06. Catholic Church

After being held up by World War II among other factors, Father Davoren finally was granted leave to build a church next to the presbytery. Unfortunately, he had so much trouble finding an experienced contractor that he eventually tackled the job himself.

There was considerable excavation involved in preparing of the site, and this was started in September 1950. Father Davoren began digging the foundations in November 1951 and underwent test drilling to prove a solid rock foundation. Soon afterwards, concrete was poured and bricklayers set to work. Father Davoren himself carted, by train, all the marble which was used in the altar and altar rails. He used to go to Meriweather near Newcastle every weekend to bring back a block of marble for the construction.

On 11th May 1952, the foundation stone was blessed and laid. It took Father Davoren just under thirty months to complete his toil of love, which was finally opened in October 1953.

07. Cessnock Police Station