Swisscom (Lab)

Project Description

(initial position, company need, expectations, 3 goals as catchwords)

Swisscom aims to introduce a Lab Management toolset to manage standardized development environments in our Cloud Lab. During this project we aim to define Management Processes, to select web services for inventory management, lab planning and administration as well as to setup an admin tools for user access and permission management.

We might want to expand the scope to also automate OpenStack deployments, to maintain management tools, to automate the configuration of physical resources like compute, storage and network nodes and to back up and restore lab environments after completing development projects.

The objective is to introduce web services for tasks like adding host groups, changing library shares that are used, modifying an integration service account, adding or testing software tools after configuring a stack for the first time. A default ID Server should be installed to introduce security groups that automatically give members certain permissions to use Lab Management resources and allows to modify those permissions or assign permissions to custom groups or users:

1. Setting up Lab Management for the first time

2. Changing your Lab Management configuration

3. Assigning users permissions to use Lab Management resources

4. Backing up and restoring your lab environments

Methods, Tools, Hints, Websites, References, Dos and Don'ts, ...


Process and technical, frontend software developing, up-to-date languages, tools and sustainable methods;

knowledge in modern test driven software engineering requested; analytical knowledge and flair helpful.

MySQL, PHP, JavaScript skills.

(image: first preparation for the meeting)