Monday 6/8

Monday, june 8 - a Day

Good morning everyone! Today is A Day. We have Art with Mrs. Brower today.

We do not have any Zooms today! I will be cleaning out our classroom today so the workload will be light. I will answer any emails tomorrow.

alphabet countdown

q is for quiet day

Today is a quiet day. Please write and send me your weekend news, visit Mrs. Brower's art page, and watch the videos below. Then, curl up with your favorite book and have a quiet cozy reading day. See how many minutes you can read! Tell me on your reading log. There is also an optional Ellis Island Field Trip at the bottom of the page. Enjoy your Pearson-free day! :)

Weekend News

  • Please write all about your weekend :) E-mail me a picture when you are done. I love reading about your weekend!

Miss Scrofani's Weekend News

My weekend was fantastic. My favorite day was Sunday. First, I went to a farmer's market with my sister. I bought a lot of gluten free goodies there! The best thing I bought was chicken parmesan. Actually, maybe it was the apple cupcakes. I can't decide! Then, we exercised outside. That was fun because the weather was so nice. After that, I talked to my friends. I miss them and I can't wait to see them! Finally, I watched a movie on Netflix. I really enjoyed my weekend. I bet next weekend will be terrific, too!


Click HERE for Mrs. Brower's website


Just watch this BrainPop for math today :) You can go on IXL to practice Section Q if you want to. It is optional.

Temperature - BrainPOP Jr..webm

Sometimes we all need to slooow things down... I hope your are enjoying your quiet day :)

I love this one!

and now...

the moment you've all be waiting for...


Curl up with your favorite book (or tablet...) and find a comfy spot to read! Let's have a quiet cozy reading day.

See how many minutes you can read today! Can you get lost in your book and read more than 30 minutes?? Tell me on your reading log.

Take AR quizzes HERE if you finish a book.

Click HERE if you need places to find books online!

Mrs. Weinstein & Ms. Rosa's Reading/Math Assignment

If you are one of Mrs. Weinstein or Ms. Rosa's reading or math students, please visit their page now.

you are all amazing!

I hope you had a great day! I can't wait to see you for Zoom games tomorrow. If you want to try a directed drawing, draw these beautiful heart hands.

*Optional Field Trip To Ellis Island*

CLICK HERE to take a virtual field trip to Ellis Island. You can also click at the tabs on the top to explore the page. One of the tabs, Explore Ellis Island, gives you a virtual tour! I liked reading the tab "Meet Young Immigrants." Remember, this is optional.