
SchoolSpeak is the school’s main means of communication. It is a cloud-based school management system that provides parents and students access to grades, homework and report cards. It is also a venue to keep current with school news and important notices, sign up for fundraising and other school events as well as contact school personnel.

All students and parents are automatically given a SchoolSpeak account. Accounts for students in grades TK/K to grade 5 are disabled. Accounts for grades 6 to 8 are enabled. Parents may request to enable or disable their child’s SchoolSpeak account.

Teachers post grades on a regular basis. Parents are encouraged to check SchoolSpeak on a frequent basis. Missed or incomplete assignments are noted. Teachers can see when parents are checking regularly.

All parents with a current email address are sent an electronic newsletter, eNews, every Thursday (or as the need arises).

Parents must keep their child’s SchoolSpeak profile up to date. This includes address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and release information. A printout of each child’s profile is kept in the office and with the homeroom teacher. This serves as the child’s emergency card.

This page was updated on August 2019.