Fm Fi,m Fl,m i l

Rlili = gll gii Rlili = (1/gllgii) Rlili = (e-2Fi e-2Fl) Rlili

= el e-2Fi(Fi,iFl,i – F2l,i – Fl,i,i) + ei e2Fl(Fl,lFi,l – F2i,l – Fi,l,l) - ei el Sm i,l eme-2Fm Fi,m Fl,m i l

With the metric coefficients expressed using LL’s signature and notation:

gii = ei e2Fi ; e0 = 1, ea = - 1. a = spatial coordinate indices ; (6)

using our “square-root g’s”:

gii = ei gi 2 , gi = eFi , gi,m = F,m eFi .

gi,m/gi = F,m . (7)

RTC formulas (A) and (B) have three terms; from (7) we can see that the third (and last) terms of both are the same.

To transform this into our formula, we'll utilize three simple identities (identities valid for any function, not just the metric coefficients, but we'll use g's to simplify their substitution into the above RTC formula).

For any function f(xj), j = 1,4, where we will use ge instead of f, so we write f(xj) as ge(xj): from simple differentiation with respect to a specific coordinate xi (no summation):


Rearranging terms in (1) we have:

. (Identity 1)

We now have two different functions ge(xj) and gi(xj). The ‘i’ in gi may refer to a specific coordinate xi, but the function gi(xj) has no a priori relationship to that coordinate.

Given the expression: (2a)

we can use Identity 1 to rewrite the factor in { }, so that (2a) becomes:

, (2b)

which we rewrite as: . (2c)

To reduce the above, we’ll use another result. From simple differentiation:

, (3)

so we can rewrite (2c) as: (2d).

In summary, writing (2a) = (2d) we have three terms collapsing to one:

(Identity 2).


From simple differentiation: ,

So: (Identity 3).

|gaa|; for spherical symmetry, for any |gaa| = f(r):

Given ga

using Identity 3 we write:

, or in the other notation:.


Using identity 2 we can write the three sub-terms which appear in the first term of LL’s formula (B) as one term (note that our e is LL’s l):

Fi,iFl,i – F2l,i – Fl,i,i à (eFi/eFl) [Fl,ieFl/eFi],i

which expressed in our notation is:

-[gA gB]-1[gA,B /gB],B (8)

The first two terms of (B) are identical to each other just with i and l interchanged, and when cast in terms of our metric coefficient notation with single indices, they can be transformed into the negative of:

ee + ei


{ ee + ei}

The above is Gauss’s curvature for a 2-d surface.

Combining it all we arrive at my formula (B) for the RTC.

It is interesting that (B) can be seen as a direct extension of Gauss's curvature formula (see analysis below).


Analysis of the above: Cancellation when we use the square roots: Each of the three terms in (3a) , and therefore in (A), has the same form, a derivative of a function divided by itself, just that the first two have products whereas the last has only a derivative. When we use the metric coefficient itself as opposed to the square root, there's a difference of a factor of 2 for each term, which will be a factor of 4 for the first two terms and only a factor of 2 for the last, so the first two terms have a different coefficient than the third. When we use the square roots, there's no factor of two and so all three terms have the same coefficient, and as a result we can get a cancellation and a combination, as detailed below.

The four sub-terms:

i) a product of two 1st derivatives = 1x1

ii) a square of a 1st derivative, which is therefore a product of two 1st derivatives = 1x 1

iii) a derivative of (a derivative divided by a function), which gives rise to two sub-terms: a second derivative, and a product of two 1st derivatives = 2 + 1x1

A Cancellation and a Combination:

1) There's a cancellation of: ii.1x1 with iii.1x1;

2) The two remaining terms i.1x1 & iii.2 add to form the derivative of (a derivative divided by a function), which is all that's left.


2-d and Gaussian Curvature

For a 2-d surface, using an orthogonal coordinate system (xA, xB), the metric is:

ds2 = gAAdxA ² + gBBdxB ² (no sum on A or B [NS: A,B]).

Gauss’s curvature formula for this surface is: [See Barrett O’Neill: “Semi Riemannian Geometry” p81]

KAB = - [gA gB]-1{hA [gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} [NS: A,B].

The Gaussian curvature arises from the interconnection of the two dimensions represented by the coordinates corresponding to the two indices of K (or of the metric coefficients corresponding to the coordinates). Quantitatively, the Gaussian curvature arises via – or is dependent - the derivatives of the metric coefficient corresponding to one coordinate, derived w/r/t the other coordinate. In this sense the Gaussian curvature is the curvature arising from a “mutual” interconnection. (Then a second derivative is formed, giving rise to second order terms.)

Intrinsic Curvature: The above formula also provides the intrinsic curvature of a 2-d space described by the above metric.


Gauss’s Formula for the Curvature of a 2-d Surface, in his notation [5][1]

Given a 2-d surface with coordinate grid (u,v) on it, with the metric:

ds2 = Edu2 + Gdv2

In terms of the quantities:

e = sqrt|E|, g = sqrt|G| , e is the sign (my h)

and using the notation: gu = ¶ug , (gu/e) u = ¶uug/e)

the curvature of the surface is given by Gauss’s formula:

Kuv = (-1/eg)[eu (gu/e) u + ev(ev/g)v]


Intrinsic Curvature for 3-d and higher

The formula for the Riemann Tensor Components (RTCs) for orthogonal metrics of any dimensionality is the Gauss term above plus an additional term which we call the ‘intermediary term’ I:

IAB = (hAhBhD) gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] D A,B

= (hAhBhD) [gA gB]-1 gD-2 [gA,D][gB,D] D A,B

This term vanishes unless both of the metric coefficients corresponding to the indices of the RTC have non-vanishing derivatives w/r/t the same coordinate(s). We will term “intermediary coordinates” those coordinates w/r/t which both of the metric coefficients corresponding to the indices of the RTC have non-vanishing derivatives. We can then say that this term relates to the curvature arising from the interconnection of the two dimensions represented by A and B via the dimensions represented by the “intermediary coordinates”.

We can therefore write: (Note: No Sum on A,B. However, D summed on DA,B)

RABAB = KAB + IAB = - [gA gB]-1{ hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A + (hAhBhD)gD-2 [gA,D][gB,D] D A,B }

Where the first (Gaussian) part of the RTC is the curvature arising from the “mutual” interconnection, and the ‘additional’ (third) term is the curvature arising from the interconnection via the “intermediary” dimensions/coordinates.

· The terms are manifestly symmetric under A ßà B. [(AR to AR: check the signature part of the last term)] Note that this is not true of the usual formulae for the RTC.

· This division of the RTC into “mutual” and “intermediary” terms grants this form of the RTC formula a certain intuitive basis.

· Use of this formula facilitates intuiting shortcuts in calculations of the RTC. (Some RTCs can be computed mostly ‘by inspection’ using this formula; the terms arising in the RTCs can be easily traced to the metric; some properties of special metrics are easily discernible eg for metrics with inverse relationship eg: gtt = -grr-1 [Rtt is a Laplacian]).

Analysis of the Formula : Note that when the two metric coefficients are functions of each other’s coordinate, ie:

gA = gA(xB),

gB = gB(xA),

then both terms can survive. If neither is a function of the other, both terms must vanish. [And of course if only one is a function of the other’s coordinate then only one term survives.]

These terms clearly involve a second derivative of each of the two metric coefficients involved, w.r.t. the other coordinate, ie gA,B,B and gB,A,A . This makes sense as curvature since it takes into account a type of twisting of the metric basis. But note that the first derivative eg gA,B is ‘normalized’ by dividing with gB before the second derivative is taken: eg the term is:

[gA,B /gB],B ;

furthermore, the resulting term with the second derivative is normalized by the product of the two metric coefficients: eg:

-[gA gB]-1[gA,B /gB],B .


Gauss & Riemann curvature formulae in terms of our (non-standard) "square-root connection coefficients"

For orthogonal coordinates:

GDaa = gaa,D/[-2gDD] = [haga²],D/[-2hDgD²] = 2hagaga,D/[-2hDgD²]

= -hDha [ga/gD][ga,D/gD]

We define what we can perhaps term ‘square-root connections’, symbolized by a symbol combining and G such as , a square root sign, the radical with a 'roof', is a mnemonic symbol for this since it is somewhat similar to the Greek gamma, this is not meant as the square root of G, but rather is a symbol on its own.

Daa ≡ [ga,D/gD] ,

so that:

GDaa = -hDha [ga/gD] Daa

We may use also the symbol , or the combination G , but this is NOT the square root of G.

..... …………

In this notation, Gauss’s curvature formula for a 2-d surface is:

KAB = -[gA gB]-1{hABAA,B + hB ABB,A} = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A}

Our intuition is not capable of deciphering a metric directly, looking at it and determining whether or not it represents curvature of flatness. The above measure provides a fully dependable way to make such a determination: if it vanishes there’s no curvature, if it doesn’t there IS curvature. It is non-zero if and only if there is non-zero curvature. Whatever the functions gA and gB are, however much they make the metric look as though it is that of a curved surface, if KAB vanishes the surface is in fact flat.


Schematically, we can write

Gaussian curvature K21 ~ 21,1 + 12,2


RABAB ~ KAB + AAD BBD , D A,B { ie D = C, E}

One can see the connection coefficients as expressing a measure of the interconnection of two dimensions, but a somewhat subjective or arbitrary measure, and the Gaussian curvature - involving appropriate derivatives of connection coefficient. - gives a more sophisticated and also more objective measure of the curvature.

The Structure of the Riemann Curvature in terms of the Connection

If a 2-d ‘section’ were the totality of the space, the curvature would be:

R1212 ~ G21,1 + G12,2 [Remember that G does NOT mean the sqrt of the connection component].

However since this 2-d ‘section’ is part of a 4-d space, both dimensions of the 2-d section, eg labeled by the coordinates 1 and 2, can interact with eg the dimension labeled by 3, so that there are non-vanishing ‘sqrt connection’ curvature terms G31 and G32 . If so, the product of these terms will appear in the curvature formula. Eg:

R1212 ~ G21,1 + G12,2 + G31G32

The Riemann sectional curvature involves two dimensions principally, but also the additional dimensions. We would then refer to 3 as the ‘intermediary dimension/coordinate’. However there will also be terms due to the existence of the fourth dimension. Structurally the Riemann curvature for the orthogonal metrics we’ll analyze in this book can be written as a sum of derivatives of certain G’s and products of other G’s:

R1212 ~ G21,1 + G12,2 + Ga1Ga2

where we allow a to run over all the ‘intermediary dimension/coordinates’.

In general the Riemann ‘sectional curvatures’ will be labeled by 4 coordinates, but for the orthogonal metrics we’ll analyze in this book two will repeat, and so the Riemann curvatures will be labeled by only two coordinates corresponding to two dimensions out of the 4, eg we’ll write RABAB , and the formula will involve terms relating to specific interconnections of only two dimensions within the totality, eg [gB,A/gA],A which relates to the interconnectedness of the dimensions coordinatized by A and B.

The Riemann Curvature Components (RCC) for orthogonal metrics of any dimensionality is the Gauss curvature for 2-d involving derivatives of connections, plus an additional term composed of a product of connections: eg the Riemann sectional curvature RABAB has the additional term:


A,B .

The RTC will contain a product term for each coordinate D which is neither A nor B: in 4-d, there are therefore at most two such coordinates, D = C and D = E, and therefore only two ‘additional terms’.

Note that Gauss curvature involves connections of the type GABB whereas the connections in this ‘additional’ term are of other type, where the coordinate wrt which we take the derivative is also the coordinate of the metric term in the denominator: eg:

Gaba = ga,b/ga

Substituting A for a and D for b givesGAAD, and then substituting B for a and D for b gives GBBD . The full ‘additional’ term for the interconnection of the dimensions represented by the coordinates A and B is:

{hDhB (hA) gD-2 }GAAD GBBD D A,B = (hAhBhD) gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] D A,B

where D is the ‘Dummmy’ summation index.

This additional term vanishes if one or both of the terms gA,D/gA and gB,D/gB vanish, ie if either one or both of gA,D and gB,D vanishes. Thus the additional term vanishes unless both of the metric coefficients corresponding to the indices of the RTC (ie gAA and gBB) have non-vanishing derivatives wrt the same coordinate(s) D.

· We will term “intermediary coordinates” those coordinates D wrt which both of the metric coefficients gA and gB corresponding to the indices of the RTC have non-vanishing derivatives. We can then say that this term relates to the curvature arising from the interconnection of the (A,B) 2-section with the “intermediary dimensions” represented by the “intermediary coordinates” D.

We can call the new term the “Intermediary Term”: Both the A and B metric coefficients must have derivatives w.r.t. the “intermediary” coordinate D, otherwise this whole term vanishes

Summary: Although the formulae for the curvature of 2-d surfaces in a 3-d flat space is the same as for the curvature of an intrinsically-curved 2-d space not embedded in any higher dimension, for a 2-d section in a 3 or higher-dimensional space such as the 4 dimensions of spacetime, we must take into account the indirect curvature deriving from the way that the various dimensions interact with each other, and this necessitates adding a term onto the curvature formula for curved 2-d surfaces.

Keep this structure of the Riemann curvature component in mind.

· The terms are manifestly symmetric under A ßà B. [(AR to AR: check the signature part of the last term)]

· The first (Gaussian) part of the RTC is dependent on (or quantify the curvature arising from) the interconnection of the two coordinates corresponding to the two indices of the RTC (or of the metric coefficients corresponding to the coordinates), specifically on the derivatives of the metric coefficient corresponding to one coordinate, derived w/r/t the other coordinate. In this sense it is the curvature arising from the “mutual” interconnection. The product term relates to the curvature arising from the interconnection of the (A,B) 2-section with the “intermediary dimensions” represented by the “intermediary coordinates” D.

· This division of the RTC into “mutual” and “intermediary” terms grants this form of the RTC formula a certain intuitive basis, and also helps intuit shortcuts in calculations of the RTC (some RTCs can be computed mostly ‘by inspection’ using this formula; the terms arising in the RTCs can be easily traced to the metric [some properties of special metrics are easily discernible eg for metrics with inverse relationship eg gtt = -grr-1 one obtains a Laplacian].

The Riemann Tensor Components (RTC) are composed of terms interrelating the metric coefficients of two dimensions at a time (eg one term is a measure of the curvature of the 2 dimensions represented by the coordinates A and B, another is a measure of the curvature of the 2 dimensions represented by the coordinates by A and D, another for B and D). In general one must compute the Riemann components for all pairs of two indices, that is, one computes the curvatures in each “2-section” (A,B) as follows:

RABAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} - hDhAhB gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB]} DA,B [6][4]

The Riemann tensor as a whole takes into account the curving of the whole spacetime by computing the curvature of each individual 2-surface of the whole spacetime. The field equation will have on the left hand side a combination of these individual curvatures, adding them together and making the sum equal to the tensor element on the right hand side, which is some aspect of the source (an element of the source tensor).


Introduction: Define the basis one-form wA and the connection two-form wAD.

wA = gA dA

wAD =

wAD clearly involves a first derivative of the one of the two metric coefficients involved, w.r.t. the other coordinate…..

dwAB involves a second derivative of each of the two metric coefficients involved, w.r.t. the other coordinate. Therefore the terms in the RTC coming from dwAB will involve a second derivative of each of the two metric coefficients involved, w.r.t. the other coordinate. This makes sense as curvature since it takes into account a type of twisting of the metric basis.

The RTC can be read from the coefficients in the “curvature two-form” RAB :

RAB = dwAB - wAD^ wDB : summed over DA,B (1)

The origin of the term in the RTC involving the product of the connection two-forms can be seen via construction of the RTC via parallel transport around a closed circuit, or via the two-form method, there will also be a In general the Riemann Tensor Components (RTC) for an orthogonal metric are composed of terms coming from one or both of dwAB and wAD ^ wDB D A,B ; for some special symmetry situations only one of these terms survives, whereas for non-orthogonal coordinates there are more than these two terms.


The RTC are given by: [I have to check the signs]:

RABAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} - hDhAhB gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] DA,B (2)


gA,B /gB BAA

the relationship to the connection coefficients (Christoffel symbols) is:

GBAA = ½ [gAA,B /gBB] = ½ [gA2,B /gB2] = ½ 2 gAgA,B /gB2 = [gA/gB ] gA,B /gB = [gA/gB ] BAA ;

GBBD = ½ [gBB,D /gBB] = ½ [gB2,D /gB2] = ½ [2gBgB,D /gB2] = [gB,D /gB] ≡BBD

See file: “Comparing my RTC formula to the usual one


v No matter how many dimensions the space each term in the RTC above is computed only in a 2-d subspace, either (A,B), or (A,D), or (B,D) ; this makes each such calculation relatively simple.

[ADVANCED: This is so since each connection two-form wAD depends only on the two dimensional subspace (A,D), and the “curvature two-form” RAB is composed of these connection two-forms]

v The first two terms of the RTC above are simply the Gaussian curvature for the 2-d surface (A,B):

KAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} (3) [7][5]

[ADVANCED The whole term [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] vanishes unless both the A and B metric coefficients have derivatives w.r.t. the “intermediary” coordinate D. From now on, this is the sense in which we will use the term “intermediary” coordinate.

v [ADVANCED wAD ^ wDB D A,B contributes a term to RABAB proportional to: [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] (summed over D) [8][6]

Curvature of a 2-d Surface: Subspace of a Higher-d Space

For a 2-d space, ie a surface, there are only two orthogonal coordinates A and B, and therefore there is no D A,B coordinate to be summed over, and so there can be no “intermediary” term [ADVANCED: wAD ^ wDB]. Therefore the RTC for a 2-d space (A,B) [ADVANCED: depend only on the terms arising from dwAB , namely]

RABAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A}

which is in fact Gauss’s formula for 2-d surfaces.

In a higher-d space containing this 2-d subspace (A,B), the RTC will then simply be the Gaussian curvature for the 2-d surface with the addition of the intermediary term:

RABAB = KAB + [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] (summed over D) (3)

v We will term “self-contained” those subspaces in which the intermediary term vanishes (ie one or both of the A and B metric coefficients have no derivatives w.r.t. the “intermediary” coordinate D). Thus, “self-contained” 2-d subspaces have the same curvature as they would if there were no other dimensions: ie their RTC is equal to their Gaussian curvature.

v The term in the RTC coming from the dwAB is:

hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A (4)

When in the metric of the 2-d surface (A,B) the metric coefficients are functions of each other’s coordinate, then both terms survive. If neither is a function of the other, both terms vanish. [And of course if only one is a function of the other’s coordinate then only one term survives.]

[In general the RTC are composed of terms coming from both dwAB and wAD ^ wDB D A,B .]

v But note that the first derivative is ‘normalized’ before the second derivative is taken: eg [gA,B /gB],B , and the resulting second derivative is normalized by the product of the two metric coefficients: -[gA gB]-1{[gA,B /gB],B .


Appropriateness of the Word ‘Curvature’ as Applied to Spacetime Warping

The Gaussian curvature measure applies to an ordinary 2-dimensional surface in ordinary three-dimensional space, and we are very easily intuitively aware of the meaning of the word ‘curvature’ in that context. Although the meaning of the word ‘curvature’ is in a sense allegorical when applied to higher dimensions since we can never observe it directly as we do for 2-surfaces, and is certainly allegorical when applied to a combination of space and time as for spacetime, nevertheless since the Riemann ‘curvature’ is so closely modeled on the 2-d Gaussian curvature, we have good reason to maintain usage of the word ‘curvature’ even when applied to higher-dimensional spacetime warping.


[1] See for example Synge: Ch VIII section 5 (see also section 1): He defines V as positive sqrt of gtt, and writes eq (166) p339: R44 = V-1del2V which is my R44 = gt-1del2gt . R44 = gt-1del2gt . See also Landau Lifshitz (LL) re this.

Synge also write similar equations (all are included as eq 166) for the other Ricci tensor components, eg the spatial Ricci tensor components = a spatial Ricci scalar plus the above time one.

[Note that the Newtonian limit of del2 has square root…]

[2] Since I define a one-index quantity gm = sqrt|gmm| , it is of interest to see that Landau Lifschitz (LL): p277: uses a similar notation for something else: ga = g0a , where a are the spatial indices only.

[Also: tetrad notation - and tetrad formulation of GR - in field theory.]

[3] Using different font-layout: RABAB = -[gA gB]-1{hA [gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A} - hDhAhB gD-2 [gA,D/gA][gB,D/gB] DA,B (A)

Or: -[gA gB]-1{hA[gA,B /gB],B + hB[gB,A/gA],A + hDhAhB gD-2 gA,D gB,D DA,B}

[4] See my formula for the Ricci tensor components for a diagonal metric: LL gives the formula:

Rii = Sl i (Fi,iFl,i – F2l,i – Fl,i,i + ei el e2(Fi - Fl) ) [Fl,iFi,l – F2i,l – Fi,l,l - Fi,lSm i,l Fm,l]

[5][1] See eg O’Neill p81

[6][4] The relationship to the common expression in terms of Christoffel symbols is made when we see that:

GBAA = ½ [gAA,B /gBB] = ½ [gA2,B /gB2] = ½ 2 gAgA,B /gB2 = [gA/gB ] gA,B /gB ;

GBBD = ½ [gBB,D /gBB] = ½ [gB2,D /gB2] = ½ [2gBgB,D /gB2] = [gB,D /gB]

[7][5] wAD ^ wDB D not=A,B = [gAgBgD2] -1{gA,D gD,B wA ^ wD - hD hB gA,D gB,D wA ^ wB + hA hB gD,A gB,D wD ^ wB}D A,B (7b)

[8][6] wAD ^ wDB D not=A,B = [gAgBgD2] -1 {gA,D gD,B wA ^ wD - hD hB gA,D gB,D wA ^ wB + hA hB gD,A gB,D wD ^ wB}D A,B (7b)