Week 6

On Thursday last week we finally were ready to start our OLAP analysis. Therefore the whole weekend was spent to find patterns and other information. So this last weekend and this week was quite busy. Therefore we had not much time to update this website but we will provide some more informations about this week later on. But here is a small insight in what we are doing right now....

So as you can see on the picture above, we had a lot of documentation to do in order to keep records of what we found. Most of the analysis had to be done in the last two weeks as we had not reached the data quality we wanted before that point of time. However we now have all the results documented.

To make clear, why it took us so long to get the data preparation and transformation done, we made a diagram which shows the different approaches and the complex architecture of our project.

Furthermore, we also documented our data model and what part of the data, we included in a second and third step. As a matter of fact, we cannot show the data model here because it is a secret of Transifex.

You can find all the major results this week in the result section.