Google Read&Write Tutorial

Post date: Sep 26, 2016 10:51:09 AM

1) Students need to be logged into their Chrome browser for Google Read&Write to be used anywhere, anytime. If they are on a Chromebook, they will be logged on automatically. If on a desktop, they will have to click the user icon in the upper right. Their name appears when they are logged in.

2) Extensions are found in the upper right hand corner of the Chrome Browser. Google Read&Write has already be installed into the student profile, so you should see the purple puzzle piece icon in the upper right.

If for some reason it doesn't appear, direct students to this link so they can "Add to Chrome"

3) When a student opens a Google Doc, Google Slide presentation, or even a webpage, they will see the purple puzzle piece at the top of the file. Clicking the logo once, will open the Extension menu.

4) Using the Read&Write menu, students can select the tools they wish to use. After the 30 day trial, limited features are available, but text-to-speech Play button remains..

For more information on the features, click here.

As a teacher, you can register for the premium (paid) version for free here: