
App to help app and website builders determine the economic value of a site to its owner to determine appropriate fees

Product: An app whose customers are website-builder platform companies and app sellers on that platform; the app empowers them to 'invest' in sites they host or which use their apps by lending their resources to website-builders who are expecting profit from the site.

More generally: it is meant for businesses who offer services-for-a-fee to clients, for the subset of their clients who are not yet profitable, and are purchasing these services because they are at the stage of building what they hope will be a for-profit enterprise. By offering the services for free for some period, and gaining in return a larger fee than otherwise, they are in some sense investing in the site.

The Pain: I want to develop a website, but the features are expensive, and since I don't yet have any customers I can't afford it.

Solution: It would be good if the platform and app company would let me use it for free until I complete the building of the Site, launch it, and have some profitability. This free period of use can be in return perhaps for a larger fee if/when the site is indeed profitable. If maintaining the site costs the companies money, they can set a time-limit on how long the free offer lasts.

For all this to work they need to know how much the site is earning,or at least how many clients it has, and even perhaps whether it is indeed a reasonable business model. Rather than each platform and app company doing this individually, it might be useful if there was an app that they could utilize. And since the needed determination could be made without access to backend or customer information, it can be done by an outside source just as effectively as by the platform/app company.

Business model: In a way this is an investment by these companies in the websites; the companies stand to gain in two ways from a successful website - a steady customer, and a larger fee since they 'invested money' in the startup.

Perhaps this concept can be extended beyond websites to the bricks & mortar world, where resources can be made available as a sort of micro-investment in potential businesses.


Idea: invention: business: recording conversations and integrating them into reports and assesments etc

For business meetings etc, like idea re doctor-patient conversaiotns at visit re medical issues, tests to take, prescription medication etc,.

Integrating each 'transcript' into an overall status report, to do list etc. perhaps via AI.


New idea: compare people s "alphabets"

When I press a letter, google fill sin the most common url I enter starting with that letter:

b = bbc

d = debka

e = email (nyu)

f =FB

Same for favorites, page most commonly go to etc

Everyone has a different "alphabet", and it contains a lot of info, tells alot about tastes so good for advertisers merchandisers, personalized marketing etc, and also as a recommender system, either to meet people who have most of the same alphabet, or perhaps to recommend to you the ones that they have that you don't etc


invention ideas which are products, not just sites

Computer: for child to assist elderly parent in using computer, internet, watching TV, videos etc:Two concentric 'windows'" outer 'window' is the new program has explanaitons and chat with child, settings, and icons to choose the desired applicaiotn ; the inner window displays the current applicaiotn, MSWord, email, Web browsing, videos etc. Various levels for different ability, and can change with time. etc.

Child can arrange the 'favorites', and there is a 'recently watched' list.

Also: can set Youtube exercise videos to be watched while parent does the exercise along wiht the youtube intsructor/class, maybe while they are on video-chat so they can see the parent if they are dfoign the exercise correctly and safely, and the parent sees the child in the chat windo on the outer rim window.


Separate ideas:

1. Large hard-buttons that are small screens: programmable (to change what is seen on the hard button-face.

2. operate via both voice & touch-screen, and also a combination of these (and maybe foot-pedal?)

3. Various levels, so can get easier to use as one gets older. Text size default changes with time according to calendar on computer?

with different categories etc for greater disability-level.

Need to test with actual people, to see what exactly they need, what they would be able to use etc.


Keyboard flat screen with special shortcuts: For physics, chemistry, engineering, architecture, graphic artist, medical, pharmacy prescriptions etc.

Most professionals in the above professions do not touch type, and the things they write are complex, equations etc, and touch typing is virtually impossible, and looking at the screen as you type leads to mistakes, and one needs to introduce many special shortcuts etc to enter this type of material.

Instead: Use flat screen as you would use paper (can be a thimble-mouse, with ‘eraser’ function), flat on desk with keyboard appearing on screen, so you can see as you enter material, not have not as separate hardware; keys set by profession; can feed in a document which the computer reads and catalogues so that the most frequently used symbols are known and appear as the default;

Even guesses equations etc, whole equation can be one key, where the equation appears as the “letter” on the key, so no memorizing.

For free-hand diagrams etc: Part of screen is split-screen, with etch-a-sketch type drawing by finger or pointer on screen.


For computers etc:

· Large hard-buttons that are small screens: programmable (to change what is seen on the hard button-face.

· Various levels, so can get easier to use as one gets older, Text-size default changes (or ask if want to change) according to calendar on computer, or when FB info is read…


Detector on wrist etc to see if hydrated, and when should drink so it I maximally processesd, not need to go to bathroom too much, etc

locate blind spots and acoustically problematic locations for conference speakers. also real estate for developers and co.munity and zoning who will be affected etc.. To defend against or deploy snipers etc.

for smokers to detect when they are smelly so can be for insurance.or pilice Tdeterminene how long ago fire was etc ?


Baby site: Maybe get help from UJA and modern-religious organizations.


Criticism of “1 laptop per child”: AR skepticism re needing actual computers in order to learn needed skills, and especially if not for 10 or more years down the road.


roach/fly catcher modeled on Frog Tongue: Aim at bug and it shoots out a strip with sticky edge, has clipper to cut off the strip which was used (can be continuous sticky strip, or individual standard lengths with the edge of each lenght sticky, etc)




Using landlines, home-internet/wifi as cellular broadcasters/receivers

Landlines with a cordless phone have a transmitter in the base to allow one to roam about within some limited distance of the base. Wifi + VOIP can do the same. Perhaps specially-equipped landlines/routers can serve as adjuncts to local cell-towers, to reach nearby cell-phones.

Just as computers can be 'slaved' and work in concert to emulate super-computers, so too perhaps individual owners' wifi and computer can be utilized as part of the infrastructure required.

(For the purpose below, by 'landline' I can mean any physical hardware-connection carrying information and reaching a specific location, eg cable-TV, internet etc )

Cell phones have GPS locators etc, so that a cell-tower can identify the specially-equipped landline/cable+wifi, satelite dish etc closest to the recipient or initiator of a call.

This can be particularly useful for locations with many cell-users congregating in a small area eg a sports arena, movie theater, restaurant, university campus, but an also be used for those roaming a city, passing many landline(or cable/satelite etc) locations.

Instead of the cell tower sending the signal in a wide-spread pattern, the cell-phone's location triggers a land(cable etc)-based call. This saves power and money, merges cell and 'landline' infrastructure, enables landline owners to benefit financially, perhaps even enabling communication services to provide free landline usage to customers (perhaps along with a cell package).

Texting for landline

Home/etc inventory system:

Software: also possibly hardware: eg Handheld device to take digital photo, with keyboard to enter info, can enter info directly to relevant place, can print barcode with chip to locate the item directly with a remote detecto; or barcode and chip can be for each location:

  • Map of stuff, indexed by category, location, type of item, season used, family member’s name etc.
  • Can have bar code, can have locater (remote beep or etc).
  • Can be à linked to eBay
  • Includes ready made schematics of generic dwellings (homes, apts, garages etc)

· Appliance manuals/warranties

· Presents

· Clothing: where purchased, when etc

· Plumbing/elec/phone/heat/air conditioning/boiler etc with repair info and service numbers etc.

· Insert photos of all keys, so can know what they are for, and record the location of the lock

· insert photo of all bookcases in the house: especially books in back of other books:


Clothing Inventory/Ad/Order System

Chip on clothing/shoes etc, info recorded by manufacturer and then by retailer, and then at purchase, name/address of purchaser can be recorded via credit card etc.

Store/designer/manufacturer can be given that information to send ads;

consumer has device for reading the info on the chips, and can input additional information.

For women (for herself and her man), and for some men:

1 helps locate item (in which closet in the house, where in that closet);

2 gives washing instructions and transmits it [to the home laundry area readout on screen as put it in washer/dryer, can help cleaners give appropriate care];

3 identifies the clothing so that one can order a replacement [or something from the same manufacturer or designer in the same style, size, etc];

4 identifies and locates clothing at cleaners, coat in storage (and coatroom?) etc.

5 as you pass your door it registers that you wore it that day, so you can know what you wore when;

6 can be hooked up to calendar so that it can remind you a few days before an event to send a particular item to the cleaners.

7 keeps track of how many times you wore an item so that you know when to clean it;

8 keeps track of clothing sent to cleaners;

9 can input your wardrobe to a recommender system to recommend other clothing you might like, sales on items like that (in your size);

10 can input it to a site which picks up used clothing.


Clothing Style Person File

Go into a clothing store, salesperson can access the site to see you in different outfit. Ads on site for clothes etc.

locate/order/make to order replacement for favorite item:

Web site:For people who have a favorite item (clothing/shoes, furniture etc) and wish to locate/order/make to order another of it.

Work with manufacturers and outlets: they report old stock available etc; they report on which items they are ‘similar’ to.

Or: You saw an item of clothing someone wore and want one like that.


Hand-held device for shoppers, housewives: (eventually the item will send out signal of its info/price, or aim device at it and it transmits, or when entering store all info re prices is beamed to device at one shot.)

1 Software to help compile a budget for use in shopping

2 for comparison pricing and specials: computes cost of item priced at 3 for 1.99,

3 compares to saved price for previous weeks and elsewhere,

4 specials appear with geographical location if in proximity and where on chosen list of stores set by customer.

5 Keeps record of what person buys and notifies of specials, and compiles inventory, and helps in making a weekly standard order.

In store:

1 Indicator points to location in store of desired item, or gives coordinates to find it (aisle # , left/right, front/end of aisle etc). Store can create grid with markers to help shopper.

2 Weekly specials circular can feed into device, shopper clicks on desired items, device creates a trajectory and warns when nearby each item.

3 if scan item in store, device reads barcode and displays nutrition info re that item from web etc.

4 Adds up total so that can see what to expect to pay.

5 Can eventually be used to actually pay

6 Will indicate if price is different than as advertised


 Insert advertising/product placement into movies. Teach computer to create movies from stories/books(can start with stick figures, 1,000 stock situations, expressions etc, 20 voices)/(idea started with comics).


Venetian blind design: screen or ordinary surface: a choice of a variety of colors and patterns on either "side" of the slats: when the slats are closed they form a picture, or even a picture of a window so it looks as if there is no venetian blind.

Since the slats of venetian blinds can be oriented in two ways it can have a motor which alternates the orientation of the slats, each side presenting a different picture.

Or: It can be alternating to give motion effect.

Or: different angles different patterns, or some slats this way some that, some open etc (need individual control of slats) (like Agam art)

Commercial venetian blinds can carry messages, flashing as they move or be screens with ads etc.


Transparent Refrigerator Door: or with video to scan what’s inside: For home/restaurant etc use:

Open heavier outer door, exposing the inner transparent inner door: contents can be seen (and inventoried etc) without letting in warm air.


Faux bookcase hanging screen: People who love books want to see them, and show them off etc, so they need to be in living room or study, but there isn’t room for all of them. And people who buy ebooks could have a faux bookcase of the covers of the physical books. Screen has slide show of outer view of various bookcases and shelves, swipe to find what want, otherwise is screen-saver slide show and can then keep the books themselves in a storage place elsewhere in the house. So what am i offering? Site can have spine-view of all books, click on them to arrange on a shelf, so that don’t need to actually take photo of the books themselves, and can rearrange according to various categories. In the meantime can sell them other books or monitors etc. Maybe the ‘monitor’ can be raised surface, rounded, simulate the curved spines of books, with leather or etc look…


System for shelving books in libraries/checking books out (same for shopping); and for any inventory retrieval; can be shoes in a shoe store etc.

No need to shelve books anymore if there is a gps/locator. Just look on computer to see if the book is in the library, and then a signal is sent to the book to beep and its location is shown on a map, with guide-lights leading to where it is shelved.

Alternately: i need to shelve the book:

To save time and money, patrons have to shelve books themselves, whether books read in the library or returning borrowed books. Every library book has bar code or radio emitting device or chip with electric contact at bottom etc so that it can communicate with the shelf. On the shelf face is a strip of lights. When book is close by, it communicates with the shelf, and an indicator on the shelf shows where correct position of book is, the light at the correct position lights up, and the light flashes if book is at incorrect position etc.

[a generic device which is loaded with the info re the particular book when it is scanned as it is returned.]

As a book is separated from the shelf, it registers itself on the library card of the person taking it (like easy pass), and if the patron leaves with the book it registers it as borrowed (if it is a reserve book, a buzzer beeps and the barrier doesn’t swing out to let the person leave (like subway).

If patron doesn’t re-shelve books, they are not registered as returned. Patron can check as leaving that card shows all were retruned (like checking metrocard to see how much is on it).

[Books can also be loaded onto a hopper which then sorts the books in the order that they should be shelved. (use to sort mail?)]

Also: for a fee, a librarian (or a robot) will draw the book from the shelf and mail it to you (against a credit card).


Can be also for other needs such as stock-rooms etc, maybe parking lots can use this system so people can easily find their car from the central computer at the lot;

indicator shows position of car.



Ringer Programming

· Phone-clock turns off telephone ringer at night at set time, on again in morning at set time;

· There is an override which a caller can activate if it is an emergency, via menu : “if this call is urgent, press 4” and it rings, otherwise leaves a message. Or, asks “who’s calling please”, recognizes certain names, and then passes on to ring or to secretary or to leave message etc.

· Ringer can also have timer: e.g. if expecting a call at 10 am, turn off ringer with timer to turn it on at 10 then off again.

· Calling a different time zone: it is middle of the night there: Record call and telephone makes the call at a prearranged time. Or want a message left at a certain hour, program the phone to leave the message at 6 p.m. unless it is canceled before then etc.

· Easier to scan messages in print than by voice: turns voice mail to text and prints it out, so when look at phone in morning or when arrive home, have print out of messages.

· Call return: print out of messages is on screen; just touch the message, dictate a message in response and it returns the call to that number and gives your message.

Business for Buildings

Consultant re space-management: Blueprint for building is fed to consulting firm, office sizes are marked etc, they optimalize the space usage, which offices should have how many people, which is for big boss, which for assistant etc. When personnel change, or staff added or dropped how to change the space allocation. Also re chain of command or communication, which personnel should have offices near which others etc.

bldg notification phone for office and residential buildings: means to notify all tenants: one button push and phones in all apts/offices ring and give the message.

phone has list of phone numbers and automated message, and also infoline with menu, updated constantly by manager, landlord, doorman etc.

For fire, other emergency, water/gas etc cutoff, repairs notice, rent hike, building party, tenant's meeting or etc.Can be sent only to some, eg for late rent payment etc


bill totaler: home with display of the total amount of electricity, water, heating, phone, cell, internet, cable , property tax etc added up and displayed in various places, as usage increases, the total goes up. Includes estimated annual and monthly total.

Needs various hardware etc.

1) Reconstructing the face - and other features - of one parent from the faces and DNA of multiple children and the other parent.

Any other combination, eg reconstructing possible visages for a missing and unphotographed sibling.

To what degree can this be accomplished/with what probability of success? Are some facial features easier to predict than others? If no unique face is produced or if only certain features can be predicted is the result useful in identifying unknown people or in issuing ‘wanted’ notices?. What's the relationship between amount of children’s faces available and reliability of the result? Can DNA information help choose between the possibilities?

2) Searching for correlations between the two unique features of humans: fingerprints and genome.

Given a DNA sample to what degree could one reconstruct possible fingerprint patterns or vv. Given a fingerprint can one reconstruct any physical features? [I recall some research about a correlation between aspects of ear shape and properties of the heart, not just in Chinese medicine.]

3) UbL video or other item: What is the minimum of information necessary to know in order to reconstruct a unique path - or several likely paths and origin points - for a physical item traveling from an unknown location A to a known location Z (eg media outlet) via multiple unknown relay-transfers ‘nodes’? Especially, what information is necessary to know about the behavior at nodes?

Node behavior may be unique: eg presumably an arrival at a node stimulates a departure shortly thereafter by two: the original courier and the next-relay link. Software with appropriate records can eg search for contiguous patterns of one arriving and two departing within some maximum elapsed time. If so, one does not need to see the faces of the couriers, nor what they carry, one need only be able to track their arrival and departure at nodes.

In the specific case of UbL videos: Are the likely nodes known, is there sufficient surveillance available of possible such nodes?

7) Detecting the Travel-Path of a Video-Tape (eg of UbL): Mechanism for broadcasting signals causing interference of different types on videotapes in their neighborhood and special equipment to detect the interference when the affected video is viewed (broadcast).

Application: the transmitter will have a signature effect on any video-tape traversing its territory.

Develop mechanisms to change the type of interference broadcast with time in a prearranged coded way, with the strength/type of the interference varying with distance from the transmitter. Develop algorithms and software so that spatial/temporal triangulation can be used to determine the day and time when the video-tape passed various places. If surveillance photos are available, these can be correlated to the travel-path to produce photos of couriers or their vehicles.

8-10) Terrorist Identification/Tracking: PhotoDatabase & Facial Recognition

8) Scan all archived news photos (world and local print, web etc) of hostile crowds, locals dancing around burning US vehicles etc; software compares and identifies, tracks and rates individuals, with high-rated faces appearing first in list.

9) Cameras in foreign airports, bus and train stations, or in businesses located nearby feed all faces (and other identifying information) into the database.

10) Identifying jihadists who are away from their families via the photos in their families’ possession: [eg Start a business converting a family’s photos, held in envelopes or dilapidated albums, into an organized collection in a nice modern album. Maybe even with annotations as to the names of the people in the photo, and place and date. [Need to think in their terms, eg the cover can have two nice features: it is fire-retardant and has Koranic blessings for the safety of children and keeping away the evil eye.] For the more prosperous can make it into a video or CD or slide presentation.]

· Pictures of a sought-after individual even if taken as a child would likely have their fingerprints on it more prominently than the fingerprints of others.

· Information in the photos even if taken as children could give insight into the personality, likes/dislikes etc of the person

· See who was associating with whom etc.

· Compare the faces in the photos to people in the village, cities etc, and see who’s missing etc.

· Some individuals and cultures use multiple names and some people may have ID cards and US visas issued on a different name than the one of their family. One can also ask visa applications to include a family photo and the address of their parents etc. One can compare their visa or other present photo to those in the collection of family album photos to see if there's a match with someone from a different family.

Kuntzy Interactive chess (or other board game or etc), screen looks like player is there.

Hardware: half a chess-board folding off the bottom of the screen of a flat monitor, each player sees the screen display the other half. Chips in the board and in each piece detects where my pieces are moved and places them accordingly on the other person’s screen. As my piece moves into your half, it is removed automatically physically from my board and appears on my screen as being on your half, and is mechanically placed on your half-board. (or it can be icons or intermediate entity simulating real pieces) [can be low-resolution Monitor, or use existing monitor]

There can be a scanned image or video hook-up with each person’s face appearing attached to a stock body image in the screen, with a virtual hand to move the pieces on your screen)


Add to ideas: cell phone (App or hardware?): program it with your pan and it displays the amount the call is costing you, in real time, and ads p monthly and annual bill.

bill totaler: home with display of the total amount of electricity, water, heating, phone, cell, internet, cable , property tax etc added up and displayed in various places, as usage increases, the total goes up. Includes estimated annual and monthly total.

Needs various hardware etc.

Astronomy/Astrology: educational/consultative/game/CD

Astrological/Astronomical System

Model of the solar system and stars, with a computer screen displaying the view as seen from any point on earth; can set the system to display the pattern for any day and time, and view the sky as it looked a that time, or will look then; also provides readings etc. Useful to teach astronomy, model of solar system etc.

Visual image of universe, and detailed solar system. Gets less detailed as go further out.

Combination NASA WMAP, map quest, architecture/interior design software, NASA flyby etc.

Eventually virtual reality. Can be surround screen?

With sound/space music or music of choice, or narration for educational purposes etc. Can set at various levels.

Patches/updates as new info on stars, planets is discovered. Website/discussion group for users. Competitions?

Astrology: see how the constellations look from other places in the universe (including form the stars/galaxies which make up the constellations themselves. See how the star patterns have shifted over the years. Etc.

See the star patterns as they look from anywhere, and makle up your own constellations as viewed from there, store these patterns in memory.

Astrology game: database has info re famous people, gives their date and plac eof birth buit not name, you have to plot their chart and guess who it is, get progressively more clues etc.

Adv: Can plot travel time using non-relativistci or ‘warp’ speeds. Compute relativistic time dilation etc. See pattern of stars as would see them at that speed.

Can have time-lapse view of bigb bang and evo of universe, including solar system, and then life on earth. Can have different models, including creation/bb scenario.

Explanation of flat earth/gravity, we live on outside of planet etc. Horizon, ‘up there’ vs ‘out there’.


Idea/invention: inserting advertising into pre-existing movies

Concept: Insert advertising/product placement into pre-existing movies by locating empty spaces in the frame: eg:

· A traffic sign or billboard

· the side of a truck

· empty space on the side of a building

· t-shirt

As outlined in the links below, I assume that the AI learning program can learn to identify the above in a movie frame. Maybe also to recognize (and then label as an available 'surface'):

· a 'watch';

· 'sneakers'

· a 'newspaper', etc

Unless the product was placed in the movie by marketers for a specific company: On the license plate one can superimpose a message, and nearby place the name of a contemporary car-model; on a handbag one can place the name of a contemporary firm etc.

One can perhaps even re-suit actors to be wearing specific clothing. etc.

Relevant existing technical ability

· for detecting rectangular spaces available for ads:







Perhaps one can combine human and machine systems: In a lab, as a movie is playing on a touch-screen (or as it scrolls across frame by frame), a trained person touches on-screen the places where an ad could be placed, and the software analyses it and locates the borders etc and decides the area available. The software would follow that space on any frame in which it appeared throughout the movie, so one need not touch it on each frame.

So it would take a human perhaps 6 hours to go through a 2-hr movie. And the software can suggest places the human didn't recommend.

Other aspects:

· The software can analyze the colors so as to prescribe the appropriate color for the ad text etc, and the context of the frame, including the mood at that point, to better target the product or service being advertised.

· The movie itself could be categorized according to information in reviews or imdb, as a chick flick and therefore mostly female viewers, or action movie and therefore mostly male, etc.

· Price for ads can be set also by how memorable the scene is considered, either by reviewers, or if it is an old movie then by how many times it appears in Youtube clips etc.

· One can measure audience reaction and receptivity to ads at different points of a movie, or during different 'moods' in the movie.

For 3-d theaters: people wear special glasses, so perhaps if the glasses are appropriately-designed the ad can be geared to specific individuals, based on their location as determined by the seat recorded on the ticket, or by identifying the specific pair of glasses worn by the person in that seat. Perhaps using their smartphone they can send a message to the system, which will identify them and specify their relevant information to choose relevant ads.

Business/marketing aspects: This system can be a software package offered to those who show movies (TV, theater), or a service performed for them, or it can be part of an ad agency effort.

In order to prevent others from doing the same, perhaps one can first license the rights from the studio which owns the film, and also with the TV/cable stations/video streaming and theaters showing the movies, making a deal for the right to sell ad space on those specific movies.

Perhaps this can also be done on Youtube/Vimeo etc, with revenue-sharing.

Targeted ads: The segmenting of customers is updated with time and information about their tastes, and the ad is not in the 'film spool' itself but rather is superimposed on the screen, the specific ads placed can be for a specific amount of time, can change according to the time of day in the location where the movie is being screened, can change as the product changes, as the subject ages etc, and can be replaced by ads for another client.

When people watch a movie on an old-fashioned TV set, the ad would have to be universal, but there can be a setting on digital media-players to over-ride those pixels and substitute a targeted-ad, and if watching on a smart device of course there is adequate information available for this.

Effect on the ad and movie industry: This method will also spur ad agencies to design ads specifically for certain movies and scenes, so it generates a whole new industry. Also: New movies will be shot with this in mind, and ad-space sold before the movie is produced.


Opportunities offered by self-driving cars

Owners self-driving cars will be available since the are not busy driving, and are allowed to be distracted, and so their windshield and windows can be made of glass specially-equipped to serve as a medium for content, ads, video-communication.

Targeted ads to pedestrians and to those in buses or self-driving cars:

For those interested in purchasing goods or services etc while they walk or are driven about (on their way home, on a break at work, strolling on the weekend etc) can earn discounts from stores they pass, and from firms selling their merchandise in those stores: as they pass a commercial establishment (store, eatery, entertainment, service etc), targeted ads are either directionally-flashed to them, visible at their location but mostly only to them, or on a special attachment to their glasses, or a beep signals tot hem to consult their smartphone.

Owners of self-driving cars will be available since the are not busy driving, and are effectively in the same category as pedestrians. Directional signs on streets and highways can also contain directed ads, or can beam them to the dashboard or even to cars whose windshield and windows are made of specially-equipped glass.


idea invention project: turning text into movies

 Memes, syntax of stories literature/movies: creating movies etc via stick figures/animation/stock human characters. Software to convert cartoons/comics to narrated slides/movies. Can be collaborative project.

 Service to those owning content, creating condensed versions of movies, can be according to several specifications: those who want dialogue, action, condensed to 10 minutes, to 45 minutes etc. Can be with narration to cover deleted parts (can also use the plot descriptions available on the web).


Looked it up, this is already invented

Is technology up to my idea of turning a book into a movie? Or at least a graphic novel/comic book into one? Start with stick figures, then cartoon characters, then animated human then simulated real humans.

100 categories of facial expressions according to emotions etc, 1oo actions corresponding to verbs, with 10 gradations of each triggered by descriptives such as ‘very’ or ‘furious’ etc.

Types of face, complexion, asian/Caucasian, young/old. Male/female etc.

Given ‘male’ ‘asian’ young’ , it uses that as a template to form the appropriate emotion etc.

Need to have compendium of names of male female and neutral;, which need context to determoine, recognize form ‘he said’ she said’ etc.

….. ”

And perhaps there is a way to flesh out the stick-figures.

It can be a collaborative site:

Maybe one needs collaboration, to have real fans who are intelligent vote on which sections f the book, which aspects of the plot, are central, which dialogue etc.

Have some artists offer renderings of some of the scenes compiled from the descriptions in the book.

When the finished product is generated by the computer, different people can work on different aspects.

It can be a site for fans of a book to work together to produce a movoe of it. Even if turns out ridiculous, they will love it and love to criticize it and to talk and laugh about it, so there will be forums to watch is simultaneously and to discuss etc. And people can get together in their homes and invite other fans to watch, or for more safety, in a sports bar to watch it..

If several million people are on the site and each suggests 5 or so novels they would love to see as stick-figure movies, in other words imaginign it as interesting even if it is not a real hollywood movie, it is experimental etc, not an intense drama which requires exceptions actors, but rather just a visual representaiotn of the written word; probably there will be 100 in the favorites list, with at least 50k for each one.

These can help to produce the result, working with the software. Readers can vote on the top special scenes which need to be rendered artistically, and the essential dialogues, and scenes which can be skipped.

eg for cartoons: one makes caption, others contribute drawings, the best drawing is chosen by votes, or by the one who put in the caption.

The site has an agent who tries to sell the content, or agents bid on it etc.

Same for making animated films, from a script, from a stick-figure representation of stills

Teach computer to create movies from stories/books(can start with stick figures, 1,000 stock situations, expressions etc, 20 voices)/(·idea started with comics):

M Mizrachi doesn’t think it would be interesting to watch

Maybe it would be interesting for those who have already read the book ?

Maybe one should not aim for the average movie-goer.


  • creating sufficient individual still images: knowing how many one needs etc: how many basic emotions, or more to the point, how many visually identifiable-distinguishable separate facial expressions needed to recount a story. Comics make do with few panels, but they are designed specially for a specific case. Will every novel require specific cases? or will there eventually be a library of such which are sufficient for the rest?
  • AI matching of the words in a novel to the visual representation of a scene: body actions, poses, facial expressions, objects and their motions;
  • AI interpreting of complex sentences to render it to an image.
  • How much human intervention will be needed for one page of text? can the task at least be reduced to choosing between several suggested options (suggested y the program)
  • whether the result will be visually appealing


Novel: covers, front and back are equivalent of a movie's ad and trailer. The cover-paining and the description which are meant to get the customer to buy the book give away some of the context and are implortant for the movie version as well, though maybe the movie would have adifferent choice of material. Also, the photo for the movie ad might be generated form the computer-egenerated art from the novel (adapted then by an artist?) rather than from the artists prtrayal on the novel's cover.

Narrative style: authors write with casual referenc eot past events, which in movies are flashbacks, and this is not useful, it is better pefhaps if the software would recognize tense changes and detect all such and then offer the option of arranging things in chronological order.

Also, descriptions can talk of various events happening in the same place at the same time, or what various people are doing, and are not meant to be sequential but rather parallel or simultaneous or even interactive, they need to be recognized as such.

Much of a novel is descriptive rather than dialogue, perhaps the scenery, and there can be mood-setting, and can be poetic narrative etc. Maybe a movie doesn't need to have as much? Or several pages are actually just a few frames.

If one faithfully rendered all content of a 300 page novel, how long would the movie be? A charles dickens novel, dostoevsky, michael crichton?

There are recognized differences between how novels and movies are presented re narrative-flow, the role of dialogue etc; can any of these be applied programatically? The input of writers could be useful:

See eg:

Jul 9, 2008 - Let's face it: A novel and a screenplay are two very different creatures. It's like comparing a housecat with a bobcat—both are cats, but one you ...

Dec 15, 2015 - Writing novels and writing screenplays require two very different skill ... and get a free download with tips on How to Turn a Book into a Movie!

Five Steps to Turn Your Book into a Screenplay. Our Writing Tips article, “Three Reasons Writinga Screenplay Differs from Writing a Book ,” describes why the ...

Sep 22, 2014 - Because screenplays and movies are so much more narrowly ... anyone adapting an existing story into film must abide by strict rules of ... This is the challenge if you're writing an adaptation: no other story form has these same requirements. Novels, plays and true stories, for example, can follow multiple ...

Jul 27, 2015 - I even tell screenwriters to write their book first because they'll have a ... (An option is just what it sounds like: an option to make a film based on the .... Does the author get to review the script or have any input into the process?

Mar 25, 2013 - Plenty of times, writers come up with an idea for a novel that could ..... Another dream I have is to transform my novel into a screenplay – for the ...

... adage, "Show, don't tell!" applies more than ever when writing an adaptation. ... The Screening Room: Turning a Novel into a Screenplay - Laura Brennan ...

In essence, this is an option agreement. You're optioning her story to turn it into a feature. You want to protect your right to write the screenplay, your right to shop ...

Jul 28, 2014 - Successfully adapting novels into screenplays means that the film ... you must be comfortable and confident in the writing decisions you make.

Jun 29, 2014 - A guest post by Art Holcomb Part 1 of 2. In June, I'm speaking at the Greater Los Angeles Writer's Conference on how to adapt a novel into a ...


Search Results

Sep 22, 2014 - Because screenplays and movies are so much more narrowly defined ... anyone adapting an existing story into film must abide by strict rules of character, desire and conflict. ...Novels, plays and true stories, for example, can follow multiple ... At the time I'm writing this, the top ten adaptations of all time at the ...

Dec 15, 2015 - Before you try adapting books into screenplays—your own book or someone ... and get a free download with tips on How to Turn a Book into a Movie! .... and was ranked in the Top 15 “Cream of the Crop” Script Consultants by ...

Jul 9, 2008 - If you're not passionate about turning the book into a script, you'll most ... a popularnovel; The Codex by best-selling author Douglas Preston.

Jan 8, 2010 - A screenplay isn't a novel, and you can actually use that fact to your advantage. ... 5 Simple Rules For Turning Your Cool Idea Into A Screenplay ... The best way to really get the feel for the proper way to approach a screenplay ...

Sample lesson on screenplay adaptation. ... The looming question is: "how do I turn a gazillion page novel into a 120 ... If you follow the rules below, the job should be straightforward and enjoyable, ... What constitutes the best plot points?

Mar 25, 2013 - But what if you want to see your work adapted into a screenplay, but are either ... When characters have to say something, the best value you can ... The tricky thing here is that a lot of screenplay agents don't make their .... Some of the rules that apply to screenwriting are applicable to writing a novel too ...

Feb 15, 2013 - Adapting your book into a screenplay: Hire or DIY? ... Best case scenario: A producer options your book for a year and gathers enough energy ...

How to write a funny screenplay by following the simple rules of comedy. ... I wish I could say "Take a comedy writing class" or "Read a book on how to write funny stuff" or ... And if you keep the laughs coming for the next ten and the rest of the first Act you can feel .... Turn Your Sense of Humor Into A Lucrative New Career.

Sep 22, 2015 - Check out this article on how to effectively adapt a short story into a ... AdmissionsRequirements ... a filmmaker adapting a novel—or series of novels—into a screenplay ... free to rework things at your leisure to find the best fit for the screen. ... Circle, says wouldn't it make a wonderful film or television series! › Blog › How To Write A Screenplay

Jul 9, 2014 - Even though most screenwriting books make many of the same points, ... Decision-makers tend to have a favorite screenwriting book or two ... “It is a very strong rule in drama, and in life, that people remain true to their basic natures. ..... STC can help a novice writer turn a badscript into a mediocre script, ...