Week 01

08.-12. September 2014

  • First contact over the phone with Andreas Glocker from Fastmetrics, our client, for discussing the proposal.

  • Research about DocuSign and getting familiar with the processes of contract sending via desktop sharing.

  • Working on three different approaches for increasing the efficiency of the process:

Approach A: Generate the contracts completely with SugarCRM, and then upload it to DocuSign using the DocuSign Module for SugarCRM.

Approach B: Generate contracts with a dynamical Word template (VBA, Macro) using contact data from SugarCRM and then upload it to DocuSign.

Approach C: Generate contracts completely with DocuSign with manual input of customer data using DocuSign templates.

Fastmetrics | Week 02 | Week 03 | Week 04 | Week 05 | Week 06