Week 2

In week 2, Transifex provided us with accounts for several analysing platforms to experience the way of working in the valley. Due to an non-disclosure agreement the screenshots have been modified to hide delicated data.


Mixpanel is an eventbased analytical platform for websites. It is possible to visualize your customerdata and tracking behaviors of users. The screenshots gives you a small insight into the platforms.


Kissmetrix is an alternative tool to Mixpanel which offers event based analysis.


Intercom provides a real-time access to (SQL) databases with a user-friendly frontend.

During our research we found out that the current data was not accurate enough. So we tried to get access to the original data base. Unfortunately, this was not possible. Therefore, we asked for a more specific data file to continue our research. Due to the size of the database and the complexity of our query, it took a while to get the data we asked for.