thursday 6/11

thursday, june 11 - d Day

Good morning everyone! Today is D Day.

We have 2 videos from Dr. Gronda today!

  • Miss Scrofani's class, Click HERE for your gym activity from Mr. Butler
  • Mrs. Weinstein and Ms. Rosa's students, please visit their page for your assignment.
Birthdays Jun 21-30.webm

alphabet countdown

t is for take a field trip day!

Buckle up, 2nd grade! We are going to the San Diego Zoo in California! We wish that we could all be together visiting the zoo in person. But this day is still going to be great! Today, just explore the and click around to visit different animal habitats and learn about different animals.

california, here we come!

You can move the video around to get different views!

now that we've landed, let's head to the san diego zoo!

Let's off the field trip with a quick tour of the zoo!

There are a few different ways we can explore the zoo virtually.

1) You can scroll down this page and watch all the videos that I posted.

2) You could also HERE for the San Diego Zoo website.

On the zoo's website, you can on the tabs to learn about animals, see videos, hear stories, do some activities, play games, and learn how to save animals! The animal tab is really cool because you can see pictures of so many different animals and learn facts about them.

Look at this baby hippo in the mud!

Look at this galapagos tortoise!!

This panda cam is at Zoo Atlanta, which is another cool zoo! I thought you might like to see it!

Learn a little bit more about cheetahs!

Would you want to go on this safari?

Okay friends, it's time to head home! Let's board the plane...fill out the Google form below on the plane ride. You could also do some drawings if you want! I hope you had an amazing time on our field trip!

would you like to try drawing some of the animals you saw todaY?