6th week

6th week 10/13/14 - 10/17/14

The last week of our campus experience was fully dedicated to the final presentation (October 17) and our marketing plan and all its documentations that goes along with.

Here are some extracts of our results we made during those intense six weeks.

Step 1: Evaluation of market opportunity and analysis

Our task was to collect a list of 2D mobile food photography apps and characterize them.

è We analyzed the App Stores from Apple and Google and set up a list with several details such as number of users, last update, customer rating and so on. Here you see a small print screen of this list of every food photography app we found in both the AppStore and the PlayStore.

Excel Sheet Step 1

Step 2: Strategic positioning based on user / customer analysis

The task was to find people who currently use food apps or could be using food apps. We also had to find out if they take food pictures and what motivates them to capture and share food photos or why they don’t take food photos. So the question was, to find out if such an app would be accepted in the market.

è We divided the potential users of the app in two groups.

• The amateur food photographers

• The professional food photographers

Amateurs are people like you and I, who we interviewed on the street and on the campus.

The professionals are food bloggers and top users of the app Foodspotting.

Here is a screenshot of the survey that we asked 100 amateurs and 17 professional food photographers with.

Step 3: Go-to-market strategy for scaling our solution through food app partnerships

In this section we had to find out if the technology would be integrated in existing apps from other companies.

è We tried to contact several app developers to learn more about how they launched their app and if they would be interested in integrating the technology in their app. Unfortunately, just one company took time to answer our questions. Nevertheless, this interview gave us a close look how start ups or especially app developing companies make decisions and find out in what business model they can succeed.

Step 1-3: Marketing plan

Every step of our work found place in our marketing plan. This plan is considered to have all the information we gathered and all the analysis we made. The survey with 117 interviewees, an interview with an app developer / CEO and many other research work went into this paper. The purpose of this marketing plan is to guide Dacuda to make 3DAround and its unique technology a successful app in the Apple AppStore.