Week 04

In the first half of the week, the team focused on the following topics:

  • finishing the basic functions of the macro

  • exception handling

  • test cases

  • documentation

Code snippet

Meeting 10/02/2014

The team once again met with Fastmetrics to present the first version of the VBA macro. The basic funcionalities are working and the team works now on the more detailed part of the macro. During the meeting a couple of desicions were made, among others:

  • The team does not need to implement a data base for the product data, the source of the macro remains a MS Excel file.

  • There will be no connection to the CRM for the customer data.

  • The macro should be able to handle other products beside of the fiber connection: contracts for hosted telephones as well as copper connections.

Team Fastmetrics at San Francisco

The client will now test the macro to verify if it meets his requirements and expectations.

Week 01 | Week 02 | Week 03 | Week 05 | Week 06