friday 6/19

friday, june 19 - e day

Good morning everyone! Today is E Day. We have Media with Mrs. Abbadessa and Mrs. Chamberlain today. Click HERE to print out Mrs. Abbadessa's summer reading bookmark.

Parents, supply kit orders are due June 30th.

I want to say HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY to all of our July and August birthdays!

Happy happy birthday to Zoey, Laz, Fiona, Olivia, and Isabella!!!

Untitled: Jun 18, 2020 3:35 PM.webm

alphabet countdown

z is for zooming out of virtual learning

2nd graders, this has been quite an INTERESTING year! I am so proud of how hard all of you worked at home during virtual learning. You have made soo much progress this year. You have come so far! I am going to miss you all!! Remember to always work hard and to always be yourself. You are awesome!!

Summer Ideas

I will keep this website up all summer with all of the links and the "Fun at Home Ideas" page.

Remember to keep reading this summer!! Reading is one of the most important things you can do! Mrs. Abbadessa's summer reading bookmark is perfect for this! You can log into Epic this summer! You can also log into IXL and work on any skills you would like to get ready for 3rd grade!!

Maybe keep a journal of all of your summer adventures! You could even decorate the cover of your journal with pictures of your favorite things and people. I would love to hear about what you are up to. If you want to email me this summer, I will email you back!!

Most importantly, HAVE FUN with your family! You worked so hard and you deserve it!!

The Grant School Song: Mar 16, 2020 10:59 AM.webm

Let's sing The Grant School Song with Mr. Maleno!

A special read aloud

Today's Assignment

Please write and/or draw about your 3 favorite memories from 2nd grade! We can share a favorite memory at our Zoom today if you want to :)

The 5th Grade Virtual Clap Out!!!!

2020 Virtual Clap OUT-06-16 at 5.28.45

We will have our class party on Zoom at 11:00.

See you there!

I thought it might be fun to end the year with a drawing of the artist himself!!!

have an amazing summer!

i can't wait to see you next year!