Tuesday 6/16

tuesday, june 16 - B Day

Good morning everyone! Today is B Day. We have Music with Mr. Maleno today. Click HERE to visit Mr. Maleno's website.

We have a Zoom at 11:30. We will be playing charades!

Parents, supply kit orders are due June 30th. https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=66238

Bdays Jul 21-31.webm

alphabet countdown

w is for write a list

Write a list of all of your favorite things (or people) that make you happy :) See how many things are on your list!!

please fill out this google form!

Language Arts

      • Listen to "Grace for President"
      • Then, Create a catchy slogan for YOU, if you were to run for president.
      • See the slogan examples below.
      • Watch my video about how to create a Google slide
      • THEN, Click on Our Class Slogans to open the Google slide presentation
      • Design a Google Slide of your slogan. Be Creative! (If Google Slide isn't working for you for some reason, you can draw your slogan on a piece of paper and send me a picture)
      • We will share our Slogan Google Slides on Zoom tomorrow!
slogan google slides.webm
Miss Scrofani Class Slogans

If you are one of Mrs. Weinstein or Ms. Rosa's reading students, please visit their page now for your assignment.

do you need a brain break? click here


      • Listen to these songs about multiplying by 1 and 2
      • You can also practice on IXL if you want to.

These are basically doubles facts!

Time for a Read Aloud!

AR Reading time!!!

      • Please read for 30 minutes today. You can split it up and read a little in the morning and a little at night if you like to do it that way.
      • Fill out the reading log. If you read before bed, you can fill out the reading log the next day - just remember to put the correct date :)
      • Take AR quizzes HERE when you finish a book, the same way we do in the classroom

you are spectacular!

I'm so proud of you!!! I miss you all sooo much!! Father's Day is on Sunday! Let's draw a cool trophy for dad or grandpa or whoever you want to celebrate! :)