05. Catholic Presbytery

Walking past the Catholic Hall, you can see behind the beautiful trees, the Presbytery.

The Presbytery and church are built on what was once called Bridges Hill. While these buildings are relatively young, the parish of Cessnock worked towards them for many years. Until 1905, priests from Branxton visited Cessnock only every fortnight or so. Finally in May of that year, Father McAuliffe was appointed Pastor of Cessnock.

Soon afterward, coal was discovered and the township of Cessnock began booming, however the new home for the priest in Cessnock and the church itself were still a long way in the future. It wasn't until 1932 that Father Davoren, then the rector, was able to build the Presbytery beside the Catholic Hall. Continuing on we will now look at the church itself.

06. Catholic Church